Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 589, discussing the north

I have long I want to open a breakthrough in several landlords. Now I have heard Zhang's family actively wants to visit Huaxia mainland. This kind of good thing for this kind of benefit of the country will not agree.

Huo Yingdong: "Zhang Sheng said there, as long as the Chinese wants to go to the mainland, there is no welcome. For your Chinese rich continent, you are always welcome, you are welcome to invest and visit in the past."

"Little Bao Ban is invested in many factories in China, you can ask him if you don't understand. I believe that you will join this time to go to Huaxia Continental for a lot."

Zhang Yuliang did not expect Huo Yingdong to hear that he wants to go to the Huaxia mainland, it seems to be the abdomen of the gentleman. I just didn't accept the invitation of the mainland before I suspect that I would not be negligent, and now I seem to worry about it is excessive.

Huo Yingdong: "The recent movement of small boys is very big, that is, it is necessary to take care of themselves. What is it is still a careful, the Middle East is not peaceful."

Baozi Xuan knows that Huo is cared for himself, and it is too lazy to care for you. After all, the money is to lose the loss is also yourself, people don't want to watch the lively.

Bunzi Xuan: "Thank Huo Lao's concern, this is not no way. I promised the Saudi royal family and the Rosenie family as long as they helped Xiangjiang stabilized currency, the Black Cloud Group will invest in Saudi and Israel."

"They don't hesitate to sin, I can't make a message. Otherwise, there will be who will believe in you, this black cloud can get the right to cast a coin, to help Hong Kong Government stabilize the currency exchange rate; I have a loss! "

I have long heard that the Black Cloud Bank has got some of the coin, but only one can't believe it. It seems that I am afraid that it is cost-effective for $ 8 billion, after all, the gradual power of Hong Kong dollars has been in the British. This black cloud can open the breakthrough. It is very difficult.

At this time, the boat king said: "This thing is not light, and there is a lot of support rates in HSBC board, and many directors have invited him."

Huo Yingdong: "There is such a thing, then this investment is very cost-effective."

Dong Haoyun said with a smile: "It is still a small package. It seems that HSBC Bank has passed in a large era of Xiangjiang."

In fact, Huo Yingdong has been a news from Huaxia Bank, but every time I heard or let him feel blood boiling. HSBC has always existed in Xiangjiang, that is, because they have 70% of the coin coin in their hands, but now all this will be history. Before the Xiangjiang has not returned, the Hua Yaran Bank and British banks can score the coin share, and it is estimated that there is only this courage to have this courage.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Don't say my things, you have a funds in the future, you can consider the Black Cloud Bank. It will definitely support your support. After all, the purpose of the bank is to make money, do not think about making money."

It is estimated that these words are only Bao Zi Xuan dare to say this. The profit of the Black Cloud Group is really too horrible. It is not very concerned that people are not very concerned about banking.

Huo Yingdong: "Okay, I can find a small boy in the future. Now people have arrived almost, we still talk about the preparation of the mainland."

This scheme is scheduled to fly from Xiangjiang from 10:00 am on February 11, 1983, then stay in Huaxia, and then stay in Huaxia. You can find out what the continent is suitable for investment. Nowadays, Huaxia has many quality projects that require financial support. The same as the Yellow Ezon, we should vigorously support national construction on the basis of mutual benefit, so that the motherland can be rich.

These are all existence, and the Chinese continent invites their past purposes. It's better to cover it, let everyone have a heart. Huo Yingdong can say that the light that is doing this thing is not only the benefits of having a penny, but even have a lot of it every time. Especially in the development of national sports is a lot of support, donations and investment projects.

Huo Yingdong is generally in Dong Haoyun, but Dong Lao knows that the body is not as good as before. To choose a bit, then said: "I have not very good in the body recently. This time it is likely to last in the winter. The small bag has many industries in the Chinese Kyoto, and the old man is handed over to you, but we can't let us down."

I heard Dong Lao said that it is interested in improving the status of Baozi Xuan, although these people in the wealth is more than him. But after all, it is still too young. Many times, the status of the rivers and lakes can't pull up too much. Respect the old and love the young, the traditional virtues of Huaxia, and it is that Bunzi Xuan is still very low.

Dong Dong wants to make the saying to Bunxuan; this is the recognition of its strength, but also to talk to the richest man. This kind of thing has to be open, or it is too deliberate.

Bao Zixuan: "Please rest assured that this is, I have changed two housing in Kyoto. I have been a prostitute of the prince. All of them have made modern modifications, and they have to live comfortably."

"At the same time, in the diet will also be air from Australia and Xiangjiang, and the old doctor has arranged Chinese medicine and Western medicine to reside in our accommodation; everyone does not have to worry about logistics problems."

Baozi Xuan can arrange Peng Yifei to buy a lot of Siheyuan in Huaxia Kyoto, including two Bouzi's heads to the new renovation. And invite well-known craftsmen to invest in an unspecite, single glass material is used in more than 200 tons, which can be said that this era is definitely a large landscape in Kyoto.

These two houses have been opened now, as Bao Zixuan's residence in Kyoto. There will be many times and time in China, there is no need to stay in hotels and hotels.

A total of more than 30 million US dollars in single two houses is absolutely high in this age. At least 800 people live in life and living will not be crowded; many people think that the home of the package is not unreasonable in addition to the top value of the Forbidden City.

The boat king said: "I have long I heard that the small boy has purchased a lot of property in Huaxia Kyoto. This time we have to disturb."

Huo Yingdong is the most happy person, Baozi Xuan purchases the purpose of purchasing housing in Huaxia Kyoto. He is most closely enclosed in all Chinese people in Xiangjiang, after all, the opponent is mainly developing in the industrial sector, but also a high-tech enterprise. If Bunzi Xuan can increase investment in Huaxia, it is fundamentally solved for the national industrial layout.

Bao Zixuan: "Please rest assured, guarantee the comfortable and satisfied satisfaction of you. In addition, how many people want to bring how many people will say it in advance."

Li Zhai said with a smile: "It seems that the little boy is very confident, and the people we here have a lot."

Bunzi Xuan: "You is to bring your family in the past, I bought two front Qing Beizi Province in Huaxia. After more than a year, it is not a problem."

I heard Bunzu Xuan's purchase of such a large property in Huaxuan. The other tycoon expressions in Xiangjiang are very exciting. This kid eye is very good. Is it true that Huaxia Kyoto real estate is developing, or there will be great development throughout China.

Hu Yingxiang: "I heard that the small bag has survived a lot of wine, this time I have to taste it."

Bunzi Xuan: "Hur Sheng this year is a white meal, but we are hiding behind it. If you want to drink anything, you can't drink it. Guaranteed enough, absolutely satisfied."

The pre-exploration of the Humen Bridge has been completed, and the drawings are also in tense drawing. It can be said that Zhu Yuxiang is directly responsible for direct relationship. If you exchange other people, I may have to be dragged for a long time.

Dong Haoyun: "The small bag has earned a lot in this Hong Kong dollar crisis. We have to eat big houses in the past."

Bunzi Xuan: "I insist on buying property in Kyoto, I have a flying place for Xiangjiang business people in China. Not how much is it, it is not a high. It is just because Huaxia is still very poor. We have to make countries in the past The flower is a little bit, try not to add trouble to others. "

I heard the Bunzu Xuan said that many people have been caught, this young man is more thoughtful than they consider. It is also true of Huo Yung East. It seems that I will go to Huaxia life and the home try to get it. Many things are still going to learn more.

Zhang Yuliang did not expect Bunzi Xuan actually prestige and human fees in these people. It seems that Zhang Jiazhen is too quiet for too long. There are some outset with the Xiangjiang Society, and if you want to integrate only such activities, sometimes it is really a blessing.

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