Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 590 Bao Huo Dong Mining Company Annual Summary Conference

There is still a period of dinner, Baozi Xuan et al. Began to prepare for the board of directors. It is mainly to summarize the one-year work of Bao Huo's Mining Company, as well as the development and expansion plan for next year.

People who come over know what is going on. Everyone can meet the opportunity to meet, mainly everyone is too busy, and there are huge companies that need to manage. This time, I can gather together in Huo Yingdong, it is a good opportunity. Huo is also wanting everyone to come over. Hold the board of directors involved great interest, just want to find an excuse, but I don't dare to find it.

Huo Yingdong arranges the Gongzi to accompany other tycons, although some of them are alien, but now they are not so much. Time is not all people will pass the Chinese continent. For example, Ye Shili is not prepared, he is mainly operating a casino business, which is an industry that is prohibited in the Huaxia mainland.

When I came to the Hobu Convention and the staff had already prepared the projector early. Bao Zi Xuan's computer is carrying with you, Bao Huo Dong Mining Company data is in the computer, and it is also in his mind.

Huo Yingdong insisted that the host is given to Bunxuan, although it is in his home. It is now a Bao Huo's Mining Company to hold a board of directors, as the company's person in charge and the largest shareholder package, the first rich, should sit the first place.

Come over to participate in the meeting is the shareholders of Bao Huo's Mining Company. Since the relationship has been eased, the boat king has appeared from the new board. This is the situation that everyone wants to see, after all, the directors are not very good for the company's development.

Bao Zixuan turned on the computer and linked to the projector, he would report to shareholders to the development and revenue status of the company in the past year, as well as the next year's expansion plan.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I have long I want to report to the revenue of Bao Huo's mining company, but the opportunity to get together is too difficult. This time I have this opportunity, we will hold in Huo Laun A temporary board. "

"Bao Huo Dong Mining Company last year's main income is still in rare earth exports; we have last year's rare earth sales of $ 3.28 billion, remove all expenditure profits of $ 13.9 billion. Rare earth pricing rights in us, this year's sales price will last year On the basis of 3 points. "

"In the first two phases of our steel factory, we have been put into production. Last year, there were 6.7 million tons of high quality steel, and all expenditures were 32 billion Chinese currency. This is mainly because we are constantly expanding the plant and conduct other investments in the local area. After the third phase of this year, the profit will further rise. "

"In this way, the company's profit this year is $ 13.9 billion and 3.2 billion Chinese currency. As for each financial expenditure, there will be data sent to you. Here I will mention more, you can go back and look back. If you have any questions, you can come out. If you have any questions, you can mention it. Let's solve it together. "

Seeing the revenue data Bao Xuan still thinks that it is wrong, no one will think of Bao Huo Dong Mining Company so make money; it is not so fast.

In fact, the main reason is the reason for exclusive business, 80% of rare earths in the world are produced by Bao Huo Dong Mining Company, which has highly monopoly. And Bunzi is still a person who is more embarrassed, strictly controls rare earth prices.

It is the same price as Black Cloud Group's purchase of rare rare materials in Bao Huo's mining company. It is just a priority. This makes other shareholders not saying more, after all, Bao Zi Xuan is so, do you have a special thing than a bag.

Bunzi Xuan then said: "I don't think this company will make this company so much, but you can't put so much money in the account, this is a serious waste of resources."

"There is there two options to choose from everyone. First, take out 10 billion US dollars as shareholders' dividends, other as a spare fund. No one can apply for use, as long as it is reasonable."

"The second is to take 5 billion US dollars as shareholders' dividend, and the rest of the funds in the Middle East. With the popularity of the car, the future demand for oil will be large, now the price is not too high, can start. As a mining company It is necessary to ensure the diversification and continuation of mining development. The rare earth resources have a dug, what should we do when we do, do it look at the company's close closures, and prepare the company to continue to develop. "

Dong Haoyun said with a smile: "The small bag, I did a decadive business or the first time to earn so much money, what do you say to do so. Your resolution is our Director's decision, there will never have two words."

The boat trip said: "I agree with Dong Lao's opinion, the little boy wants to buy oil fields in the Middle East, then there is its truth, the package is firmly supported."

Hearing the two major shareholders have already expressed, others know that they don't use it, after all, the shares have more than half, they can only listen to drink.

Baozi Xuan: "The Middle East is fighting, the past to buy oil field will definitely be risk. If you have problems, don't blame me, after all, the money is a little thing, we have hurt and you will buy it."

Huo Yingdong: "This company is established under your call. The development plan is you decided. There is no smashing, you are the company's biggest shareholder, I believe you will not harm the interests of the company."

Rare earth buyers are more high than this profit, Huo Yingdong and Baozi Xuan are negotiable to make a lot of money in taxes, and also donate, repair road, and improve the living environment. It is still absolutely more than this.

Baozi Xuan's practice makes Huaxia 's mainland satisfaction, but also let Huo Yingdong are very pleased, so there is no two words when it is proposed to buy oilfield, resolutely support.

Li Chao said also said: "I also firmly support you, with 5 billion US dollars, we can live a fertilizer year."

Li Chao has returned some of the equity with land. Now the company's data is so bright, Li Chao feels that he is very exciting this time. And the initial agreement, the transfer of the shares all returned to Li Chao, this is a hundred million dollars.

Ye Sili said with a smile: "You don't have any opinions, it seems that this company's dividends are enough for my overhead, and I can find a lot of girlfriends."

Here is only Zheng Yu with some opinions, just don't want to look at Bao Zi Xuan, don't want to listen to bag Xuanxi. But seeing almost all shareholders support this kid, this time can only be done, or wait for the right opportunity to start. As long as it is caught his handle, it is not allowed to make the company's management rights can't, this is a hen of diamond egg.

Bunzi Xuan: "Since I will examine the distribution of oil resources in the Middle East, since I have an oil field, I can discuss it with Huaxia, and see where to build a petrochemical factory."

"In addition, we have to build our own gas stations in Xiangjiang, so that Xiangjiang citizens can use the quality of gasoline with low price. Li Sheng's China gas can also use our own natural gas, and Dong Lao and the boat king can see if you can see In many parts of the tanker, our own goods should be given priority. "

"The asphalt in the simultaneous refining process can be used to repair the way, whether in the Xiangjiang or in the Chinese mainland, see Hu Sheng can find a few way to make us repair."

"Petrochemicals can also produce plastic products, which can be provided to Daxie. Now I want to set up a sponge and paint enterprise in Huaxia, we have enough raw materials."

I have seen so much benefits in the field of entering the petrochemical industry, and all shareholders are more excited. It seems that the factory is really making money, at least let them feel more than real estate, who makes it now are the Xiangjiang real estate crisis!

Bunzi Xuan then said: "Then, according to 5 billion US dollars, everyone confirmed the number."

The staff took a dividend report to let all the tycoon signed, in fact, two sets of options. It is waiting for the resolution at the general meeting to come out again.

Everyone saw the data, it was very happy, Bao Zi Xuan accounted for 33.5%, the dividend amount was 1.675 billion US dollars; Huo Yingdong accounted for 27%, the dividend amount was 1.35 billion US dollars, Bao Yugang took 18%, dividend the amount of $ 900 million. Dong Haoyun accounts for 10% of the stock, and the dividend amount is $ 500 million; Zheng Yumi is 4%, dividend amount is $ 200 million; Hu Yingxiang is 2%, dividend amount is $ 100 million; He Hongsheng, Li Chao, Ye Lyley respectively 1.5% of the stock, divided into $ 75 million. Li Zhai accounts for 1%, divided into 50 million US dollars.

After signing the confirmation, Bao Zi Xuan said: "Tomorrow fund will go to the account, please rest assured."

Li Zhai suddenly said: "There is only my share of my shares. You are not in my minimum shareholder. You can't let me do the least shareholder, less money is small, every time I am in the last face. "

He said that everyone laughed, but Bao Zixuan felt that this may be a chance. So say: "Li Sheng, if there is time, I have something to find you, we can talk well."

It can be said that many people feel uncomfortable. Is it really wanted to sell the shares; it would be too losses. But this is a personal matter, that is, if you want to discourage it, you can't take the side of Li Zhaki, isn't it a sinner!

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