Jane has seen a lot of reports on the Yulin Institute of Technology, and it is not necessary to take care of it; or ask some people who don't know, this can attract readers.

Jane: "There is a huge role in the role of the role aircraft in the Maima War. The British soldiers took the role of the Argentina to capture the Argentine Governor. It can be said that it is very strategic value. How do you think of developing this weapon."

The role aircraft is definitely the highest technology product, which makes all the big countries have launched a related study after investing in actual combat. It can be said to have a roaming of a role in role aircraft.

Bunzi Xuan: "First corrected a word, the role aircraft is not a weapon. R & D is only used as a transportation tool; I have a courier company in the United States, but due to the high air transportation cost, I am using other express companies. There is no advantage in competition. "

"It is the aircraft that is learning aviation professional, I think that it can develop a large transportation amount, low cost, and all-day, all-in-life, and the landing of the whole terrain; because only such a product can take off in the competition "

"Just see the research topics about ground effects at this time, this aircraft successfully developed. As for the British Army to capture the President of Argentine, it is because of their own courage and military plan care. Black Cloud Group Just sell to the British military vehicle, others have no relationship with us. "

Jane knows that Bao Zixuan does not want to recognize production weapons, after all, this is not a good reputation. Although the black cloud has achieved military license, many things do not want to admit that you have no way.

Jane: "I can ask some private questions!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "Of course, I don't know anything this person, there is nothing to conceal."

Jane: "You said that the root aircraft is to enhance the competitive advantage of the courier company. According to my knowledge of Lei Xuan Express, Mrs. Morgan and the company established together."

"And when you graduated, Miss Morgan also deliberately congratulated, and two people standing on your left and right, which should be a girlfriend to be able to enjoy."

"In addition, Morgan Miss has a very cool performance and an unusual sports car. I heard that it is from you. This sports car is you personally design, only one of the world, and put relevant patents along with the car Miss Morgan. "

"Everyone cares about whether you are a couple! After all, many things will be doing things between couples."

As a journalist of wealth,

It must be very concerned about the Morgan family. This is a huge family that can be shake the United States and the world economy, holding a lot of 500 companies in the world, and wealth magazines cannot ignore the existence of Morgan family.

Recel Morgan as a Morgan family, plus herself, in the United States, but a household name. After the birthday, I received a sports car who came over from Xiangjiang Baozi Xuan, which was a sensation of the entire New York City, and the magazine of wealth is not known.

Baozi Xuan wants to say: "I said that I have no reason to refute, after all, two people are a couple's approach. But we have not done anything, you can say more respect."

"I am related to the feelings of the feelings, the growth environment of the child. After all, I saw that my mother life was so hard to think about it. If I got a girlfriend, I would be responsible for the girl. I won't be looking for a marriage. That is a waste. Everyone can also say that it is a feeling of playing with women. "

"But as a spoke, we also have our own romance. When I saw the heart, I learned to express my love, so when I came to Xiangjiang, I suddenly chatted to the sports car, I think I want to design one. Cars with her temperament. "

"At the time, I chatted on my car, I took a notebook with my laptop, so I started to make a picture, probably only used half an hour."

"If it is impossible to complete in normal case, it may not be blocked between the inspiration. This sports car is inspired by Rehel Morgan, so of course, it will not sell to others, then It is a blasphemy for inspiration and mind. "

"The two people can say that there is no one, there is a thought of each other, but it is not so good. Finally, I didn't have it because of my sake; the old Morgan called me to enter the replacement family, that is, the door The son-in-law was severely refused by me. "

"In the hearts of the Chinese people are forced to be forced, many are those who are poor in the family will choose into en suite. The media named me as the Chinese rich, if I went to do the girl, then they can be accepted by the whole Chinese society. "

"So this man's stubborn defended love, two people can't do this. But everyone is still a friend, after all, there is no contradiction between us."

Hearing there is such a paragraph, Jane is very regrettable. However, I also know that the reader will not be less, but it is a love story that mixes the first rich and Ms. Morgan.

Jane: "I am very curious about your girlfriend, I want to know who can be the first lady of Black Cloud. You have any requirements for the other half, and the media report say you with Zheng Jiajia, Songshi Snow, Jessica - Mellon has passed the gossip, just don't know what the specific situation is, the public is very curious. "

Baozi Xuan did not expect that wealth magazine actually surveyed so detailed, these women have a collection with him. However, in addition to Zheng Jiajia, there is nothing other than the meaning, more is misunderstood and catching the wind.

In fact, wealth magazine has also investigated a few female stars who have passed the intersection of the same bunxuan, but later discovered that it is just the speculation of the gossip media. The status of the bag will not go to them, so there is no mention.

Baozi Xuan: "How to wealth magazine also began to transform to gossip small news, these are nothing to do with the economy."

Know that this problem Bunxuan may be angry, so I am ready to prepare in Jane. Laughing: "As a big business manner, your other half is not just a matter, involving the fate of millions of employees on the black cloud, more will extend to the development of the world economy."

Bao Zixuan did not expect that wealth magazine is so high for his evaluation, I don't know what to say when I am. In fact, from the establishment of Black Cloud Bank, the Arab and Jews can sit together to open a press conference, and the powerful relationship between the Soviet Union is combined with the strength of the Black Cloud Group, making many people think that Bunzi Xuan has already already one. A emerging family is rising, but it is not fully reflected yet.

The reporter said some truth, Baozi Xuan is not refuted. So smiled and said: "The United States with Songshi is because of the same flight to the United States, our seat is just right. At the same time, in the Los Angeles show, this is also a kind of fate!"

"But there is nothing between us. Everyone is just a general friend relationship. It may be that there is no misunderstanding. I have not seen this Japanese girl for a long time. It is a competitive relationship with Panasonic, and there is no too much. Pay attention. "

"Zheng Jiajia and my mother are very familiar, with my relationship. Everyone basically does not communicate, so the media reports more guess."

"As for Jessica Menlong is my roommate, I happened when she passed the birthday; in the way, I got a gift, I can say that the intersection is not a lot."

"In addition, I hope not to report the girl with me. I am a man doesn't matter. They are all girls, and they have to take care of the reputation; the most important to marry, let the future husband and their families will look at them."

"As for what kind of person you want to find, there is no specific feeling. Fortunately, I have encountered my heart, if there is no accident, I will not consider others any more."

"We just started and don't want people to bother her normal life. I hope that the public can leave some space to us, after all, private life still wants to keep confidential."

I heard the Bunzi Xuan said that there is already a girlfriend, Jane thinks that it should be the last time the Tiema came to Xiangjiang to hold the partner of Bao Zi Xuanban. But people say that they don't want people to bother their lives, or don't ask for it, or how to get angry.

In addition, I didn't see Bun Zixuan after the last female companion, nor is it. About emotional problems can only pass, after all, the bag must have been very fit. There is no need to continue the roots of the roots, then it is too much.

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