Baozi Xuan can answer the feelings of emotional problems, it is very powerful, it can be said that it is better than Jane Impression, it has exceeded a lot of expectations, there is no need to tangle other.

Time is almost the same, to start with the topic of the future development direction, and what is Bao Zixuan's view to technology development. Now Bun Zixuan is absolutely the authority of the scientific and technological field, Jane also thinks that it is possible to communicate well with the bag, these can be invisible wealth.

Jane: "At present, it is possible to say that the development prospects of the Black Cloud Group will be ahead of this era. Everyone is very curious as a young man with a foundation for five years, you do it. Any group will Developed in that direction, of course, what is your favorite project. "

This is a very big topic, which has risen to the entire group. It seems that this reporter wants to make a summary, but this is good, you can waste it without so much time.

. Baozi Xuan: "The foreground is from what to say, I always believe that the Black Cloud Group is only 37 months away. A technology company has not made innovation and changes within 3 years, it is likely that it will be surpassed by the opponent. That has no existence If necessary, the annual R & D investment in the Black Group has more than 50% of the profits, and only through continuous innovation can benefit in the market.

"Technology investment needs to continue, Rome is not able to build a day. I don't think a company can invest more products, unless the company is genius."

"The Black Cloud Group is a high-tech company. This position will not change. Therefore, we have to do it is the development of new products, new technology. If you don't want to be the Hong Kong government, I really don't want to enter the banking industry, I am Easy interest in the industry is not big. "

"As for you to talk about the future development direction of the black cloud, there is only one to explore new technology, new materials, new technologies. This development direction will never change, and you have to stick to it."

"I said that I may enter some areas that do not make money but can contribute to human development, such as immigrant Mars, develop space mining business, etc.

"Humanity can say very small in the vast universe, I want to see there is an alien technology in the outer space. And the globe is not able to exist in unlimited periods, and human beings should not only give up space exploration only for their interests."

Wealth reporters listen to Bao Zi Xuan wants to explore outer space, it is funny, which is a very burning activity. The investment of a moon moon in the United States costs nearly 100 billion dollars, and is still 10 years ago. It is also strong, such as the United States and the Soviet Union, don't dare to explore space, after all, the stuff is too burning, and there is no economic benefit. However, the head of the bag is actually thinking of immigration Mars. It seems that people's heads are different from they think.

Jane said with a smile; "I look forward to having a day,

I also want to go to the Mars. "

Bunzi Xuan: "Everything is just an empty idea, but I think the future will be realized."

Jane: "There is still the last problem, you have worried that the Black Cloud Group is too high because the volume is too large and the market share is too high.

I heard that Bunxuan feels that it is a kind of test for Americans. After all, wealth magazines can be one of the most authoritative publications in the world economy. It is definitely able to understand some trends of the US government, and may even have interest spokespersons in the government.

Jane is so questioning that the US Department of Commerce has not made a determination or has not found evidence, but there is already a diaper to see how he is reacting. However, Bao Zi Xuan knows that the identity of the Black Cloud Group is very embarrassed, and the promotion of the country is very limited. It seems that everything can only rely on himself.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "How to explain the so-called anti-monopoly investigation, Black Cloud always produces the highest-ended products of the same category. Many companies have no research and development capabilities, and there is no such thing in the world."

"I have always believed that anti-monopoly investigations should not appear in companies that increase research and investment, research and development of a product requires huge research and development funding. If you can't occupy how the market can produce benefits, there is no benefit that has funded to continue research and development."

Enterprises who want to engage in research have given up, how can human society progress. Therefore, the Black Cloud Group is not worried about anti-monopoly investigations, and more worry that some people have a heart in the back. "

"If you really want to face anti-monopoly allegations, the Black Cloud Group will not sit. Any law firm around the world can help win the lawsuit, I don't recommend paying a high-end lawyer fee in history."

It can be said that Bao Zixuan's answer is full of vigor, let Jane know this young man is definitely not like showing that livestock.

The interview basically ended, and the wealth magazine photographer took a few photos to Bunzu Xuan, and went back to screen to screen to screen it to be used as a magazine cover.

. Time is at noon, everyone walked towards the restaurant. When I saw the food of the black cloud, the wealth magazine staff thought that the black clouds were like the legend.

Jane: "Mr. Bao, I have long heard that the black cloud staff is very good, comparable to a five-star hotel, it seems that it is not empty. It can come here to work is very happy. It seems that I have to communicate with the company. Improve our treatment. "

Bao Zixuan: "The black cloud staff here is very hard, overtime is the common thing. I always think that no one can work only 40 hours a week, I can change the world. I don't want to exploit the employee, because of technology development I will refund. If we can't work hard, then people who have worked hard than our efforts are very normal. "

Although there is some truth in Baozi Xuan, many people still can't understand. The cost of Europe and America is also very related, or it is impossible for this era to transfer industries to Asia.

Jane: "What products are mainly produced here, can we go to the workshop!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "Of course, there is no problem, here is mainly to produce average aircraft. However, Black Cloud has bought all the land nearby. When you come out, you will expand the factory. I am ready to create a special black cloud. Area. "

"The future will become the headquarters of the entire Black Cloud Group, but the design is not very satisfied; there is no expectation, so there is no start."

Jane didn't expect Bunzi Xuan dared to invest at this time, and the situation of Xiangjiang is not optimistic.

Jane: "As far as I know the Xiangjiang situation is not very clear, it is not some adventure at this time."

. Bao Zi Xuan said: "There is no adventure, the company does not have much concern. Otherwise, it will never do something, there is no perfect place in the world; Xiangjiang is relatively good."

bxwx.o . "The transportation is convenient, and the climate is very suitable for work and life. Although the business should consider the political factor, it cannot be left or so by political, no matter what country needs industrial support."

"Many things are destroyed from new construction. It has also accumulated a lot of experience when the second construction is, which is also a more reasonable than the previous construction."

Jane found that Bunxuan's discouragement is really more than, and it is difficult to have a single order of guts. It may also be that there is no money in your hands, and money and talent are his bottom gas.

Bao Zixuan pointed to say that Huaying will not be able to fight in Xiangjiang, and the regression surface of Xiangjiang will be very peaceful. And after returns, there is a better support for China, which is not to look good!

Eating lunch Fortune magazine staff began to visit the production workshop of the role aircraft, Bunxuan did not accompany them. He wants to go to the wear and wolf factory to understand the situation, because the R & D team encounters the technical bottleneck, urgently needs him to help solve. When the reporters see that the three-way aerobes are assembled, they are very spectacular. These products that need money can be piled up, and the Black Cloud Group may be powerful than anyone.

One single can analyze one or two, and the degree of automation of the workshop is too high. Wealth magazine reporters have also been to many factories, and they have never seen which factory is more advanced and intelligent than the Black Cloud Group's equipment.

Bao Zixuan has developed a lot of professional CNC machine tools and robots. If you don't do it, you will regret it when you pay the patent usage fee for Japan and Germany companies.

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