The Wealth Magazine is leaving with satisfactory results. They have seen too much in the Black Cloud Group. Not only understand the design concept of Bunzi Xuan product design and inspiration, but also to know the affection for the head. Before it was just a gossip, the parties did not say anything, and now the head is rich and has been recognized, so it seems that it is basically eight or nine.

But at the same time, it will make the world's large number of young women sad, the name of the first diamond king of the world is not white.

Wealth Magazine has returned to the content of this interview. In the next period of wealth magazine, we can meet with the readers, and the photos of Bao Zi Xuan will also appear on the current cover, as the most influential economic figures in 1982.

However, these Tongbao Xuan did not have a great relationship, because he is about to carry out talks with Li Zhakei.

For the invitation of Bun Zixuan, Li Zhai is not very understanding, but as a typhoon-based person who is galloping for many years in the mall, it can also guess some.

After Li Zhai returned home, he began to analyze what it would be in his hand. The most wanted to get it. After finishing it, it was found that only the first rich in the New Territories is most hope.

As one of the five tigers of Xiangjiang Real Estate, Li Zhakei's development route is very different from other semen. The main business of Hengji, from two aspects, one is to develop old buildings.

Many Xiangjiang people have immigrated or leaving Xiangjiang, but their ancestors are not sold. Li Zhakei arranges people to advertise in the world, as long as the Xiangjiang Chinese can see. Thinking about it, you can solve all the problems as long as you go back to Xiangjiang. There is no use of the house. Many people don't plan to return to Xiangjiang life. Basically, they will sell the house to Hengji. This is the most cost-effective practice, and Hengji Sailor will solve more problems.

Li Zhakei gives the price relatively reasonable, and it will not be due to people who are not in the Xiangjiang River. Therefore, in the demolition and development of the old community, Li Zhai is definitely the first person in Xiangjiang.

The second aspect is to take a lot of places in the New Territories, which can be said to be one of the largest landlords in the New Territories. Baozi Xuan's most want to get the land of the new world, as for other projects in Hengji Songye, the richest body is not necessarily to be able to see.

Since I know what I want, Li Zhai is more reliable, so there is a negotiation chip, not so passive.

Or is the peninsula, Li Zhakei has booked a room waiting for Bao Zixuan. He knows that you want to get the shares of Bao Huo's Mining Company at this time, it is the only chance. This time you have passed it, you can get more in this life. Because as long as it is published in financial data, then Bao Huo's Mining Company is definitely the second company in Xiangjiang City. He must not buy how many shares can be afforded.

Know that Li Zhake is waiting for Bunxuan,

Mi Gao - Jia Daoguo talked to a day in the room. Until Bao Zi Xuan came over and greeted and leaving, the two big ould definitely be something to talk. It does not want people to know if it is not necessary to discuss this suspicion.

Bao Zixuan: "I am very sorry, let Li Si have waited."

Li Zhai: "Banheng laughs, I am just going to a while; you are not late, it is more than 5 minutes before we agree."

The waiter starts to go to the dishes for the two, and everyone is not a waste of time.

Bunzi Xuan: "Li Sheng should guess me to come over, everyone is an acquaintance, I will open the door, I don't have to hide, which is likely to be."

In fact, Bunxuan does not want to come over to negotiate, but sometimes respect is more important than anything. If a professional manager is coming over, Li Zhaoshi will feel that it is not enough attention to it.

Li Zhakei said with a smile: "I haven't respond yet, and I will clean up the assets after I go back. I found that the only interesting of the birthplace can only be located in the new world."

"Banheng wants to build a group headquarters in the New Territories. Although I really want to get the shares of Bao Huo's Mining Company, this is a hen of a golden egg. But as a friend still wants to remind Your new community is very complicated, is not suitable for large-scale construction, I don't know if I don't know the rights policy. "

"Ding" is an adult man, Zhuangbin, and the "right" is the right, rights and interests; so "Ding Right" policy is the boy of Xiangjiang former residents, there is the right to apply for a legal land to the government.

After the 1967 Saturday, and the 1970s government plans to develop a new community, in order to obtain the support of the new sector, the Xiangjiang Government implemented "small house policy" in December 1972, stipulated in the age of 18, and the father is from the 1890s. The newly recognized rural residents of the rural residents.

Each person can apply for a total of 3 layers of high three-layer high, no more than 65 square meters per area, and do not need to pay the government to the government. The right to build Ding House is Ding Right.

On November 29, 1972, Li Duanyi, the Minister of Civil Affairs, announced that Ding Houfeng was only a short-term measures in a short period of time when announced to the Legislative Council. The aim is to hoping to build Ding Hut, allowing the original residents to achieve a better environment, reflecting the ding house is just a temporary chapter policy, and there is no recognition of the original residents.

The Government also sets "restrictions on the transfer of trading transfer", which requires the original residents of Ding Hut to apply to the original residents to apply to the government, and obtain the written consent of the local commissioner. The land of Xingwu is usually located in the village or agricultural land of the New Territories or the Islands.

According to the estimation of the New Town Township, there is 240,000 male original residents who Shen Jian Ding House (commonly known as "Ding Right"). The "Rating Ordinance" developed in 1973 stipulates in the countryside, including Ding Hut, can be paid off.

The lattime often said that there are 70% of the land in Xiangjiang, and there is also a big relationship with the rights policies. The new community is too complicated, and many people who have Ding House are reluctant to move, or want to get huge demolition compensation.

The developer needs to be submitted to the government to pay to the government, but also compensate the demolition costs of the owner of the Ding House. In combination with the new housing price, there is no development value and necessary.

Bao Zixuan: "I am not very in the development of real estate, and please Li Sheng points to the fan."

Li Zhakei: "When Xiangjiang housing prices, many people want to develop a new community, due to the complexity of the situation, the project is stranded. Development New Territories need to purchase a lot of Ding House, but also to the Hong Kong Government Buy the land next to Ding House. Not only to make up Pay the price difference between Ding House to give Hong Kong. Look at the land price is very cheap, but it is actually two or even higher land prices. "

"If it is just a little more land prices, it is nothing, but I heard that real estate developers should develop land. Many people want to build Ding House near the land, and 240,000 people have this qualification throughout the new community."

"Imagine that the high-end real estate is the kind of Ding House in the construction of a strange strange, there is anyone to come here to buy a house."

Bao Zixuan did not expect that things were so complicated, this would be blamed for development of real estate.

Bao Zixuan: "So how do Li Sheng still buy so many land in the New Territories? Don't you worry about these! Everyone is a friend, since you all see that I want to build a black cloud headquarters in the new world, as a real estate in Xiangjiang for many years Real estate tycoon should have a strategy. Also, Li Sheng can advice 12, don't be private, or not enough. "

Li Zhai really wants some shares of Baohuo Mining Company, but many things should be clear in advance. Otherwise, the head is unfacked, and it is necessary to blame yourself after the construction. A person who is sin so may not be a good thing. When I encounter a crisis, I really can't get it.

Li Zhai: "In fact, I also considered this problem, but Hengji-sianda is mainly low-end real estate in New Territories. These customers are not so high."

"There is about 975 square kilometers in the New Territories. Of course, there is 233 islands; but the main area is also 300 square kilometers, which is much larger than the Jiulong and Xiangjiang Island."

"If you want to develop a new community, then you must solve the rights issue, the most direct way is to buy to people with dip and power. Then compensate the land price to the Hong Kong government, but this cost will be very high."

"There is another way to get a big hill, as the first peak of Xiangjiang, there is very suitable for building a holiday villa. However, it is a big area, and it is necessary to open the relationship between the Hong Kong Government. After all, there is public green space."

"After winning a big hill, buy the land between the big hoody mountains to Tianshui. All add up to 70 square kilometers, not much smaller than the area of ​​Xiangjiang Island."

"Such a big place wants to build anything enough, you can continue to expand out."

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