Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 621 Super Specification Pickup

Everyone is also discussing and analyzing the investment field, the plane has arrived in Kyoto. In-machine broadcasts began to inform the passengers to land, although everyone is still unfinished, there are countless problems want to ask the bag. However, I also know that now I have arrived in Huaxia Kyoto, and the first rich will definitely be very busy. I can't continue to disturb people.

Liu Wei went to Bunzi Xuan, saying that he said: "Mr. Huo Yingdong, please in the past. For a while, you will have to go to the plane with him, will have leadership."

Bunzi Xuan knows that you can't continue to sit here, that is, you can find trouble for flight and reception staff. So replied: "Okay, no problem."

After finishing the flight attendants, I walked to the head, where it was his original seat. Before just wanted to listen to the sound sound, it was purely a personal preference.

I saw that Bunzi Xuan came over Huo Yingdong and said: "Little boy, sometimes it is so low. This is not so embarrassed, where to sit down, where to sit."

Although Huo Yingdong speaking is a little hard, this is also to remind Bunxuan. The river of Xiangjiang has become a benchmark in the Xiangjiang River, and a row must affect the view and understanding of the Chinese people in Xiangjiang people. The exchange behavior looks low-key, but sometimes it is inferiority that is too low. What person should be sitting in what position, you can say that Huo Yingdong said that this is also hard.

The head of the bag also knows that what is going on in the future cannot be hobbied. If you want to listen to the engine sound, you can choose to take a charter, or you can test the new aircraft. It seems that people have become not so free after the money, Bao Zi Xuan often gives people what to reflect in the end.

On February 11, 1983, Kyoto Time Xiangjiang Chinese rich charter arrived in Huaxia Kyoto International Airport.

The Kyoto Airport can be said to be very grand. At this time, Huaying has not reached a consensus on the problem of Xiangjiang. In other words, everything in Xiangjiang is the number of unknown. At this time, Xiangjiang Chinese rich can come over Huaxia mainland is not just like patriotic feelings. There is also a big political significance.

These people who came to the mainland were in Xiangjiang, and there were many companies, but there were many companies. Xiangjiang ordinary citizens were working on them. If these richers support the return of Xiangjiang, then in public opinion, the British government will not say any reason.

At the same time, people come over, but to take risks and bear the risk of pressing the Hong Kong and British government. After going back, the Hong Kong and British government will definitely wear the shoes, after all, in this case, the river is under the management of the British.

Everyone has no baggage, even if you can't get it at this time. This causes the buns Xuan very embarrassing, without any bodyguards and, the computer has become a troublesome item.

See the computer bag in Bunzi Xuan,

Liu Wei quickly took over and said: "Waiting for me to send you to the car, now it is not very aspect."

Here is the high-rise from Huaxia to pick up the plane. If Bun Zixuan is holding hands, he also collected a computer bag. That is too polite, it is too casual.

Baozi Xuan handed the computer package to Liu Wei, and said: "That will trouble Miss Liu, wait for one will give it to my hand."

It seems that it is insufficient, and you can't do this next time. Baozi Xuan actually worried that his computer, the secret inside is too much. But I don't think it is, and there should be no one can crack the computer password. Huaxia has no performance of industrial computers in China, even if there is something to do.

This time, 84 super rich in the Chinese mainland will take a plane first, as for their family members will have a special person to send them to the residence. Huo Yingdong is in front, he will introduce both parties; after all, only Huo Lao is most familiar with the people.

Although Bao Zixuan does not want to grab the limelight, what is the position of what people stand if Huo said. As the rivers of Xiangjiang, it is not his low-key now, this time the world is watching. Xiangjiang Chinese tycoon group comes over Huaxia mainland is definitely a heavy news. There is no one in history. It can be said that there is no ancient people, and it is difficult to come.

After Huo Yingdong walked down the plane, Dong Haoyun, Bao Yun just followed; then Bao Zi Xuan and Hu Yingxiang. It can be said that this is a result of considering the age, the position of the rivers and lakes, and how much the amount of investment in the mainland has been considered.

All Chinese tycoon, all Chinese tycoon, can come over, which is support for the cause of the motherland. In this year, it also pays special attention to the reception method of ultra-high specifications.

After Bao Xuan, I saw that Zhao's deputy summary Wu Minister was in the reception team, which made everyone were stunned. After all, a national leader is also this treatment, they are just ordinary businessmen.

Huo Yingdong introduced the two sides, many people in Xiangjiang, but the first time came over Huaxia mainland; not very familiar with the reception staff of Huaxia, heard that Huo Yingdong introduced incredible.

At this time, Wu Minister is not the original deputy director, but becomes a positive minister. In addition to the deputy of Zhao, this level of pick-up is not many in the history of China.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan stood in front of him, Zhao said, said: "Mr. Xiaobao, we haven't seen it for a long time, you are more spiritual, you are so good!"

Bao Zixuan did not expect Zhao Diaguan to say so, so greetings should not appear in this case. However, since people have already said, the head is rich must make a response, laugh and say: "Thank Zhao's deputy general concern, this is not to see you, definitely adjust the status. But your hair is a lot, busy. Also pay attention to the body. "

Baozi Xuan saw that Zhao's deputy is a lot more than a year ago. Now the development of Huaxia has entered a critical period, Xiangjiang problem is urgently needed. It can be said that leadership is very busy every day, and the pressure is also very big. After all, their decisions are related to thousands of people, they can't have a half-hit.

Zhao said, said: "I am older, just how to pay attention to hair will be white. In the future, the country wants to develop or rely on your young people. In the last two years, there is very big, you can take a look at it. There are many fields worth investing, and many countries have been open to Xiangjiang merchants, which is a good opportunity. "

The person next to him did not expect Bun Zixuan to Zhao's deputy general relationship, it would be so good, it can be chatted for so long; after all, there are many people, and each person's reception time is very limited. However, I don't think much about Bunzi Xuan's investment in Huaxia's mainland and its own wealth. As the head of the world's largest high-tech company, the head of the head is absolutely a man who belongs to the ring.

Bao Zixuan: "This time, it is to investigate what new investment projects in Huaxia mainland. I have some fundamental role in Kyoto's home appliance plant. See how to solve problems."

Zhao's vice criticize the meaning of Bao Zixuan, and the reasons for the slow progress of Kyoto home appliance plant. Before investing in the Middle East, the Black Cloud Group has been suspended in the Huaxia mainland, and it has been affected by the Shanghai Automobile Factory.

In addition, Kyoto's thought has not changed, and it is considered that there is a lot of high-end compared to the car. The level of work is not very enough, and the progress will naturally be slow.

But now the black cloud appliances have been defeated in the international market, and if it cannot accounted for the cost advantage, it will be difficult to turn over. This time, Kyoto is to solve the problem, and use the artificial cost advantage to compete with the international giants. There is also a domestic market to consider that the consumption capacity in China's mainland is not good.

Zhao's deputy summoned that Bunzi Xuan intends to accelerate the home appliance factory project, very gratified. However, I know that this kid is definitely to let myself urge you to urge Kyoto. After all, Kyoto has some problems, at least no car projects are so active.

This occasion can be said that a few sentences have been very rare, let alone the purpose has been reached, Bunzi Xuan hurriedly greeted others. This time you can come to pick up the opportunity to deal in the future, there are a lot, at least to meet each other.

Zhao Vice President made a short speech at the airport, which can be said to save time as possible. Huaxia has considered climate factors; from Xiangjiang Come in Huaxia Jingdu temperature difference, although everyone has thickened clothing, it can be adapted to climate needs a process.

Many people in the Chinese tycoon have been high, and they can not stand it. If you can't get sick because you have a long time outside, it is not worth you.

After the trucks took the bus, their family talented began to take off the plane. The family's diet is on the plane, but everyone has been full of years of life, and everyone is full of life.

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