The Chinese tycoon will go directly to the black cloud car. Today, it is necessary to adjust the state, and it is not so anxious that this time is not short. What can be said afterwards, mainly, I want the elderly to adapt to the climate environment. As for their families, they will take the bus; the luggage is transported to Kyoto yesterday, and they have sent their own rooms.

Such a motor is in this year, after all, the private car is not allowed to have a car. Huaxia's economy has not been very good. In addition, it is not a lot of people who have caused government and enterprise car ownership. Kyoto also did not have traffic jams, and in the later generations, they did not dare to imagine.

The reception staff did not come over this time, the etiquette and the face have been given. Also let the Shangjiang businessman take a rest and can't give too much pressure.

Fortunately, in this year, there was a full year of the year. I saw that I have a very New Year on both sides of the street. The latter people are more in the New Year, and it can be said that there is not much difference between us.

The Black Cloud Group arranged 100 cars to come over, and the purpose is to use convenience for this Xiangjiang rich business during Kyoto. After the car will stay in China, it is still good to donate or have a low price. This is not the problem of money, more about impact.

Looking at the spectacular cavity is very emotion, the next life, the Kyoto license plate is a unsterent wealth, and now it can be said that it is basically not spending money, and the economic development is not all good things.

At this time, Huaxia Kyoto said that there is no traffic jam. They quickly came to the place where Bao Zixuan was in Kyoto.

After 2 years of transformation, the two Bellerfords plus several of the surroundings have been transformed by Peng Yifei.

Wangfu is the highest-level aristocratic hall with the highest level of social level. The existing Wangfu, the existing Kyoto Xicheng District is a total of 4 levels in the Qing Dynasty, divided into the princes, the county Wangfu, Bellerford, and the Bayo house. In the Qing Dynasty, Kyoto is divided into branches, and Wangfu built two cities in Kyoto. After the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor Jin Died, the king of the king and the princes of the DPRK, the county king was established in Xicheng, including 18 of the Prince House, 9 Kings, Wangfu, Mongolia. In addition, there are Several Beller, and the Bayi House is several.

Prince, the prefects such as the princes, the prefects, such as the high specification, is in the cultural relics protection unit, which is not enough to have money. Fortunately, there is no restriction on the lower prince of other specifications, or if you can't buy such a large land.

This is also the head of the head, and the general people can't help but spend so much money in Kyoto. After all, the Chinese mainland has not developed yet, and it does not believe that real estate is a good industry.

The king of the king is five, the main hall is seven, the back hall is five, the palace is two, each five. The Gao Hou Hao Ming Dynasty stipulates that there are seven in the front hall, the middle hall, and the back hall.

Three gates, Liang Dong, arch, corner with color drawing, door and window imitation column with black paint oil, there is a gold paint on the door.

Peng Yi flew a lot of ancient architectural experts and craftsmen, which made modern modifications while fully retaining ancient values. Don't say that other people are Bao Zi Xuan's bus, I feel extravagant. After all, the whole building is too big. The Forbidden City is 720,000 square meters, but the Baofu has now reached 90,000 square meters, which can be said to be one of the most luxurious buildings outside Kyoto.

This will not be too high, Baozi Xuan has always doubted. In the future, it is a 5 billion estimation that it can't get this yard. Now I can only take a step, but I know that it is right, it doesn't matter. If you don't steal, it's a lot of money. It is not worried about what others say.

Car is definitely can't stop so much, there are only 12 standard parking spaces inside the house. This age is absolutely a lot. It is also a waste in the big place, and the Package is still too small. Even if it is still stopped, there is still a lot of air.

Dong Haoyun saw a little worried after two big characters of the door, after all, in Kyoto, such a big real estate is too high. This is in China, but it seems that the opportunity is still to remind this kid.

Bao Yugang said with a smile: "Said that the small bag is very big in the Chinese Kyoto, today, finally knows what the so-called big concept is. It is also said that this ancient courtyard is really a charm. It seems that there are several modifications. a bit."

"There will be a lot of time in Huaxia in the future, and you can't always make a small boy. Now the land of Huaxia Kyoto is not expensive. Everyone can consider it."

Bao Zixuan did not know his move has made Xiangjiang businessman in advance to Kyoto Siheqi, so that Kyoto housing prices began to improve. Many people think that most of Kyoto have a direct relationship with Bunxuan in the hands of Xiangjiang merchants. He not only holds the most set, but also in his driving of Xiangjiang merchants will think of buying a Siheyuan as in Kyoto accommodation.

Peng Yifei quickly arranged people to take Xiangjiang Tycoon and their family to take a break, and then told them to eat together.

After everything was allocated, Peng Yifei came to his room with Bao Zixuan. As the master housing, it can be said that the decoration is a bit restrained, and there are a lot of yellow pear in Kyoto, and the leaflet rosewood furniture is placed here.

After sitting down, the buns hit: "It is also used to life in Kyoto."

I didn't ask my boss and didn't ask myself, but I relation to my own life. This made Peng Yifei very touched, so the boss is now not much.

Peng Yifei: "The habits are habits, but it is too boring. There is nothing challenges, the work here is about to come into paragraph, you see whether I will return to my side."

Bao Zi Xuan: "It's still not the time, there are still many things to do in Kyoto. I will give it to others, I don't worry. After entering the right track, the black cloud security department or staying around me will pick it up. Give me the package The situation, I just saw the effect map. "

It's really funny, such a big house bag is still there again. I really don't know if my heart is still no time. It is good to know that there is no problem in the character of Peng Yifei.

Peng Yifei said that the ideas and language said: "I first purchased 2 Baylefu and 6 other ministers, the house built the current Baofu. The private area is 90,000 square meters, and there are 480 rooms. We have tried as much as possible The original appearance of the house, but there are some temples, and the Buddhist Hall does not have a lot of demolition and transformation. Buying land, real estate, construction, transformation, etc., have spent a total of more than 30 million US dollars, this is not a room Furniture and home appliances, such as furniture and home appliances. If all add up to build a package, it should exceed $ 100 million. After all, many groups have no way to calculate. "

Although high-profile, Bun Zi Xuan believes that the money is very worth speaking, and even feels very cheap. After all, there is a comparison of future housing prices, and now I feel not expensive.

Bun Zixuan: "I am very satisfied here, spending some money is a little thing, you don't have a psychological burden. This time, there is no problem!"

Peng Yifei: "This boss can rest assured, 480 rooms can live up to 800 people. Now, there is no more than 500 people, and every tycoon has a table, I don't want to come out, it is very convenient to eat in the room. "

"In addition, the restaurant can accommodate up to 200 people. If you take a few more seats outside, you can make everyone eat together. Although the weather is relatively cold, you are here to Kyoto, and the mince is very famous."

Bunzi Xuan: "You do, I am relieved. Everything can be implemented according to the implementation of your plan, I have no other request."

"There is still every year in the New Year. The workers here give up the opportunity to serve our reunion. You can give it a lot of money, you can't let people pick up the problem, say that I bun Xuan Xiaoyi."

Peng Yifei: "It has been issued 3 times salary according to the demand of the boss. It will also give each year's red envelope as a reward; it will never let people pick any problems."

At this time, 200 US dollars is definitely a huge amount in China. Peng Yifei can arrange it seems to have a big growth. No longer the small soldiers who have just retired to Xiangjiang, now have a business executive that is not very careless to pay, and know the money. Seeing his transformation Bao Xuan is very happy, the more you have the ability of the people around you, the easier.

Then Peng Yifei reported him to the Kyoto antique procurement, mainly how the pushprint purchase is. After all, this is a mother-in-law, no matter how good things are.

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