Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 630 is the mother tower bridge

Today is limited, I don't dare to say too much; there is no problem with your computer. However, Baozi Xuan's words are very touched by Huaxia. The computer is an emerging industry, and the development has been behind. Then other other industries are like, especially if Europe and the United States has developed a gap between the 100-year-old automotive industry, I can't imagine.

The highest laughed said: "It seems that Huaxia wants to really rise, it is really a heavy and far away. It takes a few generations to continue to work hard. I heard that you have built a university in Xiangjiang. How is it?"

Although it is a banquet, it is as simple as a certain level of banquet, but it is more simple to eat, and the purpose is more to talk about things. Yulin Institute of Technology has a certain reputation in the world, especially in Japan and the Middle East, have become the first choice for students study abroad. After all, the school is only focused on teaching, and there is no other chaos.

Bunzi Xuan: "The school has just started, and many are not very perfect. Just in computer science, CNC machine tools, automobile manufacturing, aviation power can be able to take hands, other disciplines are relatively bad."

The main business of the Black Cloud Group is computer, automotive and CNC machine tools. As for aviation purposes, it is more important because of the exception of Bunzi Xuan. In fact, many people in the Chinese mainland have not changed yet. Some parents prefer to send their children to the European and American ordinary schools and are not willing to go to Yulin Institute of Technology. It is important to worry that returning to domestic academic qualifications cannot be recognized.

I heard the strength of the China 's mainland's foundation, if you can communicate with the Jade Institute of Technology, you will be able to fill in some of the people in some areas.

The highest layer: "Is there many students from Huaxia Continent to Yulin Institute of Technology?"

Bao Zi Xuan: "There is a lot of people, but there are not many people."

In fact, this is also something wrong, Huaxia Domestic is not much because of some reasons. The attraction of major universities in China may be stronger. If there is abroad to read Europe and America, Japanese college attractive is more than the Yulin Institute of Technology.

The highest level: "I have a small bag comrade to the Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology, I can recruit some students from Huaxia Continent! Financial and education sectors can take study abroad resources to Yulin Institute of Technology."

It can be said that this is to give things qualitative, what is the meaning of the education department, but what is the inclination of the financial department? I suddenly wanted to understand, it turned out to be a problem.

Baozi Xuan quickly explained: "You may not know very well, Yulin Institute of Technology Huaxia's Chinese Chinese students are my mother's money to help them study, so they don't have to spend a penny, and they will also send pocket money every month. "

I heard Bunzi Xuan Mother not only finances a student reading.

Also give students pocket money. This makes everyone feel very touched, and many men in this woman are more than.

The highest layer: "I have heard of the deeds of ladies, a woman has made a lot in order to cultivate his son. Now his son has become a talented to pay attention to other children, and it is not too much to use it."

"The next time I have the opportunity to bring my lady to come over Huaxia mainland, the motherland welcomes these excellent Chinese children to go home."

Li Yulin's head is not a secret in the world, so many people have been very admired. Now he heard the highest level says this, Bunzi Xuan feels this is really a chance.

Although the mother is low-key, it may prefer quiet. However, as a person, I have to consider the honor you should enjoy, and the ancient times hope that my mother can be able to be able to receive a lady. Although modern society has no reward, people love to make their children on their faces.

Li Yulin has given a lot of money, but the nature is not the same as her name. It is a problem after the bag is rich, and people will also remember that Ms. Li Yulin is a person with great love.

Bao Zixuan: "This time is because of the reason, Huaxia Northern winter temperatures have some low; worried that the climate is not suitable. But the family also plans to go to the Huaxia poor area when you plan to see where the child is there. It takes helpful place. She wants to raise some children of poor families, let them change their faces and cultivate them into talents. "

"The mother has decided that all her income will be used in the Chinese poor family. After all, I don't need her to give money, I will do my best to help the children to complete the dream!"

The head of the head is the intention of the mother's tree monument, but it must be done in this occasion. Otherwise, it is not just that it is so simple, some people can absolutely can't flicker.

But still make the highest levels very touched, and a woman can do this is very difficult. It seems that Xiangjiang still has a lot of patriots, but there is only no chance to express love to the motherland.

The highest layer: "The lady can have such awareness is the blessing of the whole Chinese nation, and there will be a chance to give me a chance.

At the same time, he said to the Chinese staff: "Mrs. Bao came over Huaxia mainland to cooperate with her work, we can't let the patriotic chill."

With the highest level of this sentence, Li Yulin must come over the Chinese mainland; or do not look good on the face. However, this is already within the plan, there is nothing. It seems that you can only make a good person, so good is to find a thing for your mother, always staying in Xiangjiang.

Bao Zixuan: "Don't have trouble, I will arrange the Black Cloud Group to coordinate in the mainland. At the same time, there are students who study in Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology, and the family does not like to disturb others."

I heard the Bunzu Xuan said that the highest layer knows what it means, and it is definitely the lady likes quiet. Since this can secretly protect and help, there is nothing to say.

The highest laugh said: "Since the lady likes to be quiet, let her turn more in the Chinese mainland. However, I have a chance to give me a chance, I want to see myself."

"I heard that the Black Cloud Group also has several projects in the mainland to negotiate and build, how is it now?"

I have already taken the line for my mother, and I have a good bridge; although I don't know if she likes or doesn't like it, maybe more is the head of the head of the best!

Now I heard the top, I have talked about the topic on the mainland, it seems to be reported. It is preparation before you come over, or you have to catch it.

Bunzi Xuan: "There are two main projects, one is the production base of Black Cloud Auto in Shanghai. It is expected that the first car in September this year will be able to go offline. At the end of the year, the production capacity of 10,000 vehicles per month can be achieved. "

"After the black cloud group sales in Asia, the car will be prepared from the Shanghai factory, and two projects will also gradually build. It is expected that the size of the annual production of 1 million units is achieved by 90 years. In the future, Shanghai Auto Production Base will be Become the world's largest automotive factory. "

"The other is a home appliance production plant, which is already negotiating with Beijing; planning capacity is 5 100 factories."

"The annual production of television set 1 million; 1 million yuan in refrigerators; 1 million laundry facilities; annual output of 1 million units; annual production rice cooker, microwave ovens, 1 million small household appliances."

Bao Zixuan said that everyone is there, after all, the size of the two factories is too big. It can be said that the construction of the completion of Huaxia may not need to import in the automotive and home appliances, and the rich rivers also feel that the industry is coming fast.

The national banquet, but the leaders of Beijing-City participated. After hearing Bao Zixuan so much, it feels that home appliance products can be. The following people negotiations are really slow, it seems to hurry.

Baozi Xuan's plan can be a big surprise to the highest layer, smile and say: "The small bag comrades can come over Huaxia mainland investment. We are very welcome. There is no difficulty in China. The Chinese mainland cannot let the patriotic businessman is awarded."

Seeing the advice of Bunzi Xuan, the highest layer then said: "We are a family, what is going on, and cooperation needs to be sincerely sincere."

Bao Zixuan also worried about the sinner, but many people in this year have not changed. Now, even the highest level says this, I should still say it. May not say more powerful, but that is not his personality.

Bunzi Xuan: "Mainly some things have not been tangled in Beijing, causing the project to land. This time I think about it, and Kyoto has many young people who have received secondary education. It is very suitable for the factory. After all, home appliances The factory needs a certain technology, and some people with cultural basis are certainly easier to get started. "

"But now the progress is too slow. This time I came over to see if the project can finally fall in Kyoto. If you can't talk about it, you will choose a family in these two cities. In short, please ask you Old peace of mind, the factory will be built in the Chinese mainland. "

Baozi Xuan's words made the scene suddenly quiet, this young man is really dare. Even Huo Yingdong does not know what to say, the representative of Kyoto is a hurry. Such a good project is not talking, then they are the sinners of the city.

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