The highest level of the happiness of the bunxuan, of course, what is the meaning, the young people do things attention. Many information show that this kid is an acute child, and the things that do decide are very rapid, never dragging water. It seems that many jobs want to be in line with internationally, and the speed is absolutely improved.

The highest level looked at the representative of the Beijing-World City, which means very obvious. Bao Zixuan has shown attitude, and you will need you to grasp it.

The highest level: "Reform and opening up requires great reform, can't just repair the replenishment. To open and fun, you can't do anything to die. In a sense, this is the second revolution. Do not reform is limited, There is nothing to develop without the opening of the outside. The ideological concept will also change, and it is nothing to stick to the rules. "

Although the highest level is just a simple sentence, it is believed that Kyoto has already known what to do. Baozi Xuan did not have too tangled, just thinking that tomorrow's representative of Beijing is talking about it.

The national banquet is not only to eat together, and some literary programs will be arranged. After all, it is a New Year's Day. It is normal to interact.

At this time, Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "Little boy is also representing our Xiangjiang businessman to perform a show, and it is active atmosphere."

In fact, someone just asked Huo Yingdong's opinion, mainly to interact with Xiangjiang merchants. I know that Xiangjiang Entertainment Industry is very developed, I believe that so many people must have a few people who are hobbies this. At the same time, it is also a good opportunity to close the relationship between the two sides, and the performance is absolutely not despised. However, Huo Yingdong believes that this is the first to be the youngest, and it is more appropriate to arrange him to go to step.

Talking about a piano and blowing a musical instrument, it is mainly active atmosphere. The usual national banquet will definitely not arrange this activity, but now is the first year of the New Year, let alone a family together.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Huo is really a problem, but today is the New Year; it is our Xiangjiang businessman back to the motherland for the New Year, then I will sing the song!"

I have thought about what song Bao Xuan, who has been singing, so I started to write it on the paper. At this time, I didn't forget to play. When I was writing songs, I basically didn't have any pauses, just a successful score. There is a professional band in the venue, which believes that they will definitely play the songs.

As for the effect, it is not too important, mainly this atmosphere needs to be maintained.

The concert commander feels no problem after seeing the score, you can start at any time. Now everyone has already eaten, and the literary performances are more.

The moderator said: "The following is the same as Baozi Xuan, Xiangjiang, showing our show, applause."

I heard it is Bao Zixuan to perform a show for everyone.

Everyone listened seriously. After all, I haven't seen the head of the head of the head. It is definitely a big girl on the coup. Go back and go to a good propaganda.

With the applause, I went to the stage, and I said to the stage. "Hello, I am from Xiangjiang Baoxuan. I am very happy to come to China Kyoto New Year. As Chinese can stand here is very excited, Thanks to Xiangjiang Tongren to let this opportunity; I hope you can like my song. "

After saying that I got on the stage, I remembered the applause. No matter how bad, good, ritual problems, still have to do it.

After Bao Zi Xuan can start, the beautiful melody is in the country banquet.

After the end of the prelude, the sound of Bunzi Xuan also sounded:

The river is only in my dreams.

The motherland has not been close for many years.

But no matter how it can't change it.

My Huaxia heart

Ocean dress is worn

My heart is still the heart of Huaxia

My ancestors have already put everything about me.

Branding Huaxia

Huangshan Yellow River, Changjiang Great Wall

Heavy thousand pounds in my heart

Whenever no matter where

The same pro

Blood in my heart

Even if you have changed in his township

My Huaxia heart

Huangshan Yellow River, Changjiang Great Wall

Heavy thousand pounds in my heart

Whenever no matter where

The same pro

Blood in my heart

Even if you have changed in his township

My Huaxia heart

After Bao Zi Xuan sang, everyone stunned, but then the warm applause. Everyone includes the highest level to stand up and applaud. This first spring evening will come to Kyoto in advance by people, and still in this occasion. Can only sorry for the original person, return to Xiangjiang or give them some compensation.

Baozi Xuan will never do this, since it decides not to take over the entertainment industry, there is no need to rob out the results of others. I have seen the good work investment, in short, I can't fall in the entertainment industry too deep.

After Bao Zi Xuan went to the stage, even the service personnel watched him, and he also thought that this young man didn't have a problem in the country banquet. Now people seem to be with strength.

Xiangjiang Chinese rich to this song is very deep, it is really in line with the voice of Xiangjiang people. It seems that the head of the bag is definitely a person with great love and big, or how can it be able to write such a good song.

The highest layer: "The small bag comrades your song is very good, I have heard one of the best songs. So how to sing the voice of the voice again, it seems that there are many things in Xiangjiang, we are not very Understand, work, it is somewhat. "

Many people are afraid of the lyrics just now. At this time, people sitting around Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. is singing, the Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Huangshan, the Yellow River is really unable to describe when I am heavy in my heart. This Whose song is written, the author's understanding of the motherland rivers and cultures makes me all. "

Now that I have come to this time, I can only edit it. Bao Zixuan said: "The lyrics are written during the US studying in the United States. The song is back to Xiangjiang to find someone, but it has not been published."

In fact, Bunzu Xuan will write a good lyrics and think about singing in advance. Spectrum completed no suitable people to sing; Xiangjiang music scene also knows such a song. Just copyright in the black cloud hand, there is no one dare to sing, and I have been put in Bun Zixuan. This has this performance, but it is an extremely successful interpretation.

Everyone on the spot is full of curious and respect for Bunzu Xuan, and Huo Yingdong is even more exciting, and now she is slow.

Huo Yingdong: "Little Banheng is really going to talk to us, what is going on this song, I didn't listen to you for so long in Xiangjiang."

In fact, it is not only Huo Yingdong. All people are very curious, they want to know the background of this song.

Baozi Xuan: "Studying in the United States in the past, writing procedures need to use Huaxia Simplified words. Let people come to Huaxia to buy. After reading, they will take the Huaxia Dictionary."

"I have learned a lot of Chinese culture through the back dictionary, wrote this song in combination with the environment and Xiangjiang where Xiangjiang is located. Just starting as a word to create, return to Xiangjiang feels can be used as songs. I will not spectrum The lyrics typography are all professionals. "

A lie is 10 sentences to circle, and only this explanation is best reasonable.

However, Bao Zi Xuan's words make many people feel unbelievable and use the Simplified Famous Dictionary to understand. However, it is actually the case of the dictionary, and it can be used alive. It is a local road of Huaxia mainland people who don't necessarily write such excellent lyrics. Maybe this is the difference between genius and mortal!

Now is an entertainment, therefore, everyone is relatively casual.

However, Bao Zi Xuan's words still let the highest level have been interested, and smiles: "Comrade Xiaojiao actually backs the dictionary, and it can also use the knowledge inside. Many people say that you are super genius, it is not Dare to believe, now I am trust. "

Bun Zixuan: "I have a good memory in this person. I have seen things that I have seen it. At that time, I was writing typing programs, and the Xiangjiang used traditional characters. I have learned from small. But I don't know all about the simplicity, only It can come to China to buy a dictionary, so I started writing a program while learning. "

"I want to display all the simplicity in the computer that you must fully understand the simplicity, as long as a word cannot be played through the keyboard, it is a failure, so I have studied a few months of China Dictionary."

I heard Bun Zixuan for a few months for a software to study the dictionary, and scientific research did not have a shortcut. Even the super genius should also step by step, but it is nothing to study the dictionary.

It can be said that Bao Zi Xuan will sing a song banquet has passed, and both parties began to discuss some specific projects. And agree on negotiation time, the key moments of investment promotion in the next few days.

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