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After the two major ladies were sent; Li Yulin asked some questions, many things could not be dragged again. Otherwise, people will definitely misunderstand, the most important women will have ideas for you. Excellent men have many people even if they are married; let alone, there is no marriage, and the rivers are rushed by the family.

Baozi Xuan didn't know how to answer his mother's question, and the feelings were always impossible. However, the head of the bag also knows that many things can't be dragged, or it is irresponsible. But now it is not considered these problems, because the Black Cloud Town Plan is about to start. Tomorrow, I will receive the most famous architects in the world at the beginning, and it is also when fulfilling it.

In the past, in order to get the magic cube patent bunxuan to let Erno Rubick professor to design a landmark building, people can't do any integrity, the black cloud town project must invite people to invite people.

At this time, Elno Rubeth is more scented in the past, at least in the Money Black Cloud Group has never been awarded him. Each level of Rubik can get patented usage, and many products have sales. Not only in the school, it is in Hungary belong to the richest.

Now I heard the Black Cloud Group Baozixuan invited him to come over the Xiangjiang Design Building, which made Professor Erno Rubick very excited. I didn't expect Bun Zixuan, I remember what I said in the past, this is very difficult.

Professor Erno Rubick is also a architect of architects, as for the Rubik's cube, which is a derivative of research and development teaching tools. Just let him not want to play, the Rubik will be so hot, hot, let people forget his professional professional.

This is the disregard of a university professor. After all, Professor Rubike still wants to prove to the world that he is an excellent architect. Now Bunzi Xuan is named to come over, making the excitement of Professor Erno Rubeth, did not sleep for a few days.

Baozi Xuan received this Father of the Rubik's Cube at Yulin Institute of Technology. It is not only to let Erno Rubick professor to design a building is so simple, and it is more necessary to use it for it.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Professor Roubik, hello! We should have five years, you still have a style. How is the life in Xiangjiang in the past few days, there is any need, you can come out. I Let the people work together to cooperate with you, you must ensure that you have comforted in Xiangjiang. "

It can be said that this time, the design team of the Black Cloud Group, many are famous in the world. However, other people have not seen it yet. The next day, I just met him alone, which made Professor Rubike very touched. After all, this young man is different from this young man. It is just a super genius just started; it is now one of the world's richest people.

Professor Rubike said: "Everything is very good, the employees of the Black Cloud Group are very good, and they respect me.

The working atmosphere here is very good, I am very satisfied with my team. "

Professor Rubick came over with 4 graduate students, and two men's two women's match. Black Cloud staff loves houses and Wuzhi, also take care of four students, almost achievement.

The domestic environment in Hungary is not very ideal, so that these graduate students have the idea of ​​staying in Xiangjiang. In fact, this is the purpose of Baozi Xuan. The students will stay, will the teacher still run!

Bun Zixuan: "5 years ago I said that letting you design a landmark building, now you want to be redeeined. Just let you wait for 5 years, it seems that the development of the Black Cloud Group is still not fast enough."

Professor Rubike thought that if the development of the Black Cloud Group is not fast enough, this world is still in the world dares to say that he has developed rapidly. However, the head of the head is able to implement it, this makes Professor Rubick feels not to see the wrong person.

Professor Rubike: "The development of black clouds has been very rapid, you are ready to let me design anything."

Baozi Xuan opened projection and said: "Look at the picture will make people better understand; you can look at what is unreasonable for overall planning."

Professor Rubike has come to Xiangjiang several days, although it is very good. However, the black cloud staff did not dare to do it too obvious, and only the designers used the designer to turn a few turns in the new community before they did not get the boss. Can you understand what they have your own capabilities. Many people are a misty water, but they don't say much in the case of subsidies and good food. And I believe that there is no action Bao Xuan won't let so many designers come over, definitely have a big project to be so happy.

This plan is directed by Bao Zi Xuan's next person to personally organize, and Professor Rubike is the second person to see the plan.

Seeing such a big hand to make this honesty, the mind is a bit of a little, that is, a country in Hungary is impossible to build the black cloud town. After all, these year Hungarian economic development lag, the country can't get any funds. However, Bunzi Xuan stands on a single company to build such a huge project, where he is in the air.

Professor Rubeth quickly responded to: "Mr. Bao, how much funds need to build such a big project, you have no money."

Professor Rubike is very worried that the project is faded after half, then the reputation of his reputation is also a fatal blow. At the same time, he didn't want to see Bunzi Xuanjian to take a short, once the failure can be difficult to turn over.

Baozi Xuan: "Although there is no clear calculation, it is expected that investment will not be less than 20 billion Hong Kong coins. After all, the entire building area will exceed 100 million square meters, and it is definitely necessary for huge funds to support."

Professor Lubi, who heard the Bunzu report, had a lot of heart, and it seems that the other person knows how much it takes. Then prove that there is a bottom in my heart, it is really scary enough for 50 billion US dollars.

Professor Rubick: "The Black Cloud Group really wants to build such a huge project with a strong force, which is not a joke."

Baozi Xuan knows that once the project will be announced, there will be many people who have doubt, but since it is dry and thorough. At this time, the huge tax revenue will only be cheaper than the British, and it will inevitably feel comfortable to spend on his body.

Baozi Xuan: "If the fund problem doesn't have to worry, you will see you interested in the building. Many buildings have made basic planning, but I am not learning the design, some details need you to review."

I heard the Professor Rubike smiled: "You want me to design the building, or there is no idea to the building."

It seems that Professor Rubike is not wanting to make anyone's opinion, or want to design according to his own style. This may be a designer's common problem, and design a building in accordance with the idea of ​​thinking is the dream of each design master.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "At present, the library and museum have not satisfied, the library I have to put in the world, but also increase the electronic reading room. Museum main collects Huaxia Artwork , It is necessary to understand it. "

"In addition, Black Cloud Town lacks a chief designer if you are interested in this position."

In fact, Professor Rubike is more interested in libraries, and he is not so deeply understanding of Huaxia Artwork. However, I heard that Bao Zixuan actually made him a total designer, this title is really big.

At the same time, Professor Rubike is very motivated, once the black cloud town will be one of the most famous architectures in the world, if you can serve as a chief designer, then there will be great improvements in architectural status. . Everyone will be tired of being named, Professor Rubick is also mortal.

Professor Rubick: "I am interested in the library, but I don't understand what the chief designer of the black cloud town is meaning! I am afraid this position is not so simple, there should be additional conditions!"

Listening to Professor Rubike said that Bunzi Xuan knows that his plan is gradually become reality.

Bunzi Xuan: "Black Cloud Town requires overall planning and design, which will make the entire building group more coordinated. Although each building has professional designers, it is necessary to deal with how to deal with the connection between architecture and architecture. No one knows. Said that I am not learning architectural design, so I need a high-looking design master to serve as this position. "

"I want to think that you are the most appropriate, but the black cloud town takes a few years to complete. That is to say, you must work in Xiangjiang in the next few years, as a general designer inspector the site."

"If you agree to be the Director of the Design Department of the Yulin Institute of Technology, architectural design will be a team in you."

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