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It can be said that the worship of the bag is already revealed, and Professor Rubike will choose. However, the conditions are indeed rich, and there is absolutely no treatment in Hungary.

There are many designers who have a good names and strength of Professor Brobark, such a generous treatment invites any of them. As for the Bunzi Xuan, why is the Professor Rubick, may have a big relationship with the Rubik.

At the beginning of Black Cloud, the products were scarce, and the Rubik cube can be said to have a product line to a certain extent; and it is also the most powerful guarantee for the world of black cloud products.

Other products will have this constraint, probably because of the functional order, may be due to factors. However, the Rubik is completely without these problems, both developed countries, developing international international, and even children who are poverty behind, of course, because they like.

This is the development of intelligence toys, and everyone wants to be smarter than others. Therefore, the Rubik's cube toys don't like it. I will only pay attention to you have to play.

It is more compensation to open such a generous treatment, and it is a psychological comfort. Professor Rubike did not think that Bunzu Xuan would invite himself to join the black cloud, it can be said to be sincere. But now he is not short of money, and life is not bad at school. The most important is to serve the motherland, no one likes the back well to go to the country.

It is the dream of Professor Rubick, which is the professor of Rubick, is of course not willing to refuse. At this time, he is very contradictory.

Professor Rubike thought: "This thing is too big, I have not considered this. There are still many projects and topics in schools, but also need to discuss the same family."

Bun Zixuan did not force, and people did need to think about it. The wealth of the other party is enough, only with honor and academic attract him.

Next, two people talked to some other topics, mainly to start around the library. Even if you don't have to be a chief designer of Black Cloud Town, you will also take the library project, which is the main purpose of him.

Although he did not promise to serve as the chief designer of Black Cloud Town, but Bun Zixuan still made Professor Rubick accompanied him to the top ten design firm in the world. This is a recognition of him, and it also has the meaning of forcing him to join.

At this time, the representatives of the top ten architectural design in Yulin Institute of Technology have gathered here, and the invitation of the Black Cloud Group will certainly not refuse.

The current ranking is the United States Destroy Construction Office, which is a global cutting-edge planning, construction, engineering and planning construction planning group.

The British Foster and Partners ranked second. This family founded in 1967, there is a master of the masters, and there is a unique insight in urban planning, cultivatics, products and exhibitions.

The third is the establishment of Japan's new job room in 1963. It has been awarded the Royal Royal Construction of the United Kingdom with strong film, opposition, self-conscious and exploratory. Many Grand Prize in the Society Gold Award, Japan Construction Society Award, Venice Biennale Exhibition Golden Lion Award.

The fourth is that the German GMP Construction Office was established in 1965 and is the largest and most largest manufacturer of Germany.

The fifth is the establishment of Xiangjiang JR Plan in 1966. Hong Kong JR Planning Engineering Staff Co., Ltd. originated in Australia, established in Xiangjiang, serving high-star hotel, landmark construction, senior commercial restriction, travel real estate and reclamation The "one-stop" all-round planning service for the planning, construction, construction, indoor, environment, project process planning and handling.

The sixth place is FFNS founded in 1958 and is the largest in Sweden. It is also one of Europe's largest construction planning consulting companies. The total number of employees is approximately 400 people. Most of them are the construction staff, planners, and scenes planners.

The seventh is that DCM was established in 1972. It is one of the most active buildings of the international construction industry. For more than ten years, with the stubborn pursuit of boutique and high sense of customer, DCM has left the international place. Countless classics.

The eighth is that HPP was established in 1935. He is headquartered in Germany, Düsseldorf, and has nearly 200 employees, one of the oldest, planned to build a largest constructing business. The company's business plan includes urban planning, large publication, residence and indoor planning.

The ninth is RMJM in 1956, headquartered in Scotland, UK, with 615 professionals in the world, is a large group of staff integrating construction, planning, engineering, indoor planning, visual art and garden planning.

The tenth SOM Construction Plan is one of the largest construction planning companies in the United States.

This is the first time in the world who can bring them to convene. After all, these people are designed, but they are really not cheap. No one has such a powerful, the first fortune can be said to have created a primary river.

If you need a design master, you need a fee. If you use it, it is not a waste. In fact, when they collect them, they were somewhat wonder, but this is, it is the home of Black Cloud, there is nothing to say.

Seeing Professor Rohkk's information by seeing these people, he first felt that he was in the architectural design in the architectural design. This is not his own thing, Hungary has been behind this world behind this world.

This profession only has constantly turning the drawings into reality to increase confidence and wellness, excellent design is definitely inconvenient; construction costs are more scary, and the economic volume of Hungary does not support high-end construction costs. It is also white in good blueprint, and no one will believe in a person on a paper.

If you continue to stay in Hungary, you will definitely be very limited, see these people's resume and the project they designed. This requires constant accumulation and practice, and there will be such an opportunity to come over the Xiangjiang.

At this time, Professor Rubike has tilted to Xiangjiang, and I want to discuss the same family after I want to go back.

Bao Zixuan an eye, the staff began to issue a confidentiality agreement to let the designers signed. It is important to see that everyone is not hesitant. After all, in the hearts of foreign people, many companies have such a requirement.

Bao Zixuan once again opened the projection, and many people stood up after seeing the planning of the black cloud town. This planning map gives them a little big, even if the Americans' design business don't think that Bunxuan will have such a big hand. In their hearts, it is a strong power, and there are no enterprises such as Boeing and other giants can have such a powerful and strength. The head of the head is really an enemy.

At present, there are only a few superpower, or the Middle East is also available. Architecture requires so high, and the technology of Middle Eastern people can not reach, and many technological European and American countries will not export them to them.

Seeing the effect, Bao Zi Xuan said: "I am very happy to come to Yulin Institute of Technology. I express my gratitude to you on behalf of the Black Cloud Group. Just saw that the Black Cloud Group is ready to be in Xiangjiang New Territories Building a black cloud town. "

"At present, the land has been taken, as long as I want to remove the building on the ground."

I have heard that everyone is excited. At the same time, I also understand that Baozi Xuan has not dared to invest in the construction because the time is not very clear, worried about the problem of Xiangjiang regression. This past continent is definitely what guarantees, of course this is just their conjecture. However, it is to guess the head of the bag and will not admit it. After all, the drag is really big.

At this time, a designer said: "Mr. Bao, I would like to ask the Black Cloud Town project what we need."

The speaker comes from a design office in Germany, it seems that their nature is anxious, do not like to waste time.

Bun Zixuan: "I don't like to waste time this person. The black cloud town has many buildings. It is necessary to use the design talent to make small towns."

"At present, the group is only a preliminary idea for some buildings, but it is necessary for the help. After all, we are not a professional designer, can only say that it is good."

"Black Cloud Town will be jointly created by the top ten design business in the industry. I want this effect. That is to say that you have something to do, you won't let you come. As for the event, you will see each This matter, I hope everyone can understand. "

The head of the head is to create a classic of the black cloud town, and the future will definitely be a red resort.

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