The press conference is very annoying to the paragraph, most reporters are still leaving with a satisfactory answer. Baozi Xuan's power is a shocking world, it is estimated that only this young people dare to do.

Therefore, when the media reports, the people in all countries in the world are not big, and the maximum is to think that Bunzi Xuan is really money. However, it is not so simple to teach technology companies and research institutions. The Black Cloud Group can have such strength. They must increase in research, or they will definitely fall behind.

At the same time, government agencies also perceive that once the black cloud town is completed, then the follow-up development of the Black Cloud Group will have no stumbling block. It seems that it is necessary to increase the investment of national science and technology companies, but also restrict the development of the Black Cloud Group. Catching, it is difficult to catch, you must limit the development of your opponent while developing, so it will be in technology.

The Japanese responded fastest in this area, and the crisis of marine civilization is really hard to catch up. Therefore, the Japanese science and technology department will contact the domestic enterprises and colleges and universities in the first time.

The Japanese scientific and technological revitalization of the Japanese science and technology was established in 1957 to establish a group established by the revival of the country. However, it is very good to coordinate the development direction of Japan's major companies, and there is a high prestige in China.

There are a lot of domestic high-tech companies, including Toyota, Sony, Panasonic, Nissan, etc., these companies have a high scientific research, and the technical level is very high, and the whole world is a top level.

However, these can only be a second-run enterprise in Japan, and the real big business is much better than their strength. Shichuan Island Heavy Industry, Nikki Heavy Industry, Fuji, Kawasaki Heavy Industry, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Sanjing Heavy Industry, Sumitomi Heavy Industry, Hitachi Heavy Industry, Toshiba Co., Ltd. is the most famous enterprise in Japan.

At the same time, the Japanese machine bed industry is the strongest worldwide, and there is no one, the Japanese precision machine brand is the most, the most advanced technology, the largest profit. Only the world famous brands include Sakazakazak, Tiantian, Daxie, Senjing Machine, Jie Cott, Makino, Komatsu, Shanda, Mitsubishi, Shandi, West Terra, not biard. Fuji, Toshiba, Brothers, Jin, Takizawa , Yuanzhou, Okamoto, Harbor, Hocos, Speed ​​Skills, Sino Village, Sanjingjing, Fenghe, Fuji, Songpu, Takamatsu, Butter, Warehouse, Sun Machine, Hoi, Kujima, Sumitomi Hundreds of hundreds such as Fwanta, Donkey, and Chi Beibei.

From the technical, output value, profit from the precision machine industry, regardless of Germany and Switzerland including the Black Cloud Group, it is a wide range of people in a certain field, in a certain field, and the Japanese precision machine bed industry occupies a wide range of fields, and even sigh. Some of Japans only dozens of small companies, such as Matpu, and their homework have their own unique technology.

Nikon, Canon representative can only sit in the corner, it is enough to explain the problem. This is the result of the Japanese to establish the results in just forty years, of course, they have a very good industrial foundation before World War I have a big relationship, but sometimes I have to admire the Japanese toughness and tenacity.

Many economic scholars believe that entering 21 World Japan GDP will surpass the United States is not unreasonable, and domestic technology companies are too much. In addition to individual countries to export energy, do business with any country in the world is trade surplus. Of course, this is also the root cause of Americans in the past cut leeks; who told you to have huge wealth, and there is no main force to protect the wealth.

In the current Japanese, the manufacturing industry is very developed, and the country is also tend to support manufacturing, which has created Japanese bustling electronic manufacturing, Sony, Toshiba and so on, it did significantly attract a lot of talents to this direction.

A loop is formed.

Zeng Huanghong, Japanese politicians, Japan, 71, 72, 73, 123 Prime Minister (the Cabinet Prime Minister) Wind toward chicken and red warriors.

He became the second largest economy in the world, and he pursued Japan's political big country, and broke through the total amount of national production of 1% of the total national product. The latter Japanese political circles are quite alternative and become a right-wing politician who is warming in Western politics in the 1980s.

This prime minister also came over to participate in the meeting, and the development of Heiyun Town threatened to Japan's development to a certain extent. A company, one person can make the world's second largest economy, the most developed national technology company in this planet is a sense of crisis, and believe that the world can only go.

Of course, there are also well-known colleges and universities in Japan, including the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University. This government attaches great importance to it. It is a chance to be a thousand universities. One heart wants to compete for two universities in Japan, no one will easily give up so chance.

Sakamoto Jiaochi, is Baozi Xuan's alumni, and is also graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is currently the person in charge of Japanese science and technology. This is not very common in Japan, and the previous Kyoto University and the University of Tokyo before. It is now possible to make MIT graduated from the position to this position, indicating that Japanese already knows that many times can not develop in the stuffy, to learn more about the outside.

In fact, Sakamoto Jiaochi can have a lot of relationship with Bao Xuan, which is because of his name, and the special promotion of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. And other colleges and universities can't catch up; or to trust the Japanese cabinet of domestic universities, they will not let foreign colleges and universities graduate as this position.

Sakamoto Jiaochi first said: "The Prime Minister, the principal and the person in charge of the Co., Ltd., believe that the Xiangjiang Black Cloud Group is preparing to build a black cloud town."

"At the same time, I have been news from Miraceament, and MIT will also participate in the construction of black cloud town projects. They will build the world's first foreign laboratory in the black cloud town, because Bunzi Xuan opened A condition they can't refuse. "

I heard that Lian Ma Tuo will stay in Black Cloud Town, and Bun Zixuan's ambitions can be seen. There is also a US person or not! Actually, the degree of freedom of freedom to Massachusetts, is what is going to see if it is free. In the big fault, it is not like this. Is there a MAS ahead not to let the black cloud town take off! There is only one black cloud group that has made everyone eloquent. What should I do now!

In fact, Sakamoto Jiaochi said that the Massachusetts Institute of Mirace will enter the black cloud town is not only showing off, and the Japanese cabinet and enterprises realize that the crisis is very large, at least bigger than they imagined.

Sports mean, of course, after all, many people don't take this position. Japan's domestic looks at a harmony, but there are still some governments, parties, universities, and enterprises. It can't be seen in the case, and other time have their own small nine nine.

Now that you have to tell you, I am not a place. Many messages can know in the first time, I hope everyone will cooperate with everyone in the future.

However, as Sakamoto Jiaochi said, the head of the head is indeed a blood. As long as it is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Basic Material Lab and the Aviation Laboratory build a division in Xiangjiang, then the Black Cloud Group has undertakes $ 200 million to the school annually.

At the same time, there are half of the ownership of MAS, and it is necessary to know that the research funds can be all black. Few schools can refuse this temptation, even if you are the world's first science and engineering government.

The purpose of Baozi Xuan is very simple, that is to let the world know the determination to build black cloud town. As for MIT, the establishment of laboratories also requires the US government to agree, and it seems that the difficulty is not small.

However, he already has a countermeasure. If the government does not agree with the professor over the black clouds. His undertaking is still valid, it can be said that it has been a lot of preparations.

MAS sciencers can promise so much, not only because of money, it is not entirely because of the relationship between the same bipns. More is because of the Tiger of Stanford, let them have a strong sense of crisis.

At present, two schools in engineering majors, especially in computer majors. But Stanford's geographical environment is great, and the land area is indeed large enough. The position of MIT does not change the world's first university's university is definitely not guaranteed, and now some disciplines will bring some opportunities to promote academic development.


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