Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 559 Countries Reaction - Japan II

Sakamoto Jiaochi knows that the purpose has been reached, then it is necessary to talk about his philosophy and plan. You can't finish the problem, no matter what others, it is not a technician practitioner.

No one knows that the information you have mastered may not be the same, but it is much more different. But how can I solve the problem, in order to make a failure in the future, this is a problem worth thinking.

Zeng Kanghong saw this situation, smiled and said: "Since Sakamoto has discovered the problem, and everyone knows. As we are most familiar with the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan, you have any good ideas."

When you listen to the pride, the people below dare not speak. I know that any company is impossible to confront the Black Cloud Group, now we must consistently, if you don't unite, it is definitely a white fee. However, in combination, it involves too many interests, and it is difficult to coordinate between enterprises, and the government must have to solve the problem.

The scientific and technological revitalization of the Ministry of Science and Technology organized everyone to come and even invited the Prime Minister. It is said that the government has attached great importance to this matter, and as long as the cooperation is good, it is possible to develop a strategy execution.

Sakamoto Jiaochi said: "We already have a preliminary plan, now we need to cooperate with colleges and universities, and hope to give certain policies."

Everything else is very good, but the policy is tilted. Policies means that taxation is reduced, and ordinary people will definitely have opinions. This is to reduce their quality of life, doing enterprises must pay taxes, and how to reduce taxation.

There is a little better in Japan, that is, no one or business dares to put the registered to the taxi paradise such as Cayman Islands. In the country, they can't lift their heads, and they are all rich in the big entrepreneurs; how to support the rich people to reduce the living standards of the rich. This is, in the intensification of social contradictions, Zeng Kanghong knows, if you really dare to do him, you will not have to continue.

All major entrepreneurs don't dare to talk, isn't the head is not a stupid?

But you can't always talk, there is always a deadlock.

Zeng Kanghong said: "Don't talk about other things, or talk about your thoughts."

Sakamoto Jian Lang also knows that some maybe it may be right, but now it is not so much. Can only be hard, who makes him sit in this position!

Sakamoto Jiaochi: "First of all, we should follow the Black Cloud Group to build our Japanese high-tech town. Only in this way can you participate in the company. Invite Japanese companies to establish research institutions within the science and technology town. Many projects can Joint research, a company is not a black cloud group opponent, everyone is not necessarily. Our country's power is definitely not alone or a company can compete. "

"My suggestion is to establish Japanese Science and Technology Town in Fukushima or Osaka, recently investigated the entire Japanese situation. I found that only these two places are the most appropriate, and the technology town needs to be considered for future development space."

It's not talking about all of these two places, this is an action that can drive the economy. Where is the Japanese science and technology small town will promote the development of the local economy, although the domestic economy is very developed, but who will mind.

Although Japan is a single nation, it is also very prominent in terms of regional contradiction. Nowadays, Sakamoto Erlang did not choose Tokyo, many people had not satisfied. If Japanese technology town is built in Fukushima and Osaka Most people may not take gas.

Fukushima Prefecture, is a county in the south of Northeast Northeast China. It belongs to Northeast China in Japan. The land area is 13,782.75 square kilometers. The population is 1.0 million, ranking 20th in the country. Recently, the county is constantly decreasing in the population.

The "Zhongtong" in the middle of Fukushima is in the east, the western Opheya Mountains, which are divided into three regions of the three mountains that are roughly in the north and south, and there is a rolling mountain, complex Volcanic terrain and large small lakes, etc., natural landscape resources are rich. At the East of Fukushima Prefecture, there are sites close to the Pacific Ocean. The climate is warm and pleasant. The four seasons are rich in various fruits, known as "fruit kingdom". "

Most of the city of Osaka is located on Osaka Plain. The Osaka Plain is a thrust plain and is flat. At about 8,000 to 7,000 years ago, since the rope seabilization leads to high water levels, the Osaka Plain is located under the sea, known as Hueneg Bay. As the sand mouthward in the north side of Uttutai is gradually extending northward, the middle of the rope text, Hanoi Bay has evolved into lagoon, known as Hanoi Lake. After entering the ancient grave era, due to the stacked sand sand of the river, plus the artificial development lake is a cultivated land, Hani Lake has almost disappeared, and it becomes the Osaka Plain.

In order to expand the land area, Osaka has repeatedly filled the sea. Osaka's large-scale filling begins in the 17th century New Tianxian development. The quarter of the city area of ​​Osaka has come from the sea. The islands such as Dreams, Dance, and Suzhou, such as the coast of Osaka, are also artificial islands from the landlood.

Look at Osaka and Fukushima on the data and maps, there is no problem in the regional position, and in Japan's domestic status, but many things are absolutely not as simple as it is.

In Japanese entrepreneur, it seems that there is no choice of Tokyo or Kyoto. Now I actually choose Osaka and Fukushima; how can I accept it. Although the business atmosphere is rich in business atmosphere, it is all small vendors, and I don't know how to cooperate. Lessing Osaka Land will definitely be extremely difficult, there are people who don't have much patriotic feelings.

Osaka is very strong since ancient business atmosphere, causing many businessmen in Osaka. The patriotic feelings of Osaka merchants are very poor, from the soldiers from the Osaka area.

The fourth division of Osaka, Japan, can be known as "House Suspension Teachers", which will not explain that local residents will not cooperate with national behavior. Now that I have to go to Osaka to establish a technology town, I will not be blame it by this helper.

Although Fukushima is so rich without the commercial atmosphere of Osaka, it is on the earthquake belt. If there is a strong earthquake, the scientific small town is not to pay.

But then come back, the whole Japan is in the earthquake tape, and it is more difficult to find a different place.

There is also a very important reason, the differences between the University of Tokyo and the Kyoto University.

The competition between the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University can be very powerful, even some contradictions have reached the uncomfortable point. Both parties are extremely fierce competition in the Nobel Prize, Academic Papers, and Scientific Research.

It can be said that no one is to accept anyone, if you choose to choose in Kyoto or to build a scientific town in Tokyo, both sides may play. However, there is still a problem with the two places given by Sakamoti Errogu.

Osaka is close to Kyoto, belongs to the scope of Kyoto University; Fukushima is close to Tokyo, and more students in Tokyo University will be more.

Where is the construction of enterprises will be close to the employees, which leads to the other party will definitely suffer. Therefore, both universities understand that since they cannot build science and technology towns in their own place, they must also achieve approaching principles.

At the same time, it is also involved in the company's problem, which is in Fukushima or Osaka, and it is certain that the science and technology town will be built next to himself. This will be very convenient, and the right to speak itself can also be guaranteed.

The two places proposed by Sakamoto Erlang also involved too many interests, and not many don't know that the other party is a hard work; Japan really doesn't have other places more suitable.

Hokkaido looks not small in the region, and the climate is too bad. Many scientific research projects will increase a lot of experimental costs, which is not conducive to persistent development.

Other places are not enough, it is also a lot of defects. Japan's land area is still too small, and there is no foundation in the perfect building science and technology town.

The following people have begun to discuss, and they speak. I know that it is difficult to convince others in a short time. I will definitely publish this situation. I don't say anything like anything.

Zeng Huang Hong: "I believe that the positions of Sakamoto have already understood that I also think that in Osaka and Fukushima Construction Technology towns are the most appropriate, but the specific choice will need to be decided. No matter where the government will definitely support. Colleagues hope Everyone can focus on the overall situation, which is the current period of the enemy. "

"The Black Cloud Group is now not threatening a company, but threatens the entire Japanese industrial industry chain. After going back, I hope that you can find these two places. After a week, I will see the result."

The speech of the Prime Minister has contained things. All Japanese entrepreneurs know that the science and technology town must have to build, and they can be affordable.


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