Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 562 Countries Responsive - US III

I heard that Gis Noris actually did not play cards according to constant executives, many people feel unbelievable. This is the principal of Stanford University, is it so causing to stay. What is more puzzling is not the other party for MIT, there is nothing in the competitive relationship. Instead, this old kid dare to talk to the small Watson, and the other party has a very high well-known person in two sessions.

Stanford is another cattle and requires corporate donations, and large companies need to study projects to their investment funds. Now, IBM can still be careful, this is not a broken road!

Now I dare to say that Xiaovson speaks; IBM is not afraid of the Ministry of Commerce, Stanford people will not put it in their eyes. Little Davison's personality will definitely retaliate, and it is estimated that Guis Noris is ready to prepare.

In fact, after the finishes, Gis Noriis also regretted, talking about Mirace, how to bring IBM and Little Dovusen together. This is not looking for things, recruiting people! However, now the words have already said that it is necessary to go on top, IBM is in powerless, can't make Stanford. Alumni Quality This piece of Stanford is absolutely in the forefront of the United States, so there is no too much.

The relationship between Massachusetts and Bunxuan is not a secret, and recently signed a black cloud town to publicize the society. Baozi Xuan also knows that many things are at all, and MIT is closely working with US military. FBI, CIA will definitely focus on covering it, it will be misunderstood.

Many things do it, but it will change it, some words are good, say bad. Since Mirace, since Mirace, since it dares to be, it must be grasped, many things have been thought. At least it will be reasonable, but many things can't be exposed, the White House and the military know. The Massan Institute of Technology is not the subordinate unit of Stanford, and it is not necessary to report and explain it.

How many of Orange knows that there is no evaluation of this matter. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford have not been guilty, and the alumni group in well-known colleges and universities in the United States is abnormal. Even the presidents have to give a little more, not to mention him.

Little Waduson can be a stashed temper, and it is not angry with young. Even the Ministry of Commerce is so difficult to survey the IBM is so difficult, Gis Noris dare to say he is coming. This is really not to fight people, I really think he is so bullied, think IBM has not fallen.

Little Watson: "We are discussing the science and technology town, what is talking. There is no cooperation with the Black Cloud Group, which is IBM."

"Motorola, General, Microsoft, Apple, etc., many of the fields, if there is no black cloud group to authorize, the project is not going on. Do we have a knife, this is impossible. Now people are technically leading more than anything. The United Kingdom, German technology has also received the world, but in the end, it is not surpassed by the United States. "

"Our United States has the largest engineer team,

The best educational resources. These all use it that than a black cloud group, we are even more than a 20-year-old young man. "

"Now you need to unite, unanimous. Don't have any of the regions, the door is the door, you can't manage the resources, and there is no qualification. But you can't bring me and IBM, I hope you will not Bringing private contradictions into the meeting. "

Little Davison is also an old man. If you haven't returned, you will leave the venue. Orange is a big strip, and now I really don't know how to put.

Seeing that Xiaovuses didn't give face, Gis Noriis was also angry. This is the fruit of yourself, but the ass will need him to come.

Gis Noris quickly explained: "I didn't mean anyone, but I just tried things. The science and technology small town is related to the next industrial, technology trend, and it is necessary to build in the most suitable place."

Although his words can't hear, you can't hear it. The first is to explain that he is unselfish no distraction, and the second also wants to explain to Xiaovusen through other people. At this point, in the position of the principal of Stanford University, don't worry about Little Waduson. The Watson family has great influence in the United States, and the opponent's hardhambers can only be a loss.

It is really difficult to establish a technology town in the United States to unify thinking. There are too many well-known colleges. High-tech companies are relatively dispersed. Most major companies will not sacrifice for national interests.

Finally, the recommendation given by the Harvard University Principal Rivers, and everyone can accept it.

Rivers: "The land area of ​​the United States is too big, and each school, the company has formed an inherent development model. It is difficult to change, and put them in a root of 1 + 1 greater than 2. It may even be counterproductive. "

"The area of ​​Heiyun Town is not large. We can conduct a pilot in the United States. Centralize some companies and universities to play energy, as long as there are 10% of colleges and enterprises to participate in the black cloud group, they will never be opponents."

Many people who have heard a little thing here, so don't worry about technology and talent loss. And it can be close to the part of the technology town, which is not in labor.

Orange also knows that there is a lot of benefits, but the drawback is also very obvious. That is to lead to geographical differentiation, and some collaboration between colleges and enterprises will be less.

Each university and enterprise have different role in research and development, it can form a good complement between them. It can now build a technology town around several places, and I want to work more difficult in the future. Whoever lets who lead to, can you win the public, these are troublesome.

But he must also agree with this practice, or more people will be more.

Finally, I decided to establish a technology town in the United States, which may also be the Haokyo of the United States. Domestic famous universities and multinational companies are really many, and the power distribution points do not matter.

All the United States will build four science and technology towns, first of all, Silicon Valley Science and Technology Town, leaders are famous companies such as Stanford University, California Institute of Technology, California, and Apple, Atte. It can be said that this is the most good technology town in the United States and even the world, and there is no one.

Secondly, New York - Boston City Group Technology Town is mainly based on Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University. This combination is not technically no problem, but the lack of harmonization, the distance between major colleges and universities and enterprises is still a bit far away, and it is really not good to say anything.

Motorola combined with Chicago University and Northwestern University, established Chicago Science and Technology Town in Chicago. However, this is mostly the name of the scientific town. It is actually a laboratory of Motorola, which is not too big value and significance.

Boeing also made a similar science and technology town in Seattle, more like a Boeing factory. There is no need to exist at all, but Boeing doesn't want people to say that he is not active.

The most promising is still the Silicon Valley Technology Town, as long as it is a good job, there is absolutely no problem. However, this also puts the road to other companies and colleges from Silicon Valley. After all, there is a technology town, and go to Silicon Valley to be cast aside.

Until for decades, American talents found that they should not convene this meeting. If many companies and colleges do not have a research institution in Silicon Valley without this meeting, the research and development power is not so dispersed.

It is there in this meeting, and external companies and colleges have different Silicon Valley. In addition, many projects have been in advance by the Black Cloud Group, and the development of Silicon Valley is far from the later generation.

When Baozi Xuan heard the Americans, I found four science and technology towns, and I was happy to jump. Americans are playing for the development of the black cloud. It seems that it is not easy to seize this opportunity. The Americans make a mistake.

The head of the bag knows that if all the power is put onto Silicon Valley, the strength of the Black Cloud Group is not worthless. Even if it is also a traveler, it is impossible to win because he is facing the most powerful country in the world. In the face of countless genius engineers, the most important these engineers have unlimited resources, now there is no need to worry about such scatter.

As long as it is a heart to build a black cloud town, add your own vision. Black Cloud Group will definitely rush any company in technology, now we have to cultivate internal strength. When the timing is mature, the whole world will be shocked.

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