Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 563 Countries Reaction - Other Country

Just when Americans discuss the establishment of technology towns, other countries were not idle. The change in the black cloud town to the world can not be small. Now in the cold war period, the world's nerves are very tight, no one is willing to fall behind. Because it is likely to mean destruction, no country can assume such a big risk.

Especially when the Americans announced that four science and technology towns were established, all other countries in the world were mobilized. Among them, the Soviet Union responded to the god speed, and immediately discussed where to establish a national science and technology town.

Bremenv has died at the end of last year, and the take operator is the original KG Brov's Androv.

As a Soviet leader, Andropoff made a bold reform work during a year and three months of ruling, and the big knife has made people's adjustments to develop the Soviet economy and improve the progress of the people's welfare. . A more significant results have achieved significant results in rectifying labor discipline and improving economic mechanisms, and the measures taken in this area have obtained the support of the Soviet Union. But because of health reasons, he has not allowed him to complete this task.

This is an ideal governor that can accept fresh things, much better than Britinger, but the economic situation in the Soviet Union has always restricted the idea of ​​this leader, it is difficult to make major changes.

Andropoff made a decision quickly after exchange of Chernote, and I would like to build a science and technology town pilot in the Qingcheng. However, in other leaders of the Soviet Union, the United States engaged in four science and technology towns. The Soviet area is much larger than the United States. At least 8 science and technology towns can demonstrate the strength of the big country.

This is a result that makes people laugh, the integrated strength of the industry, technology, education, etc. of the two countries can be connected to it!

Amur Qingcheng referred to as a green city, a city in the Russian Federation of Far East Habarovsk, and the city is located downstream of Heilongjiang (Amur), also known as the Green City of Amur.

The Qingcheng is built in accordance with the Plan of the Soviet Far East Industrial Center, is an emerging industrial city, the total production of industrial products accounts for 80% of the total production of the city's national economy, accounting for the total industrial industry in Habarovsk 40% of yield. The largest proportion in the industrial structure is the mechanical manufacturing industry, accounting for 57%, and the black metal accounts for 12% of petroleum processing and chemical.

Mechanical Manufacturing is the economic foundation of Amur Qingcheng, nearly 40 production enterprises, including "Amusk Shipyard", "Gongcheng Aircraft Manufacturing Union", "Amur Steel Factory", "Gongcheng Oil Processing factory, as well as wood processing plants, furniture factories, building materials factories, etc. The later generations of "Green City Aircraft Manufacturing Association" is the manufacturing plant of the Russian Su-27 Series, Su-30MK series, Su-35S fighter and Su-57 stealth fighter.

In fact, Andropov's idea is very good, that is, Green City is far from the core area of ​​Moscow.

Many policies can be effectively communicated and ultimately implemented, even if the project fail to the entire country is not very big.

Moreover, in the Second World War I have become a big rear of the Soviet Union, these can be used. There are many higher colleges and universities, and if you move some of the Moscow University's professional, you will definitely add wings. At the same time, the Soviet manufacturing bureau is required to establish a division in the Qingcheng, and may be successful.

However, the Americans set up four science and technology towns, and suddenly disrupted the rhythm of the Soviet Union, even to disturb their minds to a certain extent. This is the two countries during the cold war, you have to have, and the quantity is more than the other side.

The Soviewer announced the establishment of 8 scientific small towns, but also the nerves of the whole world. When is the technology town becoming such a worthless money, it seems that the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan have nothing.

The Soviewer's move made Americans, they have established four science and technology towns in order to benefit. Is there so many funds and companies support such a huge project! Science and technology town can not only use a piece of land, but also need system division, there is a business and research institutions to support.

However, the Soviet Union is a bit more powerful than the United States, that is, as long as Moscow has reached the order. The following execution is absolutely enough, and companies and colleges belong to the country, no one dares to obey.

So the entire Soviet Union will act, many universities, design bureaus, and enterprises are from new planning and relocation. Let the world once again see the powerful and executive power of the Soviet Union, the United States even temporarily dispatched 3 satellite in the Soviet Union; they also worried that the old Mao will start from the moth.

Seeing the United States and the Soviet Union in the construction of science and technology towns, other countries must certainly not fall behind. However, it was found that many countries did not have conditions for building science and technology towns at all.

Native enterprises, colleges and scientific research institutions have fundamentally supported the establishment of science and technology towns. In addition, the most funding problem is a scorpion of science and technology towns.

However, in this English, the British is still true, and higher education in the UK is very powerful. As the first industrial revolution, the British is still a substitute, and since the British of the world, the British of the world will see the boss and the old two began to build a science and technology town. Of course, they are not backward, and they have also begun to discuss the construction of science and technology towns.

The Tiequat showed his ironfoot once, requested the British colleges and universities to come over the meeting. The purpose is clear, that is to tell entrepreneurs and colleges and universities in the UK, and the UK must take action.

And when you come over, you have already greeted the University of Oxford, asking them to support all resolutions of the Prime Minister. At this time, the benefits of alumni are reflected, but the principal of Oxford is very difficult.

Because in the past Oxford has promised Bunxuan to set up a laboratory in the Black Cloud Town, it is true that the Black Cloud Group invites Oxford University to establish a graduate training point. Xiangjiang is still in British rule, so Oxford University is not so difficult to establish a laboratory in Xiangjiang. But the policy can't control it, and they also have their own concerns.

Now I see the British to set up a science and technology town, and Oxford University feels that teachers should not be enough. I can think of Bunzu's underheritance, they really can't bear to give up the conditions of the Black Cloud Group.

It is destined to let the iron lady disappoint, Oxford University will not do its best. Clearly recognize the strength and ability of the United Kingdom that do not have the establishment of scientific small towns.

No matter whether it admits or not, the UK has not fallen in many ways. At present, there is no other technology, medical, daily chemical products, biotechnology, etc., and only these worldwide are in the leading position; the automotive industry also also horse-gaps; the number of colleges can also be; only these fundamental support Can't establish the establishment of science and technology towns.

There are only such countries, Soviet and Japan, which can be independently built into technology towns. The UK does not invite other continental countries to create a science and technology town together, then they are definitely could not be built. There is no meaning even if it is built; the most is a null.

Baozi Xuan is a targeted donation of 100 million pounds every year in order to win the Embologic University. It is very attractive to the current domestic economy, British universities, and at the same time, both parties can conduct in-depth communication in computer science. Prerequisites are Oxford University to establish biotechnology, automotive industries, and medical laboratories in Black Cloud Town.

At this time, the computer specialty of the Yulin Institute of Technology is absolutely comparable to Santanfu and MIT, and the head is rich, but the future computer has played an important role in people's lives. Therefore, it will invest huge amounts of funds every year to study, and will not be interrupted later.

Oxford University, of course, I hope to be the strongest college in Europe, Stanford and MAS will not speak. To a certain extent, this time it has a need for both parties, so there is no agreement with Bao Xuan.

Such important subject categories must be partially to Xiangjiang, and they have energy to build and support the UK's science and technology town. At this point, it seems to be able to make Cambridge University cheap. But if it is really a cheaper, no one can guarantee that the British strength is still less.

Looking at the Oxford University is the vice president, there is a bad premonition in the heart of the iron lady. Now I heard that it is important to build in Xiangjiang, I really want to stop through the prime minister authority. However, I think of the contributions of the Black Cloud Group and the computer field support. The iron lady does not say more; as needed to move from the newly established computer science laboratory to the UK's science and technology town.

Bedding house

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