For Bunzi Xuan, Salad, Derecht's gossip things is not interested, after all, his identity is the head of state, not entertainment tag reporters. These things still let them handle, as long as Drecht doesn't do excessive things, Bunzi is not dangerous in the UAE. Zayedba can't get them; can borrow external forces to clean up their opponents, this is what everyone is happy.

Things to be jealous and jealous, although they will not ask, but as presidents, the development of this economic country is still active. This is his responsibility, only let the country strong, the people will love and support his president.

At this time, the most successful businessman in the world, the master of economic plan is in front of you. The eyes of the people can be more than they are more than they, and a idea is enough for several years, even for decades. Bao Zixuan has this magic, not good.

Zayed said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, as the most successful entrepreneur in the world, is an economical authority. What do you think is the development of the UAE should develop, although now because of oil relationships, the life of the domestic people is not bad. On the day of the morning oil, we have to take care of the future generations. "

In fact, in Bunzi Xuanxin, there is really a project to work with UAE. If it is well developed to the group's business, it has a great promotion, and this company in the past Arab Emirates is very high in the world.

Now, since President Zayed take the initiative, then you can't let the opportunity to walk away.

But people compliment you, how can you be modest. Bao Zi Xuan said: "Where is the economic expert? If the science and work may also mention some opinions. Plan a national economic development, a bad loss will suffer, it is not a thousand people in the United Arab Emirates. Now we Also enjoyable communication, you can't even make friends can't even do it. "

"So about planning economic, the President is still looking for a top economic plan master. I am from learning and engineering professionally, the economic plan research is not deep."

Zayed horeed the hand with the Chinese people and knew some style of people. Moreover, Baozi Xuan helps other Arab countries have made overall planning; more than what the so-called economic expert is too much. It can be seen from the size of the company's business, which is mostly the american, which every day, self-blowing experts, is really going to be critical.

If those so-called economic experts plan to plan the Emirates economy, it is estimated that it will not have problems in the country. It seems that Baozi Xuan is more actually some, and it can fundamentally solve the problem.

Zayed: "Mr. Bao is not modest, although you are not learning economic profession, it can be used in the development of economic processes, but there is no one. Those so-called economic experts have never done any business, only Will talk by theory and data. Govern a country, manage a company, if you can succeed in accordance with his approach. "

"You can rest assured that there is no relationship with the wrong and you can give other Arab brothers, now you are so modest; is there anything in our Uiji to be guilty."

The head is rich and knows that he has not refused, and he didn't want to refuse him. Just just a guest set, if you don't say how to get the shares.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Since the President's His Excellence this, it is really embarrassed to say something, but if you think it is unreasonable, when I haven't said,

Just chat between friends. "

President Zayed quickly said that even if he reluctant to say, even if it fails, there will be no complaints. Say that it is a chat between friends, but there is a talk between this level, what kind of friend is chatting.

Bunzi Xuan: "The UAE wants to develop, the traffic problem must be considered. The whole country is very single and backward. There is no highway connection between several emirates, and there is no road network to build the road network with other Arab countries."

"The most deadly or aviation problems, the UAE has no one in your own airline. In fact, the UAE can be used as a tie and bridge between the external world with the Arab countries. The UAE has a lot of people from all countries and regions from the world, while still I have retained a lot of Arabic traditions. Iraq, Jordan, Saudi want to develop tourism, if tourists can transition in the UAE, it is necessary. The province's arrived in Saudi, because cultural and living habits have a joke, this is not conducive to tourists. It will harm the national image of the Arab region. "

The former Emirates Airlines was established until October 25, 1985, which is only a little time in advance.

At the beginning of the establishment of the UAE, only one Boeing 737 and a aerial car A300B4 were rented. With the active sky open policy of Dubai, Emirates is growing and expanding to maintain the advantages of competition, and fully support policy. Since the third year, we will be earlier. In the first ten years, it is doubled every three and a half, and the growth is amazing.

The ordering aircraft is even more arrogant, and it can even be said to be overbearing. In the 2003 Paris Air Exhibition, UAE Airlines announced the largest passenger plane transaction in the history of aviation, a total of 71 new passenger aircings, with a total value of $ 19 billion, including Airbus and Boeing passengers. UAE Airlines becomes the largest buyer of two passenger planes in A340-600 HGW and A380.

In 2005, Dubai Ninth International Aviation Exhibition, Emirates announced that it officially ordered 42 Boeing 777 passenger aircraft, the total value is equivalent to $ 9.7 billion, is the largest transaction in the history of Boeing 777, including 24 Boeing 777-300ER, 10 Boeing 777-200LR, 8 Boeing 777F.

At the 2006 British Fanburo Air Show, Emirates signed a procurement intent for 10 Boeing 747-8F passenger aircraft, with a transaction value of $ 3.3 billion.

At the Dubai Air Exhibition in November 2007, the UAE Airlines announced a historic civil aviation opportunity order, including 120 air bus A350 passenger planes, 11 A380 passenger planes and 12 Boeing 777-300ER passenger planes, valuation About 34.9 billion US dollars. Among the agreements signed with the Airbus, Emirates Determination will purchase 50 A350-900 passenger aircraft, 20 A350-1000 passenger aircraft, and may purchase 50 A350-900 passenger aircraft.

UAE Airlines also decided to confirm orders on 8 A380 passenger aircraft signed in early 2011, and confirmed that three two-layer passenger aircraft for 3 this model were re-added, and the total number of procurement procurement has increased to 58.

Plus 12 new orders of 777-300ER passenger aircraft, the United Arab Emirates Aviation has a total of 48 Boeing 777 waiting to be delivered, and it is expected to be the world's largest Boeing 777 operator in the next few years.

At the 2013 Dubai Air Show opened on November 17, 2013, the UAE Airlines, who was based on Dubai, signed a contract with Airbus, and confirmed to purchase 50 air passengers A380 aircraft.

At this point, the total number of Airbus A380 aircraft ordered by UAE Airlines reached 140. The order fully demonstrates the continued strong demand for super large aircraft in the Middle East. Air transport growth rate in the Middle East is higher than the global average.

The former Emirates Airlines is constantly refreshing the number of orders and the amount of money, which can be said to be the most vibrant company in the world. Of course, there is a big relationship with the national support, but you can't deny that the economy of the economy in the Middle East is a contribution to this company.

UAE Airlines is abundant and independent, except for the funds established, no need to hold any subsidies. Since the third year, we will be earlier. In just ten years, there is a seat in the global tourism industry and the transportation industry.

Emirates combined with mature destination management and leisure sub-station, global goods sub-station, international ground management and Emotional Information Science and Technology Development Department, thus obtaining two major advantages: sustained dramatic growth and unchanging excellent service, is the United Arab Emirates The way of success. It is known to have an international unit staff and the most modern fleet.

To Bunzi Xuan weathered the front UAE airline network service coverage of Europe, the Middle East, Far East, Africa, Asia and Australia, with more than 90 destinations globally.

Any aviation giant in the world greets with this company. As the aviation engine engineer of Luo Luo, it can be several tens of jubi. Every time you come over, you will have a deep impression, so Bao Zi Xuan believes that as long as it is unchanged according to the development of the past, the Africa Aviation is absolutely invincible.

Such a good chance can certainly can't let go, and the heads of the head is deeper to let the Emirates to order aircraft to the black cloud. Large wide-body passenger technology exchanged through the role aircraft is R & D for a long time. This time I can see prototypes on the Paris Air Show, just before the development of the HH-01 ghost stealth aircraft was successfully covered.

UAE Airlines is definitely the world, and any aircraft manufacturing enterprise cannot ignore the existence. Therefore, the head is rich in advance; such as black cloud production is not buyer, this can be a thing.

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