Even if Bunxuan does not say, Zayed also thought of traffic issues. Just for the assessment of airlines, it has not been determined, more accurately, is very difficult to choose mother port. Throughout the entire UAE, only Dubai Construction Airport is most appropriate. But build the airport in Dubai, isn't it to help their arrogance! This only didn't make a decision, worried that Dubai will affect the dominance of Abu Dhabi.

These Bunxuan can not know that there is only one thing to talk about. Moreover, the aviation industry is the field of his most familiarity, nor is it easy to go wrong. Of course, even if you know the situation, you will say this, he is not interested to know where the airport is built. Just want to contribute to the establishment of UAE Airlines, as a black cloud plane has a continuous stable customer. And I know that the Emirates will become 500 of the world, and now I will cast a little money in the future; the future income will exceed the phenomenon, let anyone know how to choose.

It is not a country that supports the development of UAE Airlines, but the entire Middle East. Relying on this native of the oil development, enjoy the peak of people's awareness.

Baozi Xuan proposed component airlines and built airports, which is very beneficial to the entire UAE. The traffic is inconvenient to develop tourism is unrealistic, which will hinder the vast majority of tourists come over the Middle East. As the vocabulary of the bridge between the external world, Zayed is very interested. In order to develop Dubai throughout the United Arab Emirates, as long as it dominates in the airline, there will be no big problem.

I want to understand Zayed soon, the aviation sector is not a strength of Bunxuan. People themselves are learning aviation profession, and there must be a more high opinion.

Zayed: "Mr. Bao said it is very reasonable. The UAE is really needed to make your own airline. It can indeed undertaken the bridge role of the Arab countries. I don't know if I have been interested in the construction of UAE airlines and national expressways. If we can cooperate between us. "

Finally entered the topic, the head of the bags must of course want to get the Shares of the UAE Airlines. And I heard Zayed, I feel that I want to build a aviation, or it is impossible to connect even the name. It can be a highway, which is definitely a pit. In order to promote contact between Arab States, highways often do not charge. It is very difficult to earn profits. If the construction of the Chinese mainland can also be supported in the national construction; the head of the head is still high to make charity in the world.

The UAE announces that the highway will reduce the charging standard, even free. Can you agree, after all, a big shareholder is a person. What if the account is going, it is definitely a black cloud group.

Airlines are not so much restrictions, and the UAE Airlines can be the most profitable airline in the world. No matter who caught this opportunity, you won't let go.

Bunzi Xuan: "I am interested in airlines. The highway is even for the highway. The first is the funding problem, although the revenue of the highway is stable, the cost of construction is very high. Especially in the desert area building a highway, cost is more comparable There are many other geographies. The Black Cloud Group should build the black cloud town in the next few years, there is no extra funds to build a highway. And the highway is related to a national strategy, it is best not to introduce foreign capital. If the country enters Emergency state, the interest problem involved is not good. "

"The Black Cloud Group itself has aircraft manufacturing enterprise, and the first large passenger aircraft will also appear in this Paris Air Show. Therefore, for airlines, there is of course, I don't know what the President is."

I heard the analysis of Baozi Xuan.

Zayed feels very reasonable. Although the United Arab Emirates don't actively, because of the reasons of oil, it will definitely be a big idea by many countries. At that time, you need to transport soldiers and materials with highways. If there are foreign funds to intervene, it is also a trouble.

Therefore, the highway can only build themselves, and invite several Arab brothers to enter. As for the capital of Europe and the United States to be excluded, they will not be able to help anything to help the Arab region.

I heard the Bunxuan said that the large passenger opportunity appeared on the Paris Air Show, which is a good opportunity. It can make him use aircraft into the share, the airline is not worthy of airport and aircraft. Even if the airport can't develop, it can also be used as a military airport, and it will not waste anyway. And it is still built in the UAE and will not suffer from the horizontal vertical.

Buying a plane is a big head, now there is a bunxuan. This money can save this in the early stage, so it seems very feasible. Although there is money in the UAE, it is necessary to build a highway or save money.

Zayed didn't know what his thoughts were, and what it means. However, when you want to buy the United Arab Airlines shares, it is found that the national finance is not allowed to do this.

Zayed: "Mr. Bao said it is very reasonable. The highway is a national lifeblove. Indecent in the hands of foreign capital, even if it is shares, you can't think about it. Of you remind, or you have to make a mistake."

"Airline shares are no problem, but I hope that you can control about 30%. As an aviation expert, you should be able to see that only Dubai is best for construction airports throughout the UAE. So you must give Some shares in Dubai, otherwise they will not agree. "

I heard that Bunxuan finally understood some problems, the UAE and Soviet ideology were similar. Even in a constraint franchise, I can't catch up with the Soviet Union. After all, the Arctic bears also have a strong military support. Abu Dhabi can be ignored in addition to oil, and there are also petroleum reserves. In particular, Dubai is in strength, it is really not weak than Abu Dhabi, at least now.

Baozi Xuan: "I understand this, the Black Cloud Group is just to express his sincerity. At the same time, there is also a problem such as aircraft sales, will not seek management right. The future management rights of the UAE Airlines will only be in Abu Dhabi, this is a promise. "

Everyone is a smart person, and the words have been said very well. Zayed would not understand what it means, then he has no exercise from his brother's position. According to Baozi Xuan's statement, even if you let 40% shares in Dubai don't matter; as long as it is a black cloud group standing in Abu Dhabi, it will not have problems.

Baozi Xuan then said: "The highway can invite members of the Emirates of the United Arab Emirates to participate, Hussein's assets, can you fully have a power!"

I heard Bunzu's initiative to make himself joined the highway, which made Hussein were very happy. I grateful to see a bunxuan, this kid is really enough.

Zayed looked at Hussein said with a smile: "Let Hussein dominate the highway construction, and you can take stock of stocks."

Hussein heard the President's order to let him dominate the construction of the highway, which is a real right. I finally be marginalized, which is the first step back to the UAE Rights Center.

Hussein: "Please pay tribute to you, I must go all out. Never live up to your expectations, it will definitely let the UAE highway network a focus of global attention."

This is the power of Zayed, as well as the right to country. As long as it is considered a feasible thing, it will be decided to discuss it like other countries.

Some countries in Arab countries can develop, not because there is no reason. In the head of the best, the country will definitely be vigorously developed. Once the national monarch appears extreme behavior, it is fatal for the country and the people. Everything has its own two-sided, just look at it.

At that time, President Zayed felt Bunxuan was helping friends until the highway began to build; and the Black Cloud Group canceled Hussein's agent after understanding. Hussein made the money earned by these eaten black cloud products, mostly in the expressway, and made a lot of contributions to the country.

Looking at the Emirates Airlines, which is rapidly developed, while the Arab countries often require a free highway. Baozi Xuan has already analyzed the things very thoroughly, but it is unknown.

As for why Hussein, it is definitely because of the sake of salad. In order to meet their own interests, Bunzu Xuan is involved in the interests between the Emirates. And if it is completely unaware, the retaliation is definitely it should be. It can only be said that Hussein can't see the situation, but it also changed to show that the bag is rich in the eyes.

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