The purpose of coming is to set up UAE airlines in Dubai, from geographical location, terrain landform features only Dubai is the most appropriate. Zayed is not to listen to their two mutually compliments and explore economic development. After reading a bunxuan, I thought that this kid really can be indifferent, and the same age is not worth it.

Since Bao Zixuan does not say this kid, he must express his views. You must introduce the topic into the right track, you can't waste time here.

Zayed: "Rashid, this time, I want to see where Dubai is suitable for the construction airport. Mr. Bao Zixuan gave the first step in the development of the Emirates economy to solve the traffic problem, don't use me more, you know it very reasonable. At present, I have already appointed Husu for the head of the Emirates Expressway, which is specially responsible for building Emirates of the United Arab Emirates. And the highway to the Arab brothers. "

"Airlines need female ports, it seems that Dubai is the most appropriate. This is not an emirate thing, it is related to the economic development of the entire UAE, so I hope that Dubai can cooperate. I mean to expand on the existing airport, currently see Come here is the most effective solution. It is very good for developing Dubai economies, I hope you have to be heavy in the overall situation. "

Hearing to form an aviation and the master port is built in Dubai. Rashid's heart is ecstatic, this is a chance to drop the pies on a day. But thinking about it, the entire UAE is only the most appropriate, other places are not a flat, which is not flat. It is necessary to know that the construction of the airport is high, not just a place to build.

Since Zayed came over, since personally came over, it was definitely tutoring with Bao Zi Xuan. The purpose of the two people is to get the control of Dubai Airport, and it is really a fool! Here, Dubai is the land left by the ancestors. Not Abu Dhabi, how can I easily make it.

Rashid: "No one will refuse to promote the national economic development, I haven't been exception. I have thought about the expansion of Dubai Airport, but since you have already said, then everyone is talking about the public."

"I have a good idea to build airlines. Dubai can also take a part of the fund support. But the construction of the mother and port is in Dubai, I think the airline Dubai should dominate the dominance, or otherwise it will be troublesome."

When I heard it, I wanted to dominate, this is a typical, I don't take my president. If he promised, he will not be more arrogant, but it does not agree to do it! Zayed is very contradictory. After all, he is a country's head of state to be heavy in a largest situation, can't manage Dubai like Lishid.

Zayed: "Now there is a matter of the entire UAE, or even the entire Arab region. Airport is built in Dubai, but it can give a far-reaching influence on the local economy. Don't make a little lost, and finally make it unfavorable to unity. You are a sinner of the entire Arab world, and no one will make friends with such countries and chiefs. "

I heard two people started with a tandem. Bunxuan felt that he was to leave. So smiled and said: "Where is the chief of Rashid, where is the toilet."

I heard the Bunxuan asked the toilet, two people saw him. This kid is really understanding, Rashid quickly lets him take him to wash your hands, this is a good opportunity to avoid embarrassment.

After seeing Bunzi Xuan, Rashid said: "The entire UAE area is only suitable for building large international airports, which is undecided. Therefore, Dubai wants to dominate the status, not too much, to know the land of Dubai The area itself is not large.

Now I need to take out such a large land expansion airport, I have to have some confidence in the people. "

Zayed: "Can expand Dubai Airport is the best explanation of them. Once Dubai has become the air hub throughout the Middle East. How much is the tourists from Dubai, these people do not consumption. What you said is built into Dubai The plan of the international metropolis can also be achieved earlier. This is a big thing, don't let out people look joke. "

"Bun Zixuan This person does not see young, but doing business, watching the problem is very set. And I have convince the other person to invest in airlines, this opportunity is very rare. Is it very rare because of your problems, let the opportunity slip away from around. Then we don't match the leaders of the UAE, I hope you think about it. "

Rashid also knows that it can't be honest, and the maidge's master port is built in Dubai, which has a good facilitating role in the local economy. In order to develop in Dubai, it doesn't matter some of the interests.

It seems that Zayed is not a place, at least knows if there is, it can be.

Rashid: "Bun Zixuan's kid looked very embarrassing, how many of the airline shares he wants."

Although two people have contradictory, it is also an internal contradiction. There is still relative relationship, just dissatisfaction with each other. Now the Black Cloud Group wants to enter the airline, then nature is different. What can't be said to be cheap by the outsiders, but what is the idea of ​​my heart.

Zayed: "It is I invite Bunzi Xuan to invest in airlines, and the large passengers of the Black Cloud Group appear in the Paris Air Show. It is of course hope to have a stable customer, according to I understand the Black Cloud Group in the air engine The field has been in a leading position. So the passenger plane they produce will not be worse. "

"This Iraq can overcome Iran, the stealth bomber used is from the Black Cloud Group. Although this is just a guess, it can basically not have too much access."

"Abu Dhabi provides funds, Dubai provides venues, and the Black Cloud Group provides aircraft. Whether they are produced by themselves, go to other companies to buy, the plane wants them to come out. Shares can give them about 30%, the remaining See how much we have funded. "

Two people have reached a simple consensus, and now I'm watching Bun Zixuan's attitude. If there is no black cloud group to join, airlines will also be established, just that the previous scale will not be too large.

After Bao Xuan has finished the toilet, it turns around nearby, and the feeling is almost returned to the place just talking.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan came in, Zayed said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, you feel that this airline is better than what is better."

Baozi Xuanxin thought, you said it is an Emirates, how can I ask me now. I looked at the Rashid chief next to it, I suddenly understood what I mean, this is to tell my name with my mouth.

If you really say it, it is not a sinner. This kind of thing will not dry, at least not now.

Bun Zixuan: "I have understood before, the Black Cloud Group is only involved in investment. Will not seek management rights, the same name is not required for the company. As long as you reach a consensus, black clouds are absolutely supported."

I heard the Bun Zixuan pushed the second five six, Zayed was a little unhappy. It seems that this child is not guilty on both sides, and there is no loss in the horizontal vertical. It seems that people are really a businessman, solve the problem with business thinking.

Rashid: "Since Mr. Bao has no opinion, and the airline port is in Dubai. According to international practice, it is called Dubai Airlines, how is the two feelings."

I heard that Zayed almost didn't dizzy, this old child is nothing to have any kindness. Dubai Airlines he also said exports, is this not promoted for Dubai! If you really call this name, you will know the place where you come over.

Zayed: "This name is called Dubai Airlines is not this, that is, the geographicality is too strong, too limited. It is very unfavorable to the entire country, or it is called Emirates Airlines, which also has an explanation for other Emirates. "

I heard Zayed said other emirates, and Rashid didn't say anything. Now I can only pin you on Bunxuan, and you can only let this kid. If you don't agree, it will be sinful to other emirates. At that time, Dubai's situation will be very embarrassed. Abu Dhabi will definitely take the opportunity to launch.

Bao Zi Xuan is thinking, what is going on between the two Emirates. How to make this kind of name to fight, it seems that the situation is complicated than he imagined. Trading into other countries disputes, is not beneficial to the development of the Black Cloud Group, and only have time to prove.

In the case of Bunzi Xuan, Lisid is unwilling. But I still have suited to obey, the final company's name is named - UAE Airlines.

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