Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 608 Interest Distribution

The most famous airlines of this world are in the three people, and I was founded in my words. In addition to Bunzu Xuan, no one thought of this company's terrorist scale. This is not only one of the two people in the UAE Rights, and it makes it more about the world to witness the eyes of Bao Zixuan.

However, no one will consider these things, which will be distributed. Still first talk about the shares, then the tripartite can perform it. As for several other emirates, the two are not mentioned. Seeing this situation, Bunzi Xuan fately likes to see. More people involved, not only is not conducive to the company's management, but to dilute the shares of the Black Cloud Group.

Zayed said: "Mr. Bao is an aviation expert. It is definitely unique to airport expansion. Therefore, we still listen to his opinion first, you said! Rashid!"

Rashid also knows that professionals do professional things. Although Baozi Xuan is not the airport design and planning, it is also a high-profile student of Massachusetts Airlines; it is definitely more professional than they do.

Rashid: "You are right, Mr. Bao is indeed worthy of our two."

Seeing two people have been uniform, Bao Zi Xuan knows how to hide. Moreover, I didn't want to hide, when I was prepared to set up an Emirates Airlines, I have been prepared.

Baozi Xuan took the computer and then opened the planning map of Dubai International Airport. It can be said that it is completely drawn according to the memory, which is definitely the presence in this era.

On the other side, the two people said, "said the total construction area of ​​Dubai International Airport is 2 million square meters; a total of 3 flights are T1-T3 terminal, and there are 4 satellite halls, respectively. The Satellite Hall; there are two runways, with a length of 4,000 meters, 46 meters, 4,000 meters, 60 meters. After the completion of the construction, Dubai International Airport can complete the annual passenger throughput of 100 million. ""

"Plan T1 Terminal and D Satellite Hall Building area of ​​about 250,000 square meters, the T1 terminal sets 200-120 value machine counters, and the D Sanitary Counter has 30 artificial counters."

"Planning Dubai International Airport T2 Terminal Building area is 13,000 square meters, there is a total of 50 artificial counters."

"Planned Dubai International Airport T3 Terminal and A Satellite Building area of ​​1.2 million square meters, a total of 235 artificial counter; B-satellite building area is 550,000 square meters; C satellite buildings are 150,000 square meters. "

"Planning Dubai International Airport Aviation Station is 35,000 square meters, which can meet the use needs of 3 million tons of annual shipping throughput."

See the magnificent blueprint of Dubai International Airport, as well as the shocking number introduced by Baozi Xuan. The two UAE leaders have no reactions between the leaders, and Dubai International Airport can really be constructed in this drawings. And is it necessary to build it? Will not cause waste.

Rashid: "Mr. Bao's plan is indeed grand, and it is also very attractive; can build the airport so that the general meeting will not be wasted. After all, the whole Dubai is about 300,000 people, and it is fundamentally supported such a huge airport."

Rashid is relatively conservative, if you change to your son, you will not ask these questions. Many of the world's landmarks and the most buildings in the world are in his son.

Not only is Rashid, but even the President Zayed is incredible. The UAE is less than 8 million, and there is no need to build an airport in an annual throughput of more than 100 million.

Bao Zixuan knows that it will be this effect, and now it is just a plan. Its purpose is to let Dubai reserve the land and is free to expand difficult.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "This is just a master plan, building a large building requires long-term planning. To reserve enough land around, only such future expansion will not generate disputes and contradictions."

I heard the two people here, I understand, or the professional. It seems that it can be implemented in accordance with the plan, Bunzi Xuan is in the mall and climbing for many years, and has never done a loss.

Rashid is a Dubai, of course, I hope that Dubai can build a more magnificent. Moreover, according to Bunxuan to Dubai International Airport, it is already an international metropolis in terms of Dubai in aviation. As long as someone came over, it will definitely take local consumption. Dubai is compared to Abu Dhabi, oil resources still have to be less.

There is an air master to rely on, and it is really good to be a good wrist with Abu Dhabi. But the grand blueprint of the airport, it is not cheap. It is difficult to support the financial resources of Dubai, and Abu Dhabi is entitled. This is not what he wants to see, but does not let Abu Dhabi enters, Dubai can't complete such a huge project independently.

Rashid: "Mr. Bao is worthy of aviation experts. We don't have to ask the designer according to your drawings. Do you think all of the airport is completed?"

Zayed really wanted to give Bunzi Xuan a bit, so they were not afraid of Rashid. Dubai's source of funds is relatively single, and there is definitely to use Abu Dhabi. This is not a good time to enter Dubai, starting with the airport.

Baozi Xuan: "According to the plan, all the required funds will not be less than $ 5 billion. Of course, if you add some column facilities such as equipment procurement, the total investment should exceed $ 7 billion."

This year, Dubai has not been so local so local in the 21st century, and $ 7 billion may not be able to get it.

Seeing Rashid thinking, Zayed said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about the funds, Dubai International Airport is related to the entire UAE. The country also takes out financial support, and must also take funds."

This is the airport, Abu Dhabi must occupy the airport shares. Rashid knows that Dubai has no other choice, and Zayed starts from the country, it is really difficult to refute.

Can't let Abu Dha are unique, or put black clouds come in. At the same time, it is also possible to repurchase the shares from the Black Cloud Group when the funds are allowed in Dubai. If the shares arrive in Abu Dhabi, then you don't want to come back in this life.

Rashid: "I don't know how many airport shares are needed."

I heard that Bunxuan and Zayed two people stunned, how to Rashid took the initiative to let Bunzi Xuan into the airport. You know that this is not airline, but an airport. No airlines have strength to build airports, and general airport construction can be government behavior.

However, two people are smart people, and suddenly understand what Lishid is meaning. This is to let the black cloud group come in and play a regulatory role. You can also repurchase the Black Cloud Group in his hand. To put it bluntly, I don't want to let Abu Dhabi is a big bigger. Rashid knows that Dubai's financial resources are far from Abu Dhabi.

Bao Zi Xuan wants to say: "The Black Cloud Group can take 15% of our stocks, and you will have two points left. The recent capital pressure is very large, and some may not have some toe."

I heard the Bunxuan so much, Zayed did not say much. After all, Black Clouds as long as 15% of the airport shares, this means that Bunzi is not greedy.

In fact, Bunzu is 15% shares, mainly for the preparation of Fuji Ira. When he wanted to start with Fuji Ira, Abu Dhabi and Dubai will definitely be opposed; Dubai International Airport Shares is a good constraint.

Zayed: "Mr. Bao 15% shares do not have any problems, Abu Dhabi should take 55% of our stocks, there is still the right Dubai. So arranged two no opinions!"

When I heard it, I have to dominate, and Rashide certainly disagreed. Is this not the control of Dubai International Airport?

Rashid: "This distribution is certainly not, the Black Cloud Group takes 15%, I have no opinions. But the airport is in Dubai, you must be dominated by Dubai, you must know that the land can be us."

"Dubai must account for 51% of our stock, and the rest can give Abu Dhabi."

Zayed: "Is there so many funds in Dubai! I have to know that Dubai's land is not worth money."

In this way, two people have begun to fight for shares, knowing that every share is more interests. And more related to the control of the traffic in the UAE, no one will be easily.

Finally, after a bargain, Abu Dhabi is 45% of the stock, and Dubai accounts for 40%. It can be said that there are more shares on the name of Abu Dhabi, and the airport is the construction in Dubai. In addition, 15% of the Black Cloud Group also buried hidden dangers; the two sides must strive to Bun Zixuan support to fully dominate.

The proportion of the Shares of the UAE Airlines is also discussed, and the Black Cloud Group accounts for 30% of the stock; Abu Dhabi accounts for 40%; Dubai accounts for 30%. The airplane is provided by the Black Cloud Group, and the other two are shares according to the funds.

Emirates and Cake of Dubai International Airport have been finished, can't be said to be perfect, but at least the tripartite is satisfied with interest allocation.

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