Although Li Chao has knocked a bamboo bar, let Zheng Yu are very unhappy. It can also be known that some things must be paid, the most important these money don't have to come out, or he has a maximum of some parts.

According to the division of labor in the same bag, Zheng Yu came to Xinhong Base, Guo Qisheng Office. Today, the shark is in the same way, maybe it is possible to pack the bunxuan this stinky boy, or it is about to become the motivation of the first rich in Xiangjiang. Guo Zhaosheng did not have anything, and there is no Bao Huo's shares, it is a good breakthrough.

However, Zheng Yu did not expect that Guo Qisheng attitude was very resolute. It is said that I will not be able to give Bun Zixuan, and I will not take it out of the presence of black cloud bank funds. No matter how he must use the interests, this makes Zheng Yu feel very strange. When Guo Sheng is so hard, it is really small to see him.

After Zheng Yu, Guo Jia people still don't understand. How can you miss such a good chance, you have to know that it is the shares of Bao Huo's Mining Company, not who wants to get.

Guo Qisheng did not explain the same few children, and many things needed to realize themselves. This will be more profound, otherwise it will always be too big.

With a belly, Zheng Yu started to swim between the majority of the rivers in Xiangjiang. How much has played some effects, at least this time no one dares to pay for the black cloud bank. Then the purpose has reached, and the people directly asked people to be unrealistic.

All major newspapers in Xiangjiang received the news, and the burden of black cloud bank was insufficient. Bunzi Xuan is inheriting, and insisted on Iraq's investment, so that the capital is more nervous, and even has used the black cloud deposit reserve, this is an irresponsible behavior.

However, there is also a harmonic, and the Oriental Daily as the Majia's industry, the general face is really not given. Even if the other party is the same as the shark, everyone usually does not commit the river, and it is not necessary to have the most B & X Xuan in order to please the shark.

It is also the existence of the status of Jin Yong's grandfather. This time, I have not participated in the issue of Black Cloud Bank, Jin Yong's father does not want to participate in the game between the rich.

As for other newspapers, there is not so much scruple, the shark is not just given the price, and evidence is more adequate. This time I absolutely see that Bunxuan is unlucky, this is a lot of media.

Some things don't have to report all newspapers, as long as there is a newspaper report, it is enough. What's more, most media in Xiangjiang have reported that the news can't be pressed.

Under the promotion of people, the newspaper is reported to the Black Cloud Bank to use the reserve gold to invest. Now there is only one empty news, and the entire Xiangjiang already knows this.

Zhou Dafu and the new world real estate employee began to get money in the black cloud, which is to make a squeeze. In addition to the employees of the boat king, the black cloud banks are very lively at a time.

There is a problem in this, that is, many of the black cloud employees have in love with Zhou Dafu Jewelry shopping guide. Some are even married, these women are not careless. Regardless of your boyfriend or your husband, you don't agree. Like to go to Black Cloud Bank to pay money, this is the boss personally explains.

This makes the black cloud employees are very difficult. I know that I don't believe in the company at this time. Who dares to believe in the reputation of the Black Cloud Bank, at this time, it is in two difficulties. Some unconfilled people can only be appointed by girlfriends or their wife, they don't know. It is also good to have some people 's will, and the woman said nothing. I can't get divorce or break up, and I am firmly standing on the company.

Although it is preparation, Yuan Tianfan still reads Zheng Yumi, the boat king and the preparations for HSBC. At this time, you can only be tired of banks, but this situation is very dangerous, one is not good, will take the entire bank in.

On a single morning, Black Cloud Bank lost $ 1 billion in Hong Kong dollar deposits. Take this, I can't hold it at all. Yuan Tianfan can only give a call from Baozi Xuan in Paris, and many things are still a boss.

Yuan Tianfan said to the phone: "The boss, the sharpener is active, did not expect it to be so fierce. In this morning, Black Cloud Bank has reduced $ 1 billion Hong Kong dollar fund reserves, it seems that they are ready. At the same time, the data is so detailed, affirmed There is a ghost. What should I do now, waiting for your next step. "

Bunzi Xuan: "Contact the construction team and material supplier of Huaxia, pay the Huaxia coin to them with the mainland branch funds. It is not used from the black cloud bank to take money in the next few times. We have reserved a lot of Huaxia in China. Currency. It should be able to cope for a while, I believe in the side of the river. "

"At the same time, from the US Black Cloud Software, they will use the money on their accounts. It is not enough to contact the Blackstone Fund, and the Japanese project is suspended for a while."

"In addition, pay close attention to the stock market, the sharks have already bought all the and yellow stocks held by Li Chao people. It is not for fun, soon there will be actions. Tell the black cloud staff, don't worry. Let the sharrket slowly Put, this time it is absolutely bleeding. I know that Li Chao people do business, but they never lose, such a good chance. He can let the shark. "

"I have to see who is giving the opponent ventilation. Many of the banks are the old man left by the Man. This time, let them roll together away, this three-hearted two people have any use."

Yuan Tianfan did not expect the boss to have a plan, it seems that many things have been prepared. However, no one knows is Bunzi Xuan also bought a single order, the problem is still in Li Chao. Although the Yellow Shares sold, no one can say that you can't buy it. In this way, when the stock entered a low point, Li Chao had a large number of efforts to get a lot, and the black cloud employees were just a little soup behind it. After the matter, Li Chao had a $ 1.6 billion Hong Kong dollars to bought the yellow stock back. I earned more than 2 billion yuan, let Zheng Yu have to bite his teeth.

However, these are later, and it is still necessary to deal with the bank's squeezing crisis. As long as it is a shark, there is no shot, and the black cloud can wait next to it.

The report of the newspaper, plus the promotion of someone. The squeezing of the Black Cloud Bank is intensifying, making ordinary people also joined the money team. You can't blame the people in Xiangjiang, which is an interit over these years. Previously, many people had a small bank in order to pay more interests. However, after Huaying negotiations, Xiangjiang Banking has a shuffle. Make a lot of banks closed, their money is of course not returning. However, everyone is so lucky, nor is there anyone to take over.

Eye know, this time is the confrontation of the Xiangjiang old Chinese family with emerging forces. The boat king and Zheng Yu with the urban old man, from the 1950s, enter the richest richest. Baozi Xuan is completely new, which is a super rich in recent years.

Chinese inner fighting let the British foreign banks and the rich family are excited to jump. At this time, the British really wants to give Zheng Yu with a medal. In recent years, with the rise of Baozi Xuan, the British is getting passive in Xiangjiang business. Warrins have formed an absolute rolling potential for British funds; if there is no good way, British capital is likely to withdraw from Xiangjiang Stage.

Now there is a problem in Chinese business, and the spear heads refers to Bao Xuan. How can such a good opportunity to let go, Britary enterprises also ask employees to take money from the Black Cloud Bank. This is simply looking for a package of death, and there is a feeling that the wall is pushing.

Civil citizens can see that the funds of the black cloud bank flow out. There is no one in the past two days or the company in the past, making the swinging people feel scared.

Dong Hao Yun came to Huo Yingdong home, and saw Huo Laowed. So smiled and said: "Huo Sheng is really sinking, things are not going to this, you don't come back."

Huo Hao has been closed for several days in recent days, Huo Yingdong does not want to participate in the contradiction between China. Everyone is for interest, this time is not good. Can only be finalized, and some people really don't necessarily sell him this face.

Huo Yingdong: "Dong is old, just try to kill a plate. The shark is the same as red eyes, this time will not give us a face. Now it is not to go to the black cloud bank, do not give the small bag."

In fact, Huo is not an opinion, so much money is investing abroad. If you invest in the Chinese continent, it can play a good role in the Chinese economy. Of course, this is a personal behavior of Bao Zi Xuan, and he is not too dry.

Now is the boat king and Zheng Yu with Bunzi Xuan, Huo is also very difficult. I can only choose two people, which is not good.

The development of Xiangjiang Chinese business is too smooth, so that some people have a bitterness. Everyone understands what the sharks are for what.

Dong Lao also knows what is busy, so he said helplessly: "It seems that we are really uncomfortable, I hope that the small bag can pass this level."

Both people are fine, some are not good to talk directly. It is not good for anyone, it will hurt and gas.

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