Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 732 Flying Performance and Competitor

The ripple of the Black Cloud Bank is still in continuing, there is no good way to arrange the bunxuan arranged for funds. The depositors are free to pay for freedom, and it is always impossible to make people pay money. I have to fully believe in Yuan Tianfan, this is the best test for him.

The plane is the favorite project of Bao Zixuan, which may be related to the past. At present, it is a good time for corner overtaking, he doesn't want to let this opportunity. In that, he is the sinner of the Chinese nation, and he can't forgive himself. Moreover, the investment in the aircraft project is so huge, and if it can't produce benefits, it is also a serious blow to team morale.

R & D products are not good looking, no practical benefits do not stick to it. Yuan Tianfan is a professional financial talent, which is always stronger than him. And Bunzi Xuan also knows that Yuan Tianfan just wants to get the right to pay, so that you can let go of your hands and feet.

Under the general situation of the majority of the world, there is an invitation of the flight performance team, most of which are the first unveiled. The Paris Air Show will not exceed the exception, and the first appearance is usually the host.

The French Air Force's "Flanish Patrol Force" flight performance team was formally established in February 1964. The flight of the flight performance team is coated with the same red, white, blue, blue, blue, and the cluster often leaves three colors of the smoking to the air during the air. It symbolizes "freedom", "democracy", "fraternity", reflects the brave and romantic tradition of the French people, and the future wishes. In fact, France's aerospace performance activities are the oldest in the world, which is an internationally recognized old aviation performance big country. In 1931, France established a modified performance team consisting of 3 "Morana" 230 aircraft produced by 3 "Morana Sherney", and named "patrolling soldiers", this is also today France "French Western patrol The prototype of the flying performance team.

The French flight performance team is also famous in history, the most important thing is that they have not invited other flying teams to perform. In the eyes of the French, the air show must be pragmatic. Can't get some fancy things, which will spread our customers. The air show is still to be based on the release of a new aircraft, maybe this era is still more old.

The 8th French Air Force's super military flag fighter flew in the air, and each of their actions were very skillful. People have very exciting, and more hormones that are more excited. At this time, many people have a circle of ideas, maybe this is the charm of aviation. Humans have never stopped for speed and height, and men are even more.

Although the problem of Xiangjiang is a bit serious, it is at this time the focus of the France is in the air exhibition. I don't have time to pay attention to a river bank's squeeze, even if the bank name is "Black Cloud", the boss is Bao Zixuan can't. Everything must make the road to make the way, and the limited news resources are not wasted in other aspects.

Seeing this situation Bunxuan feels very good, at least no one will come over, you can meet the air show. As long as it is a black cloud to open a sales, then everything is not a problem.

Mobile phones, computers, cars, etc. are very competitive, and the black cloud products are more innovative. Other companies work hard to keep up, and once there are national behaviors to limit, the black cloud products want to open the sales and breakthroughs will be difficult. The plane can be completely different, not that country, the company can produce, and there are many technologies. There is a technical drawing, and many countries do not work.

It is the real purpose of the bag's first rich through aircraft sales. There is only such aircraft in the world, you can't limit other products in our country if you are sensible.

I saw a flying performance that made people's heart, let people live. Next, you must enter the theme of the air show; each company has to present its own product and test flight.

Airbus as a United Enterprise, a European Airlines,

The original intention of its creation is to compete with US companies like Boeing and McDonald Douglas. In the 1960s, the competition between European aircraft manufacturers was as fierce, so that the experimental negotiations on the European cooperation method in the mid-1960s have begun.

As a result of cooperation in Europe, of course, the first appearance on the air show. This time they brought the new product A310 that has just been successful, I hope to be amazing in the French Air Show. Let the Americans look at it, without your Europeans can also produce large planes.

The broadcaster said to the microphone: "It is the Airbus A310 passenger plane on the runway; Airbus A310 passenger plane is the 200-level short-range passenger plane developed by the European Airbus Industrial Company on the basis of A300B. In July 1978, it began to develop, On April 3, 1982, the first prototype was first flying. On March 11, 1983, he won the model certificate of France and Germany. It began to deliver the use in March 29, 1983. France is responsible for manufacturing the central bank box , The head and final assembly; Germany is responsible for manufacturing the front cabin, the middle of the machine, the back body, the wing is maintenance and internal decoration; the UK is responsible for manufacturing the wing; Spain manufacturing level tail, front cabin door and the main landing door; Netherlands, Belgium and other countries also participate in the guaranteed production work. "

Listening to the data, I know that the empty passenger refers to Boeing. If there is no Bao Xuan, the world airliner manufacturers will also form two strong situations. The A310 is the beginning of the development of the Airbus, and the market performance of the A300 and A310 guarantees the main competitors of Airbus and Boeing.

At this time, the Black Cloud Group has joined the field manufacturing field, so many things will change. As an aviation engine engineer, Bunxuan just knows the performance of this plane. It can even be clearly recited every holiday; these can be found in Rocal's database.

The overall A310 is still good, can be a havery, slow speed is also suffering. However, the cockpit of more than 200 people will also have a certain impact on the new passenger aircraft of the black cloud. There are 3 passenger aircraft in this air show, and there is no such aun for a long time in the majority of the world.

Black Cloud Aircraft is not bad than empty guests and Boeing, but an American market, one is a pro-European country. There is no advantage with their competition, after all, other countries in the world is very limited.

At present, Huaxia has not developed, and the Soviet Union has its own aviation industry. You can only put the goal into the Middle East, which is the first reaction after Bao Zixuan sees the empty guest A310.

The black cloud has not yet, Boeing is anxious. Airbus has a lot of similarities with their 767. If there is a significant gap, it may still be due to the problem of the voyage. Different from the short tiger of the vocal, most of the Boeing aircraft can be flying long distances.

The length of flight is not fake, and you can appear in some places. There is not much Europe, according to the data released by the Air, is fully enough to fly in Europe. It seems to adjust the strategy, can't let the vibrate have won too many orders.

Stevenson, Vice President of Boeing said to the subordinates: "It seems that the emacc has something to have, and there is more challenged Boeing. Marshall should not propose any European revival plan, or there is so many things."

Marshall Planning, the official name is the European Revival Plan. After the Second World War, the United States conducts economic assistance to the Western European countries that have been damaged by war, and the development of the rebuilt plan will have a profound impact on the development of European countries. .

The plan was officially launched in July 1947 and continued to have four financial years. During this period, Western European countries have accepted a total of $ 13.15 billion in the United States including financial, technological, and equipment, including financial, technology, and equipment, including $ 13.15 billion, 10% of which is a loan.

The hand is also speechless, how is it rising from aircraft to national policy. To know that Marshall plans to help European revival only, more is to limit the Soviet Union. If the United States does not support Europe, then they are likely to reverse the Soviet Union. But now the leaders are on the head, but he doesn't dare to question half. Can only be careful, who makes people are boss!

After the test flight, many customers have negotiated procurement in the same space. Let Boeing are even more uncomfortable, and now it is not good, I only hope that time will come quickly, let the 767 passenger aircraft appear as soon as possible.

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