After the plane of the plane of other airlines, finally the turn of the black cloud was unveiled. Baozi Xuan arranged the first one of the passenger aircraft, and there is no new intention of the role aircraft, many people are already familiar. And Boeing and Airbus are there, if you can't drink soup without shot.

About HH-01 ghost stealth aircraft, the first rich is not very worried. All ** alliances are paying attention to, and there is no competitor. It can be said that it is an unique existence, it is not worried about no order. As long as the Air Force is not a blind, it knows the meaning of this plane.

The only worried thing is that Badum restriction, know that it is Batari Headquarters. They will definitely pay attention to the export of advanced fighters, and the rivers are managed by British people, and some problems are not very good.

When Black Cloud 919 passenger is launched, everyone has an illusion. How is the passenger aircraft produced by the Black Cloud Group and Figure 204, Bunxuan is so eye-catching, and the Soviets can let him go. It is the relationship and good, you can't do this!

The broadcaster said: "Now preparing to take off, the black cloud 910 passenger plane, the black cloud 910 passenger plane is the Soviet Po Lev Design, which is negative according to the fuses of the passenger plane according to Figure 154, is responsible for the production of engines, manipulation systems and Radar and other auxiliary equipment. It began to develop in July 1982, and the first prototype in April 1983 flew. "

"The machine is equipped with 2 cockpit crew members, 210 passengers; the length is 46.14 meters; the wings cruise speed is 810 km / h for 850 km / h; the highest speed is 900 km / h; single maximum flight distance: 7,000 kilometers; 2 HY-K-Type 10 engine; single platform, 220 kW, "

"It is possible to achieve intercontinental flight, and fuel consumption is more than 20% of the same type of plane. It is definitely a plane capable of promoting civil aviation development, let us wait and see."

After the broadcast is introduced, Airbus, Boeing and Mai Mai company executives are tense. The Soviewers designed things have been referred to as the fuel consumption, handling, and electronic equipment. In the field of civil aviation, the Black Cloud Group can make up for this shortage. What kind of chemical reactions will be generated by two united, but they can't imagine.

In fact, the most worry is that the McDee, Boeing has other models, even if there is no major relationship between 757 and 767 project failures, Airbus can be able to allocate resources throughout Europe. The old three in the world's civil aviation field is very embarrassing, one is not easy to withstand the civil aviation market.

At this time, in the Mai Mai machine library, a young man brows. The heart seems to have made an important decision. After the words, people will directly bring him to the 13th machine library.

The provincial oil is the concept of black cloud aircraft, and several oil crises are plus air pollution. Make a very detailed calculation of major airlines for operating costs,

Bao Zixuan is to open the market with the concept of oil.

The young man of the McDe Company came to the 13th machine library and saw a lot of people in discussing the black cloud 919 passenger plane. And most of him know, it seems that this Black Cloud Group should be able to get a lot of orders. Still first find Bao Zixuan and then say, can't do anything.

After identification, the staff didn't dare to neglect. Hurry to bring young people to the boss, know that this father is one of the world's aviation fields, and it is still operating the company.

Bao Zi Xuan met this young man, but he saw it in the image. This is the chief culprit that McDee has been merged, and a good brand has played a slightening super rich second generation.

The young man said to the head of the bag: "Hello, Mr. Bao, I am McDonald; from the McDonal Company."

McDonald-Douglas is a large monopoly enterprise in the US manufacture of airplanes and missiles. 1939 was founded by James-Smith-McDonald, called McDonal Aircraft. In 1967, the Douglas aircraft company was changed to the current name.

And the McDonald is not the founder James - Smith - McDonald, but his son, in the United States, will call him to Wheat Tangja.

This young master didn't have his talents in his old, but he was much higher than the old man. In the management period responsible for the entire McDe, I want to go beyond the Boeing. Smallwheat Tangner wants to make the company into the United States and even the world's unique existence; civil aviation can not lose to Boeing, military fighters can not be lost to Lockheed. Can ideal is full, but reality is very cruel.

It is because there is these unrealistic ideas, so that the McDe will eventually merge with the Boeing. Become a Boeing's subsidiary and foundry, if he is known under his old man, he cannot climb out.

For the anti-compilation materials in the history of world aviation, Bun Zixuan does not know how to evaluate. However, since people have already arrived, they are still to be polite, the face is still to give.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. McDona, Hello, your father is my idol. And we are still alumni, his deeds are widely circulated in Mirace."

The benefits of graduation in the famous school have been reflected again. Everyone can find a common topic. Although Macarvanner does not like to be mentioned by people, there is not much person who can become an idol of Bunxuan, which is also a honor of the family.

Wakak Donner said with a smile: "Don't be so polite, or call me Mike! Friends are called me, this time, there is something to find you."

It seems that it seems that it is too noisy. Want to find a quiet place, it is clearly negotiated.

Bao Zi Xuan just understood what this means, so he said: "Please come with me."

After the two people sat down in a office of the No. 13 machine library, Bao Zi Xuan said: "Sorry, some are too simple."

Smallwheat Tangjan said that it doesn't matter, but you can talk about Bao Zixuan. It doesn't matter if there is something that people, the environment, the environment does not matter.

Bunzi Xuan: "I don't know what Mrs. Mike came over. If there is a place to use the black cloud group, please say it. Although we don't know, the reputation of the Mai Mai is ear to hear."

Little McKonal didn't expect Bunxuan to go directly, go straight to theme. His personality is also straightforward, and there is no problem he daren in the United States. Often in the media, Boeing and Lockheed, the US people have already happened.

Wakherd Tangjan said with a smile: "Mr. Bao really is straightforward, it seems that we can really become friends. Then I will open the door, not to bend."

"This time, there is a project to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group, I don't know if Mr. Bao is interested."

Bao Zixuan did not expect this super rich second generation to come over to negotiate cooperation, this is not a constant meaning. And only to see a new passenger aircraft to work with black clouds, is it a small wheat Tangner feels that you can't play.

Small Mac Donner did not understand it, but it was only in the company's business. This time I saw that the Black Cloud Group actually cooperated with the Soviet Union to produce aircraft, then there will be no big problem with Mai Wai cooperation. Baozi Xuan is a businessman who knows how to use external forces, knowing that in the aviation field, a recruit can not be easy.

Bao Zi Xuan wants to say: "Any company will not refuse to cooperate with McDe, uu reading I have some interest. I don't know where Mr. Mike wants to cooperate, knowing in the aviation manufacturing field. Black Cloud is just a level of primary school in front of Mai Tao. "

Small McKonal didn't expect Bunzixuan so low-key, while putting the gesture so low. Now who don't dare to make the black cloud group manufacturing aircraft is primary school students, and single-root aircraft has made many aeronautical manufacturing companies. Nowadays, more than 200 large-scale passenger aircings are manufactured; the stealth planes of the bombing Iran have been confirmed to be from the hands of the black cloud. Although the Mai Mai company is powerful, it is not dare to hold in front of the black cloud.

If the father can rely on the industry's popularity to suppress Bao Zi Xuan, the popularity of his stinky street is still countless! Wakah Tangner knows; everyone is polite with you is more than a watch, and the heart does not necessarily look at him.

It is important to know that Bunzu Xuan's contribution to the aviation field is obvious. Single three-rotary engine has made him a lot of noise. It is also a person who can write into the aviation textbook, plus the terrorist strength of the Black Cloud Group. If you are not a hard-working ten Mai Mai company, you can't be confused by this kid younger appearance.

Baozi Xuan's modesty makes the wheat Tangja are very unbelieved, starting to think about it, don't know what to say.

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