The American sanctions have not been passed to the France. After all, the Ministry of Commerce is also just informing the Black Cloud Group. At this time, the beautiful ** party still didn't know what is going on, and I saw that the black cloud actually developed a bomber similar to the HO-229 aircraft, of course, I want to buy a few back. Not only for bombing opponents, more is to study carefully.

HH-01 ghost battle bomber, than the US, the F-117 Nighting Oil's invasive airplane is leading, although I don't want to admit it, this is the fact. Now that all countries in the world may get this ghost plane, if the technology and related principles cannot be grasped. Then the United States will be very passive; after the A cat Agou may come to the United States.

Ian Wright is the old man of Baozi Xuan, before I have negotted the monster role of Xiangjiang. As a US ** party weaponry purchase person, the military development of various countries in the world is quite familiar. Most of the previous US Air Force procurement is the weapon equipment produced by the country, of course, special circumstances. The US Air Force also purchased the Haoyao fighter-style fighter manufactured in the UK, just to come back to argue.

The same is true for the HH-01 Ghost Fight Bomber, and the core weapon is still in his own hands. This is true, not to mention is a powerful US.

The price is already set, therefore except for special customers. Bun Zixuan will not easily host anyone, of course, this world is still talking about strength. American face is still to give, or everyone is not good.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "General Ian Wright, I haven't seen you for a long time; congratulations you get promoted."

When I saw Ian Wright, the other party was still a major general. I didn't expect that two years did not see it. The other party has been promoted to the middle. Combined with age analysis, this kid is definitely the future in the beautiful **. It has a background; it has the ability to be people.

For the promotion of Jacin Rit, I have been very satisfied, although many people have congratulated him, but I still feel that this is a major breakthrough in my own military career, and I should get more blessings. However, it is still necessary, or it will be qualitatively unattended.

Ian Wright: "Mr. Bao is very polite, you can get your blessing is my honor. The test flight of HH-01 ghost aircraft is very successful, and the Black Cloud Group has also developed an epoch-making product. But I hope The Black Cloud Group will not spread the stealth aircraft technology, which will not be conducive to the stability of the world's pattern. If the criminals get this plane, it is likely to let the world fall into a war state. "

I heard a US general said that Bun Zixuan is also speechless. If the Americans do not provo the event, this world is indeed a lot of peace. It is also very reasonable to say that the face is still given.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Thank you, Wright, reminded that the Black Cloud Group is a responsible business. I personally develop a slanting machine is also to argue some things. I didn't think about how much profit through him.

These words are similar to the deception, and Ian Wright certainly does not believe it. So smiled and said: "US ** party wants to purchase 4 goes back, this time is the original machine purchase, what is the factory, the US ** party does not make improvement. Mainly a supplement to the existing bombing system, Mr. Bao will not refuse! "

The last effective aircraft Americans are only purchased empty shells, and all electronic accessories internally are provided by domestic companies. It can make the performance of the US **, compared to the world, the original role of the original role is a lot, and for this purpose, they also use the United States to assemble the role aircraft, the same British ** is purchased back.

The gap between the two is very obvious, and the British version is at least 15% more than the US version. Hardware is a product, the mechanical structure is the same. The only difference is software and electronic components; then there is only one possibility, the software and electronic components of the black cloud are more reasonable.

The stealth force is not a role aircraft, and it will make the pilot into danger. This time Ian Wright and the United States did not dare to take risks, and they can only purchase back analysis. At the same time, there are too many purchases, as long as it is able to understand the aerodynamic layout and structure of the aircraft, so they can design the detection radar according to the shape structure.

At the same time, Ian Wright's bottom gas is also a research project research in the United States. The shape is very similar to the HH-01 secluded bomber; it is just a larger size. I believe that the US industry is based on the industrial basis of the United States, it will be able to complete the black cloud this HH-01 ghost fighting force.

Bunzi Xuan: "Thank Jean Wright, the favor of the US **, there is a business to do anything. But now the Black Cloud Group does not dare to sell any large or high value products to the United States, I hope you can understand. "

Ian Wright heard the black cloud group not to sell large or high value products to the United States, what is going on. How do you don't know if you have anything else.

Didn't give Ian Wright More time to consider, Bao Zixuan continued: "Just just, the US business department has issued a notice. To implement anti-monopoly surveys on the Black Cloud Group, all more than $ 100 million projects during this period It must be reported to the business department. At this time, 4 HH-01 ghost fighting strokes will not be approved at all, so I hope you can understand. "

I heard the business department to implement anti-monopoly investigations against the Black Cloud Group, Ian Wright is still very happy. The business department is finally working, don't always check the domestic company a day. The sales of the Black Cloud Group in the United States is really terrible, and it should be investigated. Don't wait until this time, at least wait until the US ** is purchased after the HH-01 ghost fight bomber in action.

Ian Wright: "Sorry, I don't know the behavior of the business sector. But this package is not worried, this does not affect the transaction between us. It is necessary to know that the military purchase belongs to the independent accounting department, the Ministry of Commerce is not right to dry "

In fact, Bao Zi Xuan did not want to do this business with Americans, now there is more excuses.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Sorry, Ian Wright General. I am not very familiar with the US anti-monopoly investigation, so I can't agree with you. After the question is lawyer, I can respond to you after you have no problems. During this period I don't dare to accept the US ** order; one, the transaction can not be reached; the Black Cloud Group lost money is a small thing, the loss of the credibility is not a money. At the same time, you may have to sinful **, you are not satisfactory. "

On the surface, you can find it to yourself everywhere, you can find it carefully. This kid is to let the military give him the Lord and press the business department. Ian Wright is born in the United States. Of course, I know the meaning of anti-monopoly investigation. It is definitely some families to go to the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan, I heard that this kid has lost Wall Street last time. According to Wall Street, do not retaliate.

The interests involved in this are too big, and the military should also consider whether it is worth it. I want to know that Wall Street helps the financial crocodile, not only rich, it is also related to military expenses!

Let this financial crocodile discomfort, the future military payment will be a headache. One side is to buy and master the world's most advanced stealth planes, while the interests of the Wall Street financial crocodile. Ian Wright really doesn't know how to choose, can only report things to the Pentagon. Let the peak take a headache. He has just been promoted to a long time.

Although the heart is very reluctant, Ian Wit is analyzed after analyzing the pros and cons., Still left the gallery where the Black Cloud Group is located. Wall Street Capital has been working on the Black Cloud Group, and there must be a secret that is not mariberable. How did the military come from the military this time? Isn't it a recruitment?

The most important about HH-01 ghost stealth aircraft, the US ** party is not urgent. At this time, there is already a service in service, and the new stealth aircraft is also designed, and it is not possible to borrow from the British Air Force.

How to say that the black cloud group belongs to Xiangjiang Enterprise, where the British is still ruled. Ian Wright believes in Ying ** party will purchase a part of the HH-01 ghost fight bomber. With the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom, there should be no problem in the past research.

From Ian Wright, I didn't continue to stick to it. Bun Zixuan knew that things were not so simple. It seems that this Americans are going to kill their hands, and their purpose is definitely not a black cloud bank. The Black Cloud Group is currently being taken by the black cloud bank, and other companies don't have much loophole. As for the size of Huangpu is not large, and there are not a lot of circulation stocks on the market.

After careful analysis, Bunzi Xuan knows what Wall Street is intended. The shark is the same and the boat king is being filled with ** soup, it seems to be a choice.

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