Shortly after Ian Wright left, Bao Zi Xuan saw the old acquaintance. Princes from Saudi, as the head of the Saudi military, of course, will come to the French visit. Saudi is absolutely the customer who wants to fight in the world, and it is only good to buy things, never care about the price. And even if the weapon is broken, it is basically a new purchase. Such a customer can't find a lantern, and all major arms are very cherished.

Bao Zi Xuan gave the Prince Surdan to hug, this is the basic etiquette problem. What he didn't expect is that the prince of Surdan followed by a person, and it was a princess of her daughter.

At this time, the head is in total, what this woman is doing. But this is the personal affairs of people, he is not asked.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Surdan Princess, Aisa Princess, I haven't seen you for a long time. When will I come over, I haven't heard you before."

Prince Surdan Tongbaoxuan is very good, and the two often call. Moreover, Baozi Xuan's investment in Saudi, as well as the economic plan set by Saudi, so that the Saudi royal family is very grateful. This is a person who is really a friend of Take Saudi, but you should cherish it.

Surdan: "Before you plan, Although Saudi has to vigorously develop the economy. Can not be backward after military, just like you said, the Middle Eastern country does not protect the wealth. This will be very dangerous, this time just with France The Air Show purchases some weapons and equipment. "

"I heard that you still live in the hotel in France, how can you do it, just there is a manor in Paris, it is very close to it. If you don't think about it, you can feel comfortable. How is your kid? I think so, I have to know how to enjoy life. "

The Middle Eastern royal family knows how to enjoy life, as Saudi 3rd people are not strange in Paris. When Bao Zi Xuan changed between the buns, he couldn't change it. He could only slowly adapt to the rich life.

Baozi Xuan: "Thank you for your kindness, the black cloud staff are here. We have to summarize the meeting every night, and the past is not very square."

The first attitude and enthusiasm of the package must admire, because every day, in addition to work, there is no other thing. I have never been there, I don't know what it is for.

Looking at this young man, thinking about Saudi prince and princess. Before you reduce their living standards, let everyone complain. Compared with Bao Xuan, it is really not a star half.

Surdam Prince: "Everything follows you, this time, it will give you money. HH-01 ghost battle slamming machine Saudi must have, I believe you will not bother! In addition, I have put Saudi Airlines purchase orders Strive, they need to increase 12 200 passengers; these orders will be handed over to the Black Cloud Group. "

I heard that Bunxuan is very happy,

This is the benefit of helping a country. Being able to get stable orders, it will become your most loyal customers.

Bao Zixuan: "Thanks to the care of the Prince Surdan, the products produced by the Black Cloud Group will make you satisfied. I don't know how many HH-01 ghost fighting strokes in Saudi."

Prince Surdon: "You have a guarantee than anything more important, and 12 HH-01 ghost fight bombers are required in Saudi."

Baozi Xuan did not expect Saudi to be so powerful, and there were so many people. In fact, the prince of Siertan knows that the price of this plane can be worth it for Saudi-state security. Even if the economic strength is OK, I don't dare to order too much, and the maintenance cost of stealth aircraft is also scary.

Bao Zixuan: "HH-01 ghost fighting" single price is $ 450 million, 12 joints with the price of support equipment is $ 6 billion. These must pay the full amount to produce, I have some problems in Xiangjiang companies. Need a lot of funds. You may use the corresponding Hong Kong dollar to pay, I hope that the prince can understand. "

"As for 12 919 passenger aircraft price of 384 million US dollars, only need to pay according to international ruling."

I heard this price Siertan princes also felt that this kid is really black, and there is no good way to currently. If you sell it to you, you may be more expensive. In the last HKR crisis, Saudi has reserves a lot of Hong Kong dollars. Now it is easy to use, and it is a comfort.

Before, there was a good partnership basis, and the princes of Surdan quickly signed a contract. This makes Bao Zixuan have a lot of confidence, and at least the fund reserve of the Bank of Black Cloud has not had a problem.

After signing the contract, Aisa said to Bunzu Xuan said: "Mr. Bao, have time recently. If there is time I want you to eat a meal, thank you for receiving my interview."

It is quite not easy to say that the face is red, you must know the Middle East girl, especially the princess can do this.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Thanks to the good intention of the princess, you can only wait for the terminal. Received the representatives of various countries in recent days, and it is not necessarily possible."

I heard the answer of Bao Zixuan as a saying, Aisha was a speechless. How can this man like this, so don't know how girls' mind. Prince Surdan just laughed and did not say much.

However, before I left, I would like to buy a batch of fighters in Saudi, and you think it is suitable. "

Bunzi Xuan is another speechless, how to ask him in the Middle East country to ask him. I want to know that he is a black boss, not a consultant in a country in the Middle East. Southern people ask your head, how can you answer.

Bao Zixuan: "Su-27 and F-16, if there is a problem with the United States, you can choose the phantom 2000, Iraq is also these two models."

How smarter is Surdan Prince, of course, knows what Bao Zixuan means. If Saudi and Iraq can do our weapons, then it is very beneficial to the war.

It is still not worried that there is no such thing in the Arab countries, as long as Iran and Israel are still in the Arabian peninsula. This is also why Iraq will invade Kuwait, how can I have a strong enemy? There is still a more unity between the Arab States, at least the princes of Surdan think so.

The prince of Surdan went to the Comboy to discuss business in the Base of Sukui, or was still very smooth. Although Saudi will more inclined to the United States, there are still many trade exchanges with the Soviet Union, in which weapons are mostly shared.

And before, Saudi is the best customer in the world. Sukhoy didn't want to let this fat sheep, as long as it is a Saudi-Saudi request basically agreed. This makes the princes of Surtan are very happy and purchased 24 Su-27 fighters directly to the Sukhui Design Board.

Iraq and Saudi have chosen Su-27, making the reputation of Sukho began to loud. In addition to Su-27 beautiful fuselage, reasonable pneumatic layout, powerful climbing performance. Soon, it is favored by most countries, as long as there is a country with purchasing demand, you will prepare an order. When the Air Show is over, Sukhui received a total of more than 200 Su-27 orders, so that other companies envy. At the same time, the Soviets will understand that they must take out the most advanced weapons, and customers are expert.

Mi Gao Yang Design Bureau is the best example. This time they didn't have a star fighter MiG-29. Just bring the MiG-21 and MiG-25 to exhibit.

MiG-21 is a grandfather's fighter, MiG-25 follows the pilot to defend, the secret of the entire fighter is very thoroughly studied, and it is simply a living target. Therefore, in addition to several African and South American countries, there are no movements in other countries.

Looking at the Sukhui Design Bureau where to sign the hand, the mood of the Mi Gao Yang Design Bureau is imagined.

The princes of Surdan arrived in the gains in the gains, and Americans did not give face. Directly refuse Saudi purchase contracts, and it is true that only universal power can produce aircraft in the world.

Prince Surdan came to the company, directly to Dosao's order of 60 phantom 2000 fighters. And said that this is the first batch. If the phantom 2000 can meet the requirements, the future Saudi plan is ordered to order more than 300 fighters.

This makes universal motivated executives have repented, such a good customer actually push it out. I don't know what the person in charge of the scene is to eat, Iraq can still understand. How can Saudi Customers can be guilty of guilty; the most important thing is the prince of Surdan personally come and discuss procurement contracts. This is not given, and the general power in the Middle East will launch the market.

Learn about the person in charge of the site is a Jew, the General Power Board directly removes his full position. Helping your nation, there is no problem, but can not damage the company's interests, this is a red line, who gives you salary don't know!

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