To say that Wang Shuji is definitely a thunderstorm, just opened. After getting the instructions of Kyoto, he returned to Shanghai. It can be said that in order to develop rapidly in Shanghai, it is very difficult to develop, because he knows what kind of person is Bao Zixuan. Moreover, this time Kyoto has given a lot of free decision in Shanghai. He must choose to discuss other leaders in Shanghai.

Such a big project, it is impossible to participate in two people in Bao Zixuan. They can only determine the direction of cooperation. As for other details, they need to be docked and communicated.

After the Bao Zixuan visited the -10 project team, the engineering technicians were admired. These people can actually produce prototypes in such a difficult environment, but it is very difficult; we must know that there is no large manufacturing equipment in Huaxia. The aircraft housing can only be hung up in hammer hammer, which requires very skilled technology, and patience.

Without CNC machine tools, all by hand-processing precision components; only those German old technicians can do in the Black Cloud Group. This plane can fly the sky, it is a miracle. At this point, I have already under understanding, then the next step is to negotiate with Shanghai. If the negotiations are unsuccessful, they can only reserve some technical talents in the country.

Suppose the two roads will not pass, then they will directly give up the rescue project. Anyway, Black Cloud Group Xiangjiang production base can also make aircraft, just low efficiency, but in front of the Black Cloud Group, these are not a major event. Moreover, Saudi has always wanted to let the black cloud move the aircraft manufacturing plant; nor can it be considered.

After Bao Zi Xuan took, all engineers were surrounded, including Malands hiding in the office. Everyone is very curious, what is the young people who have just come over, and actually let Master Workers pay attention to it. Moreover, only the data is introduced, you can analyze the defects of the entire transport-10 aircraft. If you don't know what to get to the plane before, then this person's memory is too terrible!

A young engineer asked: "Teacher, who has just come over! Who has never heard you before, and looks like it is very understandable to our aircraft."

The problem of the student asked, the General Master did not know how to answer. But I want to explain, let them know that this world is still someone, don't always feel that I am a proud child. R & D and transportation - 10 passenger aircraft is very different, and it is still far away.

Master: "Since you ask, then I said. The young man just came over is Bunzi Xuan. You should have heard of this name. The Black Cloud Group is his, which is the super big rich in Xiangjiang. Media Reporting that he is the river in Xiangjiang, no matter whether it is true, in short, the business is very big. "

"But this is not the most important, the reason why he is coming to review - 10 projects; because he is the world's top aviation expert. The three-rotary engine is based on his theoretical research and development, which is very famous in the World Airlines. This Paris Air Show is even more eye-catching, HH-01 ghost fighting stroke, Black Cloud 919 medium passenger aircraft is from him.

"He has just graduated in Oxford University and the US Mira Institute of Technology, which is itself to learn aviation power. Absolutely master the world's cutting-edge aviation technology, which is one of the reasons why you come to run-10 aircraft. "

"There is also the technical strength of Comrade Malanland, the technical strength of the Black Cloud Group in the aviation field. It is at least 20 years higher than the Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Plant; how can people want to teach out time?"

"In the future, it is calm, Bun Zixuan comes to visit the Yun-10 project, but the deputy director of Zhao and Wang Shi approved. If people go directly today, what will be caused, you think about it."

"I will introduce it to Bao Zi Xuan so detailed, still want to leave a way for you. The possibility of the -10 project continues to go, I am old, it doesn't matter. However, you are still young, to be national aviation The business continues to struggle. "

"The Black Cloud Group is a good choice. The purpose of Baozi Xuan will never look at the temporary technology and aircraft. He value the technical personnel, you must know that the Black Cloud Group has entered the airline area. And I heard that this time I received a lot of orders on the Paris Air Show, and the professional and technical personnel had a big gap. "

"The technical workers of Europe and the United States aircraft manufacturing enterprises will not be easy to leave, Huaxia is the best source of technical workers. Most of these people have more than ten years of work experience, black cloud wants to expand the aircraft capacity, will not ignore Everyone exists. In order to continue to struggle in the field of the aircraft, I hope not to refuse the olive branch thrown by the Black Cloud Group. "

"The world's beauty, English, Su, law and other countries can produce large passets. At present, the United Nations only in China is only in the large airplane field. The country is impossible to see this situation, and the development of China's own large passenger aircraft is a morning and evening. It is just a matter of time. "

"How long this time is, no one knows. The ability to make large passets must not be lost, it is not responsible for the country. If you can work in the Black Cloud Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, you can contact the world's most cutting-edge airplane design. The concept of manufacturing has a huge benefit to future development. "

It can be as simple as chief engineers, not only have high hard technology. It is also necessary to coordinate the capacity of all aspects, as well as dealing with interpersonal relationships, can be said that it is not possible.

Bao Zixuan came over to watch the Yun-10 project, and the General Master has already touched the purpose. However, this is a good thing, because the province's black cloud executive is coming to do my thoughts. The head of the bag is to let these engineers used to use, and other things will not care at all.

At this time, the engineers and technicians of the Yun-10 project are caught in meditation, they have enviable work. If you leave the Yun-10 project group, go to a Xiangjiang company. Let people jokes are small things, which affects the object. It is a big thing.

This year's national striker is very attractive, and Xiangjiang companies are still not understanding. Ordinary young people have been very happy, they can be different; they are some of the ability and the education of youth. This will be a difficult choice, which will be very passive.

A middle-aged engineer said: "Go to the Black Cloud Group can leave the system, what should I do in the future."

It is seen that the following engineers have doubts, the Malaysian worker said: "You feel that it is very good now, it is enviable. But you still don't know how good the Black Cloud Group is good for employee benefits and treatment."

"Once entering the Black Cloud Group, the salary will be more than 5 times; this is still referring to ordinary workers. If an engineer is 10 times, it is possible to feel that Xiangjiang is not good, that is because you don't know."

"In the saying that these is just my guess, the Black Cloud Group means, Bunzi Xuan is what thoughts do not know. It is a mental preparation, which is not getting caught."

"The most important work is still the -10 plane, as long as the country has not paused projects. We will continue, even if there is no relationship, we have learned. It is better to work hard. Increase skills. It has a hard thing, no matter where it is going to go. "

The general worker knows that he can say there is only so much. Ability to understand the understanding of engineering technicians. If you still don't want to leave the national list, there is no way. Many people don't like challenges, you can't force people to force people.

In the heart, you still want to transport-10 projects to continue, and the flying plane in Huaxia is a passenger plane produced. But this is just a wonderful wish, but it is very difficult to do. Technical reserves, talent reserves, fund reserves have great defects, and the plane can be a miracle.

On the way back, Bunzu Xuan is thinking about how to take over the -10 project. Those second-hand machine equipment can't see, as long as people get people. It is necessary to build a aircraft manufacturing plant in Pudong, and the engine is not produced in China, and it is difficult to believe that Batches will not be difficult.

Recently, Bat Tatale often talks about the Black Cloud Group; Today is a computer problem, tomorrow is a CNC machine tool, and then two days is because of the plane. In short, it is to see you all kinds of uncomfortable, deliberately find you trouble. It is the case now, the head is rich, and it doesn't dare to say anything. As long as the Xiangjiang has not returned, the group cannot be developed as you like.

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