Should Bao Xuan returned to the hotel and received the invitation notice. Tomorrow, Black Cloud Group and Shanghai will negotiate in the automotive factory, mainly discusses Pudong New Area and Black Cloud Increase Investment. Wang Shi will personally attend, so I hope that Bao Zixuan can come.

Suddenly received this notice, so that the head is unbelievable. It is necessary to know that Wang Shuji and Zhao's deputy may be two days ago, it will come back so quickly, and also follow himself. Is this a legendary Huaxia speed, and there is such a leader in Shanghai to develop difficult.

On the night, Shanghai is particularly cold, and there are no high buildings in this era. Looking at the night view of Huangpu River, Bunzi Xuan was a little confused. Everything at this time is very unreal, like dreaming. These years have been very smooth, and there is almost no difficulty encounter. But with more and more wealth, his heart is more lonely. I can say that there is no friend at all, and I have never seen Zhang Tiger this time.

This is not like a male and female relationship, that is, ordinary friends are not so. It seems that you have to make changes, or it is not depressed. In the cranky, the head of the head is very unrestrained. So the next morning, the spirit is somewhat embarrassed. I have never happened so many years, and I don't know what it is today. Going to Xiangjiang to solve the lifelong event, it is also to let the mother feel at ease, solve their worries.

Seeing the boss with dark circles, the bodyguards were very surprised. After all, the boss's sleep quality is very good, and there has never had such a thing.

However, the bodyguards also know that today is meeting the leadership of Shanghai, and the meeting is still in the Black Cloud Auto Factory. No matter how you have to go, or there is a rude behavior.

As for why I chose to have a consideration in the Black Cloud Auto Factory. Negotiate the development and planning of Pudong, which is more convenient for field surveys. At the same time, the office in Shanghai is really can't take, it is better to go directly to the Black Cloud Auto Factory.

As a half of the host, the head is definitely to arrive in advance. It didn't let him wait, and the leaders of Shanghai City will also come to the Black Cloud Auto Factory.

What makes leaders feel joy is just a few days. Many cars have been parked on the entire playground, and it seems that it will increase every day. This is the power of modern technology, which makes people look at the feeling of blood.

Come to the Shanghai Black Cloud Auto Conference, and both parties sat down.

When I saw Bunzi Xuan's look, Wang Shi smiled and said: "Is it going to come over in Shanghai?

This is what people are giggling, such a high position. I didn't talk about work in the first time, but care for your habit of life in Shanghai.

Bao Zixuan: "Thanks to Wang Shuji's concern,

Last night, there is a software problem in a hurry to solve, so sleeping some late. "

The interpretation of Baozi Xuan makes people pick up the problem, after all, this is his attitude. Instead, people will admire, as the super rich is still so dedicated, and there are several people in the world to do.

Wang Shiji said: "The small bag always does not give a chance, you always work hard, let others feel like it. Sometimes I have to pay attention to the body, give some opportunities for others. But this dedication is worth it. We have learned, especially the official personnel. "

This is a little embarrassing this Baozi Xuan, and it is just a few words in the guest. After all, everyone is very nervous, everyone is very busy.

Baozi Xuan: "Wang Shiji is really a thunderstorm, go to Kyoto to return to Shanghai. And so on, I will meet, I believe it must be good news."

Wang Shuji: "What does not hit the small bag, about Pudong established a new district, the highest layer has been approved, agreeing to the application of Shanghai, Shanghai, but currently to ensure the construction of the economically contained economic zone such as deep sea. Where is it, I will not give special care on the policy, I hope you can understand. "

Baozi Xuan itself did not want any policy, now it is, it is inexpensive. It may be more troublesome when you are, you know that it is not so good. As long as it is the high level of Kyoto agreed to develop Pudong, it is not too much more.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "My people don't like to take advantage of policy support. The essence of business is not worth investing, and where to invest. I have a very good to Pudong area, so I don't care What policies have. "

"As long as it is emptied in Shanghai, other things can be handed over to the Black Cloud Group. Xiuqiao Road, the construction of the airport, the funds of the terminal have the black cloud group, this is also advisable to worry. "

I heard the bunxuan said that the Shanghai staff was very admired. No wonder people can become the rivers in Xiangjiang, and this is worth having a lot of businessmen to learn. The businessmen who have come before, basically ask what policies. This is the changing, it seems that there is no policy, I don't know how to invest in business.

Look at the head of people, don't have any policies. It is a taste of investment, this is really helping the country to engage in construction. At this time, many public officials have this idea. Until 30 years later, after the development of Shanghai has become a world-renowned city, there is no such idea.

Wang Shuji: "The total discouragement of the small bag is very people level. Here, I will express my gratitude to you on behalf of all people in Shanghai."

"The highest level has some instructions. I hope that all three bridges in Pudong will be treated in China. At the same time, the airport and the terminal will be given to Chinese design, and the construction must also be constructed in the construction company of China."

"Also know that you went to Shanghai aircraft manufacturing plant, and visit 10 projects. I hope that Black Cloud Group can establish a passenger plane manufacturing plant in Pudong, while absorbing the engineering staff of Yun-10 project team."

It seems that the highest level will be very thorough, even if you don't have a slap in some ways, you can't get up. And many instructions are tailored to the black cloud group, no wonder can lead the people of the country.

Bao Zi Xuan said seriously: "Since it is the highest layer instruction, I resolutely implemented. As long as it is his elderly, even if it is difficult to do. The Black Cloud Group provides funds, talents, and technology have no problem; as Chinese helps the country Construction package is unhusted. "

"I will use the Boeing's manufacturing plant in Seattle to build one in Pudong area. All passenger aircraft produced in black clouds will be factory in Pudong. However, it is necessary to further plan; Black Cloud Group can pay all land costs. Wait until Xiangjiang return After the air engine factory will also put in Pudong. "

"As for members of the Yun-10 project group, whether it is ordinary worker, or an engineer, even if it is a sweeping cleaners, there is no problem as long as you want to come over the black cloud group."

"Not only the next black cloud group will increase investment, Pudong will become the largest investment area in addition to Xiangjiang Black Cloud Town."

Baozi Xuan's statement made it excited in Shanghai. This Xiangjiang Rich is really a face. It seems that the highest level is high, so it is easy to solve the problem.

You know that this is a aircraft factory, and it will be warmly welcomed in any country in the world. And it is still imitating the Boeing headquarters factory, and this kind of power is never more than one.

It is not easy to enter the black cloud group, and it is very high for foreign recruitment requirements. Moreover, Baozi Xuan is a person hanging on the number before the highest level, no one dares to take the door to send relatives. Now, it is a good job of cleaner to receive it.

The Waitage Level of the Black Cloud Group is more than 5 times more of the average salary of Shanghai, that is, these people have become high income people. But no one is envious, after all, engaged in the design and manufacture of aircraft designs and manufacturing.

In fact, this is an attitude issue, and no matter how you don't suffer. It takes a lot of land area. Land prices in Pudong will be much more expensive than Seattle. Just not dry, sitting and other land appreciation is very cost-effective.

The greater the land area occupied by Pudong, the higher the future of the black cloud group. However, Bao Zi Xuan also knows that try to build the land into a factory, which is better to explain. I can't learn Li Chao, and I don't develop in the Chinese mainland, and then I have been condemned.

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