Baozi Xuan's attitude can be sincere, and Shanghai is basically can't pick any problems. Enterprises have shown ideas and attitudes, and as the Shanghai government does not have any representation. At present, investors like Baozi Xuan, the Black Cloud Group, are really too small, but can not let other places to take away, that is, it is not responsible for all people in Shanghai; therefore the service and cooperation seems to be more important.

Wang Shi smiled and said: "If we are like small bags, our investment work will be relaxed. However, investment is quite fast, and the Shanghai market can't get inch. The work we have made in Shanghai must be done. Ok, service, a good investor is the primary work of the government, and it is necessary to get a satisfactory result from Shanghai's investors. "

"The three bridges planned by Mr. Before Bao, there is no problem in the previous 50 years, but it is necessary to add a restriction. That is, the Black Cloud Group received 5 times the total cost of the bridge, but also unconditionally. Pay it to the Shanghai Municipal Government. "

"That is to say that the 50-year period, or two times the funds needed for the bridge, when you meet any of the conditions. The bridge must be returned to the Shanghai government, and the small bag should always understand what I mean."

Bunzi Xuan: "This condition is reasonable, the Black Cloud Group can accept. In fact, the road to repair the bridge is not to make money, mainly to drive the surrounding economic development. So whether it is the terminal, or the airport will achieve huge amount of income. Enterprise to be black cloud This level, then go to investment, there is no need to make money, more is a paving. The company has completed the previous accumulation, and now there is more prospects in the future. "

"If you make a quick money, you won't come to Shanghai. This, I think Wang Shuji should understand. Everyone cooperation is to open up and honest, don't have any concealment."

"Pudong International Airport needs to go to Shanghai to coordinate. The Black Cloud Group will hire the best Chinese designer in the world. At the same time, all buildings will be charged by Shanghai Construction Company. But ugly to say it in front The Black Cloud Group will not arrearize the project, while also guarantee the profit of the construction company. But whoever dares to scrap, explain that Shanghai is necessary to punish it. "

Bao Zi Xuan's request is reasonable, and it is not a matter of strict sense. If you meet this requirement, you can't even meet this requirement.

Wang Shiji said seriously: "This, please feel free to do it, if you don't even have such a simple requirement. From me, Shanghai started to resign."

This guarantee is very heavy, you know that Wang Shuji will become a national leader in the future, and strictly mean it. Others dare to smoot in this, and we must quote the seriousness of things.

Bunzi Xuan: "There is a statement of Wang Shu, the Black Cloud Group will not be afraid. Now I am worried about the problem of black cloud funds, but it is not so worried about the level of Shanghai."

This sentence is that everyone laughs.

After all, the strength of the Black Cloud Group, Baozi Xuan's value worldwide knows. That is to say, a passenger set, changing the work attitude of Shanghai.

The national reform and opening up is attractive to foreign capital. Of course, Xiangjiang Enterprises is also a foreign capital. After all, the state needs a large number of foreign purchases and machinery, but the Huaxia Chuanghui Enterprise and the project are limited. ** The foreign exchange is a king, the company, the city can make a foreign exchange, and it will be upgraded in the country.

The Black Cloud Group invests 5 billion US dollars to Shanghai. What is this. These foreign exchanges can play a big role, at least many national key projects will not worry about funding.

Secondary: "About the airport construction problem, I hope to occupy more shares in Shanghai. When the redemption, the pressure can be small, and the Pudong land can be used as compensation."

I have heard this sentence Bao Xuan happy to jump, you know that this is Pudong land. There is an infinite appreciation space in the future. The most expensive house in the past China is here, which can effectively follow other real estate companies.

Bunzi Xuan: "Of course, there is no problem, the land of the black cloud plane can be converted into the airport shares, and the Black Cloud Group also wants to get two residential land and a commercial land, one city wants to develop, can not rely on industrial. Need In other aspects, most of these houses will sell to Xiangjiang and overseas investors, as long as they are in Shanghai, there is no concern, and there is no concern that Pudong investment, and even treats Shanghu as home.

"The Black Cloud Group will build the corresponding school, I hope to give cooperation in the teachers' team in Shanghai. At the same time, the green light is on the household, after all, some employees who have time to stay in Shanghai, children will choose to study here."

Wang Shi knows what is the meaning of Bunzi Xuan. The so-called account is of course not referring to Xiangjiang and foreign employees. Most of the country's other provinces came from Shanghai, the engineers and technicians, who wants these people to get the Shanghu.

Although it is difficult, it is certain that the black cloud group is working, and the income is definitely not low. And the degree and ability will inevitably, so that they can not settle in Shanghai. It can also improve the level of education, as well as overall quality.

Wang Shi smiled and said: "The school teachers and account issues don't have to worry, and Shanghai will fully guarantee. As long as it is a Black Cloud Group or other foreign enterprises in Pudong New Area; the Shanghai Municipality must guarantee their child reading and household account issues "

This guarantee didn't feel there at the time, but later the household account in Shanghai is getting harder and harder. It makes the black cloud group in Shanghai recruits more convenient; as long as they are equivalent, everyone will choose to enter the black cloud. Because entering means can settle; at least children's reading will take advantage of university, these other companies can't give.

Bao Zixuan: "With Wang Shi, it seems that our work can be carried out in advance. The 200 million US dollars will be exchanged to the regulatory account within a week. As for other details, we can negotiate slowly."

Dare to dare to be a madman is very confident, obviously Bunxuan belongs to the latter. Wang Shiji is also fortunate to have a decision, if there is no efficiency, this small package will always be so refreshing.

Wang Shuji: "Shanghai City will do a good job in logistics, I believe our cooperation will create a miracle."

Cooperation involving a new district is finalized, and the efficiency of both parties can be seen. It is because participation in the development of Pudong New Area; the Black Cloud Group has become the most foreign enterprises in all foreign companies. If the scale of the assets, many national spent companies are not more than the Black Cloud Group.

On July 25, 1983, Monday. Shanghai, Shanghai announced the establishment of Pudong New Area. All major companies around the world will come to Shanghai to visit and invest, it is to say that the Pudong New Area is set up.

The Xiangjiang Headquarters of the Black Cloud Group also announced that it will participate in the construction of Pudong New Area, Shanghai. The first phase of investment is $ 5 billion, mainly to do infrastructure construction. Including the three bridges on the top of the Huangpu River and the supporting roads; and the Pudong International Airport, Pudong Pier and other projects are jointly invested by the Black Cloud Group and Shanghai.

Only one of the benefits of an shareholder is still in the event; Baozi Xuan decided to make a decision, and the Black Cloud Bank will arrange the money through Huaxia Bank.

This makes Shanghai, the city's terror, and the efficiency of Baozi Xuan. The $ 2.5 billion is that ordinary countries don't necessarily have to come out. At this time, Huaxia took out such a big money without a month, I didn't want to think. A company, a company, said that it is a week in place, it really puts money. Such investors can't find a lantern, but you have to cherish it.

The money is already in place, and the Black Cloud Group has so happy. It is certainly unable to backward in Shanghai; the demolition work in Pudong New Area has begun in accordance with the class.

Fortunately, the people in this year is very thoughtful, with quite high. In addition to extremely individual citizens don't want to leave Pudong, all other cash compensation is selected. Because the compensation payable by the Black Cloud Group can buy a larger house in Puxi, the fool does not leave Pudong this bird's flaws.

As for residents staying in Pudong, they can choose land exchange; give them a house in the surroundings. These people who were considered to be a fool in this year, and later became the most prosperous people in Shanghai. At the same time, people who have a dedicated move will regret; but everything is late, after all, this is their own choice, the fundamental resentment is not others.

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