The Black Cloud Group announced that the development of Pudong New Area has enabled all Wahalian companies in Xiangjiang to come to Shanghai. This toll is nothing at all for them, but if you miss the opportunity, it is an unforgivable error.

Pudong's most backward area in Shanghai, the popularity of it. The number of foreign receptionists in Shanghai is limited, and some of the Xiangjiang people are not very standard. It is good to find a solution in Shanghai, so that the school students will act as translation work in the school. It is not easy to study college this era, and there is no extravagant quality.

This batch of South Guangdong students translated in Shanghai and Xiangjiang businessmen and won the opportunity to work. Seeing so many people in Xiangjiang, Shanghai is interested in recruiting as much as possible to choose South Cantonese students. At the same time, the major companies in Xiangjiang also choose this batch. Since they can come over, they can come to Shanghai, prove that their knowledge is not low; in addition to the language, it can play a good role in the bridge.

Because a reception change fate, this batch of South Cantonese college students still have to thank the head of the bag. Of course, some people go directly into the Junyun Group, and there are several executives that become the Shanghai Black Cloud Branch.

Dong Jiahe Huijia is the first to come to Shanghai, Xiangjiang investors, seeing a dessert scene in Pudong area. In addition to the Black Cloud Group has a factory that has already put into production and a factory being built, there is no such thing as a similar building. Baozi Xuan is to develop this, which makes Dong Second Master uncomfortable.

Huojia Ergongzi is traveling with Bao Xuan together in Europe, knowing that the other party is definitely a step to see three steps. Never fight the battle. At that year, the three major entrepreneur groups in Germany were also impressed by it.

Dong Jia two son smiled and said: "You said that our head is thinking about it. It actually wants to do any new district here. But his idea that our ordinary people may look like it, you have been to Europe. I am just Get some situations from your father's mouth, you talk to me! "

At this time, Huo Erzo is looking forward to the black cloud industrial park, such a building scale; it seems that Bunzi Xuan has a big idea in Pudong, just because some reasons are not announced.

When I left, my father said with him. I would like to say: "Don't talk more, the land recommended by Shanghai can purchase. But there is a prerequisite, that is, the land must be a black cloud group. We don't know Pudong situation There is no relationship, as long as it is with tightening bag, you will not be wrong. "

Suddenly I heard Dong II in questioning the situation of Bao Zi Xuan, Huo Erdended to reply anyway. After all, he has been in Germany when he and Bao Zi Xuan, and it is a person who has the largest in the second generation of Xiangjiang.

Huo Er Level: "In fact, I don't know very well, just more than you have touched. Bun Zixuan does not like to speak, but to talk about work attitude, we can't compare.

He was still writing code on the plane. Many things in Germany have come to negotiate, I am the most, or a scorpion. "

"However, Bunzi Xuan's eye is definitely advanced, at least few people can be better in the investment area. Including our father, this is my father."

If the average person Huo 2 is so much, but there is not so much counted with Dong family. The two can be intersecting, and he and the second less relationship are also good, often gather together.

Directors came over before, and the father also personally explained. To see Bunzu's investment in those places and fields, Dongjia can refer to. Although Huo Erdu has not said it, but it also describes the action of the Black Cloud Group.

They also called to visit Bunxuan, which can be a call. Just telling them that they will convey, meaning is very obvious.

After the Black Cloud Group announced that it would participate in the construction of Pudong New Area, many people call the package to call the package. All unified let the bodyguards are handled. At this time, the head is unwilling to express any comments.

But not anyone, I have to see how the relationship is. Some people have arrived in Shanghai, can't see it, else, everyone will not do it.

Hu Yingxiang is also profitable in Bao Huo's mining company, and it is a lot of profit. However, the heads of the heads have been decided, except for the Huangpu company, other companies do not find someone with people. Euphemism refused Hu Yingxiang, but this feeling is in mind.

So so many people call, and the approval of Hu Yingxiang is finally seen, and it is also a face.

Hu Yingxiang said with a smile: "Banheng's hand is getting bigger and bigger. Suddenly, there is a lot of movement. It can be can't work hard. In recent days, there should be many people who are looking for you, it is not easy to see you at this time. "

Baozi Xuan said: "I have been in Shanghai recently, I have not going to other places. Many people call come over and want to ask about this side, but how to answer is wrong."

"To say that it is not good here, the Black Cloud Group is also invested so big. To say that it is very good, is there an idea of ​​raising the land price; after all, the Black Cloud Group is the largest company in Pudong."

"If you are interested, you can come over and see, say too much, let people resent. Hu Sheng, I have to eat a meal together, after all, I am also a half host."

Baozi Xuan's attitude and answer Let Hu Yingxiang are very satisfied, it seems that the original decision is correct. In fact, there were hesitants that were hesitant because support Bao Zixuan will have a criminal boat and shark. Later, I thought that the future of Bao Zixuan couldn't see the end. And the package will inevitably, and the two son of Zheng's family know all the rivers.

What is the relationship between the two sins, as long as Bao Zi Xuan will record things in his heart. At this time, the attitude of the package is not enough to explain the problem.

Hu Yingxiang: "When the company splits, it is not helpful. I am very embarrassed. But I believe that the birth of the birthplace will never do a loss of money; follow you, it is right, especially outside the Xiangjiang local."

Hu Yingxiang said so, Bunzi Xuan did not know how to answer. Follow yourself, it seems to be his opinion, this old guy is also very bad.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Hu Sheng is really joke, when you do business, I can still study. I am a post in front of you, I don't have to say this in the future, otherwise the unscrupulous media will report. "

Hu Yingxiang, of course, knows what it means, and has spent a large price public relations medium for a long time in the case. It can be said that Bunxuan and the Black Cloud Group are very unbearable, or black cloud banks can't be squeezed.

However, these and him have no relationship, and the real big businessman will not see these reports, and it will not believe.

Hu Yingxiang: "It is to have such a good temper. If you change, I will return it back. Although Xiangjiang pays attention to freedom of speech, but if there is anything that is not covered, there is time to give these media a little lesson. "

Bunzi Xuan: "The dog biting a bite, there is a bite. But you can eat the dog, but you can't be too bright; otherwise, many love people will inevitably slamming you, we can't figure it out."

If Bao Zixuan's words let Hu Yingxiang know, this is a real fire. Actually, I have to die, and there is a bloody hurricane in the future. I hope not to be too wide, or everyone is not good. This topic is not suitable for continuing to talk, otherwise you will not take care of your system.

Hu Yingxiang: "I came over, I have been born, there is a good project, I have to think about my brother."

Bao Zixuan did not expect Hu Yingxiang to respond so fast, it seems that it does not want to transition. So smiled and said: "Hu Hang is not engaged in real estate development! Whether it is building a writing building, it is still a business real estate, even if it is a construction of a residential, you can create a city complex in Pudong, and believe that future income is definitely not How much is lower than the harbor city. "

I heard the Bunzi Xuan said so confident, Hu Yingxiang did not believe it, but I decided to try it.

It is because of this trust, and the property of Pudong Commercial Complex becomes an envious of other real estate companies. The single rent is more than 3 billion, absolutely the most successful project. Hu Yingxiang often educate the future. The year is to see the confidence in Bunzi Xuan's eyes, and decided to decide to shoot, and create today's myth.

At this point, the public service of Shanghai City is hurt and happily. In the past few days, the Xiangjiang merchants they saw were more than the previous year. And the investment intention is very strong, some have signed a contract. However, the amount of reception is too large, and someone is a little.

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