Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 775 Mother's Adherence

When I negotiated Pudong New District in Baozi Xuan, Li Yulin came to Huaxia Continent. The official knows that the head of the head is coming to China, but because Bao Zi Xuan has clearly explained. Try not to bother your mother, everything is in accordance with her elderly. At the same time, don't have any media reports. After all, the mother doesn't like the head of the throw.

This time, it is simply thinking about the children, there is no other idea. Huaxia also as much as possible to meet the requirements of the bag, but the security force can not be less, if Li Yulin has an accident in the Chinese mainland, how to explain it with Baoxuan. The main elderly are charitable, which will make the real patriotic chill.

After Li Yulin passed from deep sea, Li Yulin was directly driven to Jiangnan Province. As for why it comes here, mainly because of a student of Yulin Institute of Technology.

Xia Xiaoyue is a big two student in Yulin Institute of Technology, reading in the computer system. This little girl is very beautiful and has versatile. Singing dancing is very talented, in a celebration. I have a deep impression on Li Yulin, and the two have even become a forgotten year.

Learn about the rural conditions in Xia Xiaoyue, Li Yulin decided to help. Look at what you can do for the children, at least funding the children is not a problem.

Jiangnan Province itself is not famous, but it is necessary to say that the internal city is world famous. There is a reputation of the world's porcelain, but these years have not developed, leading to a lot of sales before the sales of porcelain than before, so that the economy of Jiangnan has become worse.

Looking at the rugged mountain road, Li Yulin feels thousands. Now but in the 20th century, there is such backwardness and breaking places in the world. You know that this is not Africa and South America, but the place where the people of Huaxia, the people of hardworking and wisdom.

I have been walking three days on the road, Li Yulin came to the village where Xia Xiaoyue is located. The villagers are very simple, watching the only college students in the village come back, I have thought about watching the lively. Although Li Yulin is not used to it, it can be seen from the eyes of the villagers, and there is nothing to say.

When I was eating at night, I made Li Yulin touched, and the villagers took the best thing in the family to Xiayue home. The purpose is to take a good guest, watching the eyes of the children, Li Yulin is eating. Hurrying people to the child, and at the same time have ideas.

In the evening, Xiaoyue is with Li Yulin, after all, many things in the countryside are not very aspect. The woman is even more such that Xia Xiaoyue is relatively simple. However, I also know that Li Yulin's identity, especially behind, there is Bao Zi Xuan, this Xiangjiang's son. As long as you are waiting for the old lady, your future is not worried about it.

Li Yulin said to Xia Yue, Xiayue, said: "Xiaoyue, the folks here are too enthusiastic, we have to do something for them. When I came over, I saw the school in the village is very worn; we will donate Building a school began.

Built a school and make the children more comfortable when reading. At the same time, bring more clothes, books, and sports equipment, which can also enrich their extracurricular knowledge. "

"You count tomorrow, to build a large number of schools. Don't save money, but you can't waste."

Xia Yu did not expect Li Yulin to be so anxious, it seems that she is really unknown. To say that there is no idea to Bunxuan, it is fake, after all, the world has such an idea. However, it also knows the gap between the identity. People are the head of Xiangjiang Rich, the principal of the Chairman of the Black Cloud Group and the Yulin Institute of Technology. It is also possible to use it to be able to use it, but you can't have any ideas.

I have seen this man who is a big man than her big, and there is no calm. At this time, it is a good opportunity to take the buns Xuan mother route, this opportunity is not anyone.

Xia Xiaoyue: "There is no problem, I will do things tomorrow. Also thank you for your payment for our hometown, the villagers and children will hear this news will be happy."

"Calligraphy, this time, in addition to our village, you still want to go, I can give you a guide, just in addition to Jingde Town except Jingdezhen, Jiangnan Province."

Li Yulin is not to play this time, the purpose is to make a little contribution to Huaxia Education. I also know that Xia Xiaoyue is a good idea, and he also likes this girl. So say: "You can watch the arrangement. This time I want to donate 1000 schools in the Chinese mainland. I started from your Jiangnan Province. And I don't like to deal with the official, see where the village is right. "

Li Yulin's hand shocked in Xia Xiayue once, this is the power of the mother of the mother. If you become the first wife, or if you can take money.

Although I don't want to let the official know, it is a charity that is the mother of Xiangjiang's richest. How did the local government may not know, after all, Kyoto has been greeted in advance, let them treat it seriously, be sure to ensure Li Yulin's safety. At the same time, in the case of being known to the other party, fully cooperate with her resolutions and activities.

Bao Zi Xuan knows the mother's idea, so many early preparations have been made. Of course, these Li Yulin did not know, but it is more than saying that it is better to show an attitude.

Early the next morning, Xia Xiaoyue went to Village Office. This school has only 4 teachers, and students are more than 100 people. Let Baozi Xuan feel gratified is that the mother has done some investigations before, and it is also the accounting. There are some understanding of the cost of building, and it is planned to plan on an empty land next to the school. A 3-story teaching building will build; after completion, you can accommodate up to 300 students in lessons.

This can also absorb part in the village of the village, after all, the distance between the two villages is not very far. Not only that, but also playground, sports equipment will be built. Li Yulin is completely based on the standard construction of Xiangjiang primary school, but only is small.

In less than $ 100,000, you can build a school. Li Yulin is very satisfied, in fact, this is still the reason why it is much more money, and the construction party is interested in price. However, Li Yulin also understood the words very well, not much money, only the quality of school must be guaranteed.

If the construction party dares to perfunctory, it will definitely tell them to bankruptcy. At first, the construction party did not take serious things until Li Yulin left. Government staff find them, requires must be guaranteed. If you dare to perfunctory, you may not be able to eat outside.

Jiangnan leaders know that Li Yulin wants to donate schools, this is a good thing. And this thing is in Kyoto, then there is no scruple. But also know that the patriotic businessman can't be chills, then who will come over China's donation. The government can't act at all; for this purposeful inspection team, the field inspected the school donated by Li Yulin.

In order to make the son's money, it is also a manner of it. Li Yulin insists on donating all the places in the school, this matter cannot be taken from anyone. Basically, it is spent on the car every day, and it can be said that no use.

Li Yulin's insistence makes the bodyguards don't know what to do, I have to give Bunzi Xuan to the phone. I heard that my mother actually checks in the countryside to build a primary school. Bao Zi Xuan only said: "Know". To be a bodyguard, you must take care of your mother, but I didn't call Li Yulin to persuade.

What is Li Yulin's sexual bag Xuan knows that there is no cherish before you see the grandson. I can help the child now, if they are ran to discourage; definitely say: You are not married to children, do you help other children? The head is rich, I don't dare to stop my mother at this time, it is not to find yourself.

The more you look at the rural Li Yulin in the Jiangnan Province, and the children here are too pitiful. Be sure to do our best to help them, at least let them complete their studies. Originally plans to stay in the Chinese mainland for half a month, it is hard to stay for more than a month, until Xia Xiaoyue is going to the Xiangjiang.

It is this month, Li Yulin went to 6 cities, more than 30 counties, more than 200 townships, and a total of more than 2100 schools at all levels were donated, and the goals were completed before completing the time, totaling $ 480 million. However, this school in Jiangnan Province is definitely the best school in all China. Let Jiangnan Province have become the best provinces in teaching resources in the country, even more than Kyoto and Shanghai, these are Li Yulin's credits.

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