Going back to the room boat king how to sleep, it may be because it is just a new environment, it may not be calm for a long time. I haven't felt it before. I have seen everything very well through the analysis of my father. I was still in touch with you, I still have to move back, and now it seems too much. Although this word is inappropriate for people in your 60s, it really can't find any vocabulary.

Early the next morning, the ancestors of the ancestors got up early. It is reasonable to meet the arrival of the package, but because the time is too urgent, add other factors. There is no official of Huaxia to go to the airport, but this matter will not be more than these little things.

The Kyoto high-level rival did not expect the Baojia three generations to come over the Chinese mainland, this sincerity is enough. It seems that the Xiangjiang report should have no relationship with the package, if it is also a good thing. Bao Yu has had a huge influence in the world. If he has a view to the Chinese mainland, then others will think.

Zhao's deputy professionally met with the boat king, the specification is already sufficient. When you see the reception, the boat king knows that things can also save.

The two sides have a few words and quickly enter the topic.

Bao Ship King: "Thanks to the deputy director of Zhao can take the time to meet the time, this time, Huaxia Kyoto wants to show an attitude. Bao family will never do something to the ancestors, self-tomb."

"The grievances of Baojia and Baozi Xuan are private nature, and more is not consistent with business philosophy. But for other reasons, it is definitely supported by Xiangjiang. Huaxia must collect Xiangjiang. Only this Chinese business can really take the waist The pole is doing business, what I should have something to know. "

Zhao's deputy always heard the fantastic king's statement, from the discourse, he did not participate in the discussion of the newspaper.

But a lot of things still have to be confirmed, and Zhao said, said: "So Mr. Bao did not participate in the report of the smear investment environment."

Bao Yugang quickly replied: "I will definitely participate in the credibility of the package."

"To be said to be the last time, there is a participation, but that is just against the Black Cloud Group. There is absolutely no innocent, and he has not said anything about Huaxia."

"It's just the contradiction between several companies, the competition on the business field."

After the media reported, Xinhua News Agency Xiangjiang Branch staff had made detailed reporting to Kyoto. The last time, Zhao's deputy, also known that it is also understood that it is a category of normal business behavior, and China has no right to interfere.

Zhao Vice President: "The normal business behavior of Xiangjiang merchants,

No one and agency can interfere. This is invincible, and Huaxia will not interfere with normal commercial exchanges and competition. "

"Business is still to solve it with business methods, even more in a country's policy. Huaxia mainland welcomes any company to come over, but can not come over the Chinese continent to make money, and say that Huaxia is not."

In fact, this is very obvious, it seems that Huaxia has some dissatisfaction with sharks. In fact, this is normal, commercial competition involves the investment policy of Huaxia, and I don't know what the shark is thinking.

In fact, there is no analysis of the father last night, and the boat king will think so. However, through the name of the old man, he feels that the shark is definitely a black pot for people. However, this matter can not be said, you have to know that he has not taken a clean now!

The father said with a smile: "The deputy of Zhao said that doing business is still a big. Business is not always thinking about the conspiracy trick on this copy of the business, and it is not too long. Xiangjiang commercialization is too much Using utilitarian, many people have not received traditional Chinese education. It seems that this is to strengthen, can't be too powerful. "

It is highly related to the external evaluation of the old master of the package, saying that the boat king can make a big relationship with his father's person. It seems that this old man is very uncommon, at least, it is very comfortable.

Zhao's deputy: "It's still a thoroughness of the package. I will have to pay more attention from the Xiangjiang issue. Huaxia must accept the Xiangjiang River. Otherwise, we are the sinners of the nation. But the governance after the Hu Xiangjiang is a big problem. You must satisfy the people of Xiangjiang. Can't appear, even more **. "

"Huaxia is going back is a prosperous, safe, stable Xiangjiang, this goal will never be shaken."

I heard the viceist attitude of Zhao is so clear that the boat king wants to be far from Huo Yingdong and Baozi Xuan. I still want to have other situations, and these two are indiscriminately don't think other. If you do it yourself, you also know who is on the critical moment.

Bao Ship King: "I am relieved by Zhao, I am relieved. I need to do what to do. As long as it is beneficial to the country and the nation, the boy must be effective for dogs."

Zhao's deputy knew that this package family three generations came over to show attitude. This makes him very pleased, at least it seems that the report of Xiangjiang Media has no relationship with the package. Although it is still not fully conclusions, it has also been basically excluded, and the remaining needs to pass the time to verify.

Zhao Vice President: "The boat king has the heart, the attitude of the package will explain the situation to the highest level; please feel free to worry about it."

If the highest layer is able to understand and support, then things are better. However, the father of the bag is still not enough, so I said: "Zhao's deputy general, the old man has an uncured. Please ask Zhao's deputy general, it is best to coordinate it."

The father of the package said that it is definitely a good job with the country.

Zhao Vice President: "If there is anything, even though, as long as it can do it, it will never be postponed."

The father of the package is the words you want, and this guarantee is enough. So, I said: "My hometown is Ningcheng, Zhejiang Province. According to where I know, there is no similar university. A city wants to develop without higher education, so the package is ready to take out 100 million US dollars. Ningcheng construction a world first-class university. "

"It is also a little bit of powerful force, please ask ZHAO Zi Zhu to help refer to relevant staff. Look at what the construction of the university needs, in recent time, light will stay with me in the mainland. Before the university, we are absolutely Hui Xiangjiang.

The former Bhange Ningcheng University is also a buffore, but the old people have passed away. It seems that the old man has this idea, but it is only the implementation of the boat king.

Zhao's deputy sudden suddenly felt that the two packs of Xiangjiang were still very like, an university education in China, a university donated at home. But in any case, it is hoped that the country is stronger, this patriotic heart is very rare.

Deputy Zhao: "Thank you for your support for the education of Huaxia Education. I will coordinate the Ministry of Education to ensure the construction of Ningcheng University. The family of the package is admired. I represent the people of the whole country."

The attitude has been clear, the boat king has leaving the father and son-in-law. Today, it can be said that the purpose has been reached, and finally his grandfather came to a pen.

Going home, the old man is serious, "" "" The last period of time is in Kyoto, Yulang, you return to Xiangjiang to work. The abandonment will be embarrassed, do not leave rooms and buffers. "

"Baojia does not participate in any project in China, at least before Ningcheng University is not established, there is no business activity. It will be purely a bit for the hometown, do not participate too much interest dispute."

Baoyang, of course, what is the meaning of his father, it seems that the old man is coming over, the most correct decision.

Although Wu Guangzheng is unwilling, the father has decided that his father-in-law has not been sent. He didn't dare to have any opinions, and the identity of the son-in-law is still a little.

Zhao's deputy is remembered today's conversation, and the hearts of the old man have risen more than one step. People who are the most powerful people are not a boat king, but a father. It is only true that it is in the period of the bag, it seems that the boat king is an executive.

After listening to the summary of the summons of Zhao, the highest level is very pleased. Xiangjiang is still a patriotic Chinese business, no matter what purpose. It is worthwhile to use the school to build a school, develop education, and worthy of the tree.

The package of the package of Kyoto achieved ideal results, but the sharks far in Xiangjiang are not happy. Huo Yingdong has not given him a good face, can see him at this time.

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