Zheng Yurong knows that it is impossible to completely pick out. After all, the contact media reporter is doing Zheng Jiaxiang, as his relatives and subordinates; who will believe that this thing doesn't matter, don't say outsiders, maybe it is what you think so.

To say the relationship with Huaxia mainland, Xiangjiang must belong to Huo Yingdong. In this year, in order to support Huaxia Construction, it was not less than the British. As for the second inevitable Bao Xuan, although I don't want to admit; but the truth is. It may be not so obvious before, with the Black Cloud Group invests in Pudong New Area, the position of Baozi Xuan will be able to shake.

The relationship between the same buns is not good. It has been in the newspaper in the newspaper in recent time. This event is also because of the black cloud group, go to Bao Zi Xuan help not not find things, deliberately find it!

Zheng Yurong knew that Huo Yingdong had a great opinion on him, but he said that Zheng Jia is also one of the Chinese businessmen. For the unity between China, Huo Yingdong should help this. Even if you don't help, you can coordinate it.

I heard Zheng Yu with the coming visit, Huo Yingdong instinctively wanted to refuse. But I think everyone is a Chinese business circle. At this time, I don't see the shark. That is to push the other party to the British camp. Zheng's family is not small in Xiangjiang, can't lose due to small loss. At least let people explain the situation, and death must make people understand.

Zheng Yu came to the Huo Hao living room and saw where Huo Yantong was placed. Of course, I know what it means, but in any case, I must explain the matter today. As long as Huo Yingdong can believe in himself, then the problem will solve half.

Huo Yingdong: "How did Zheng Sheng have time to come here, I heard that you are very busy recently!"

Zheng Yurong knows that Huo Yingdong is not because of Bunzi Xuan, but reported to the Chinese mainland. As a firm support person of Xiangjiang Return, of course, I don't want to see news that is not conducive to Huaxia mainland in Xiangjiang Media.

However, things have happened and must face and solve. Shen Yuming is letting Zheng Jiaxiang contact reporter, Zheng Jia is not used by the researcher.

Zheng Yusong: "Huzon should know the report on the media. Now everyone thinks that I do. However, no matter Huo Shengxin, this thing is really not what I arrange. The reporter is indeed that Zheng Jiaxiang contact, but it is not my authority."

"Four days ago, I founded me to find me, let me continue to contact the media to report the issue of black cloud bank. But this time Zheng family does not benefit, and it is related to Huaxia mainland; I certainly didn't agree. Why is it surprising? I'm going to go, it is also my best; after all, I know that I know that he is a person who is not reached. "

"Shen Wei did not give up, but found Zheng Jiaxiang. Last time I went down the newspaper, I was tightless, black cloud bank funds; may face some columns such as closing risk,

They are all responsible for contact newspapers and reporters by Zheng Jiaxiang. "

"Since Bao Xuan returned to Xiangjiang, the rush of the black cloud bank quickly calved. The customers who have taken money and sell their households have some regrets. To tell the truth, Black Cloud Bank, whether it is service, convenient, and fast. Bank. Leading HSBC Bank customers have lost very serious, Shen Yizhen decided to come to this, see if it can make trouble to the Black Cloud Bank. "

"At the time, I thought that the idea of ​​Shen Yu was too innocent. I didn't pay attention. Now I seem to have to provoke my harmonious buns, things are just the case."

"Zheng Jiaxiang has a lot of benefits in Shen Wei, and as my loved ones can not forgive. So I have already opened him, but I am very sorry to make Huaxia mainland misunderstanding, this is definitely not my intention. Even if the gut is big or not dare Evaluate the established policy of a country. Not to mention the country is still its own motherland. "

I heard Zheng Yu and finished, Huo Yingdong felt maybe he said. But it is not true, and the performance of Zheng Jia's second young master has made Pudong staff to make trouble.

Huo Yingdong: "Zheng Sheng wants me to do, or find someone to chat."

What can you do, if you don't know, if you find someone to chat, you will not come here. Of course, even if you think so, Zheng Yu can not say it. Now I have to seek Huo Yingdong, I can't give it sin.

Zheng Yu: "Mainly wants Huo Sheng to explain with Huaxia Continental, Zheng Jia is absolutely no malicious. Just in joy, hope that Huaxia can understand."

Huo Yingdong is really a little admiring Zheng Yu, a solution to something to write. It is really bullied in China or the Black Cloud Group. This time, he can't easily promise what is the same thing. The mainland also said that he must first say goodbye to Bao Xuan.

Everyone has temper, and Baozi Xuan is also the same. Zheng Yu is in trouble with three times, and there is such a good opportunity to returns back. One, help sharks, there is no turning road. Baozi Xuan is not happy, people may sell you this face, do not do it for the time being; this is a good benefit for Huojia.

And Zheng Erwa is in Shanghai, which is also very angry. The sharpener is like so many things, let him help order, this is not to kill Huojia! If you have to do things together, it is estimated that Huojia has to use it for so many years.

Huo Yingdong: "According to the reason, Zheng Sheng people come over. Regardless of how much, more difficult things, as long as Huo family can do, it is unreasonable. But now there are too many people, Kyoto high-level, I will go Try to explain, I believe they also understand Zheng Sheng's character, should not make the behavior of national interests. "

"But this is also involved in the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan. Huo Sheng may feel that there is nothing. But if I want to help you, Bao Zixuan will definitely have a great opinion for me. Previously, Bao Huo Dong Mining Company is split, Produce a separation. "

"Huo Home has to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group. At this time, there is no wise move. Therefore, it is still necessary to communicate with the buns. It is best to communicate with him."

"There is also the two sons of Zheng Sheng's family during Shanghai, but there are many troubles. And the attitude is very arrogant, I don't know if I don't know if Zheng Sheng can ask, or ask the second son. A situation. "

I heard Huo Yingcong to explain with Huaxia high-level, Zheng Yurong felt right this time. In his opinion, if there is no opinion in the Chinese mainland, the misunderstanding is released, then things are basically solved. However, the premise is that the same buns Xuan explained clear, or not will not help.

Baozi Xuan can sell this face, he is not unfortunately. Whether it is a drainage of the Black Cloud Bank, it is still a split of Bao Huo's mining company. All of this is to drive later. Bao Zi Xuan hate must not let Zheng's home bankrupt, how can it be helpful. It seems that I have to find an excuse and reason, come over with Huo Yingdong.

Huo Yingdong finally said in Shanghai, and it also involved in the second thing. Although listening to the fog in the clouds, it also knows that the second is not a peaceful master, and it is necessary to ask how it is.

Zheng Yu has not been waiting for a long time in Huo, the incident is not good, especially during this ming.

Worried that the old second passed to provoke trouble, but also called the bullion of the boat king together with him. In addition, there is a lot of exquisite soldiers from Xiangjiang, how can I make this look.

Everyone is measuring the interests, Zheng Yumi is trying to pay more interests to get the detailed explanation of Baozi Xuan. Huo Yingdong is also thinking about the relationship with Bao Xuan, which is absolutely good to the country.

Zheng Yurong has basically fixed the space, and there is no implied successor at home. At this time, I am very uncomfortable to help sharks with the sin.

Baozi Xuan's Black Cloud Group will develop future, no one can imagine. Perhaps the sky is the limit of people, Huojia is impossible to use the Black Cloud Group, but the cooperation between the two parties is still no problem.

The sharpener is in the board of directors, newspapers, and troublesome up to Bao Zixuan and the Black Cloud Group. If this is not counterattack, who will put the black cloud group in the eyes. Baozi Xuan is not a master that is not angry, can't lose due to small loss.

This trimness has been placed on top, and everyone has those strengths. It can be said that everyone chooses to be the most powerful way of doing themselves. Bunxuan is also the same.

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