The last one said Zheng Er Shao, as a father, Zheng Yu, will have to investigate. Although the old two is not worrying when the second is in Xiangjiang, but there has not been too out. Did this time, what happened to Shanghai, or if Huo Yingdong can't say it.

Zheng Yu returned to the office and called the old man. This name is that the people in Zheng's family have been more than 20 years. Although the ability is general, but the loyalty and work are robust to make the sharriars are very relieved. Otherwise, it is impossible to let him accompany the old two to go to Shanghai.

I heard the boss called him, and the old man seems to have been ready; because he feels this is a morning and evening. The two young masters have so many troubles in Shanghai, and he is also difficult to blame.

Zheng Yumi saw the old why, directly said: "Old, you have worked more than 20 years in the company. I want to know what I have done in Shanghai, don't have any concealment, you know my temper."

"There are many things happening in a recent period. I want you to know. Today, I will listen to some problems at home. I don't have to say anything!"

Old why never wants to participate in this kind of thing, because he is related to the problem of family heirs. Negative no one is not good, in case the proposal failed, he did not say that the head was dropped, but he left the company affirmed.

Zheng Erwei is doing things in Shanghai, but he is a clear. After coming back, I didn't dare to say anything. After all, people were parents and sons, how did he say that he is also an outcome.

Now the boss asked this thing, then you can't continue to conceal. This time, more than him, if you say it, you can't stay in Zheng's home.

When I saw the embarrassment of the old man, Zheng Yu took the same: "Don't have any concerns, I still know anything. I can't do anything for it. Otherwise, Huo Yingdong can't mention him."

Old why knows that you can't hide, it seems that you have to think about it. Currently, I can only gamble, so I said: "The two young masters have just started after Shanghai, they are seriously viewing all kinds of situations in Shanghai. After investigation, they have been negotiating with Shanghai. But Because it is too high, there is no agreement on Shanghai. Finally, some conflicts on the speech are all unpleasant. "

I heard the answer to the old and the rain mud, Zheng Yurong was very angry. Every day to see all situations, he is going to investigate or go to play and pick up. Conflict on words, if there is no special excessive thing, Huo Yingdong will not mention it.

Zheng Yu: "Old, you have to hide this time. This is not helping him, but it is harming him; it is harming the company and Zheng family. Let me tell me all the things after Shanghai. What you do should understand. I don't want to say the second time, or you know the consequences. "

Now avoided,

The boss looks definitely what. Old wrist to say: "The two young masters have played several waitresses in the hotel in Shanghai, which is inhabiting the identity of Xiangjiang business people and Zheng Jia face. It is just to warn us, and the two young masters will converge some. "

"Later, the second young masters saw a place, but this place has been purchased by Bao Zixuan and Hu Yingxiang. How to explain in Shanghai is useless, in order to appease the second young master, I will take the area of ​​the regional government. But the two young doctors disagree, Resolutely buy Hu Yingxiang and Bao Zi Xuan buy land. And the price given is very low, Zhu Yingxiang and Baozi Xuan bid 12%. "

"Later, finally agreed to bought the land recommended by Shanghai, but 200 acres of land is only willing to have 1 US dollar. Of course, in Shanghai, I didn't agree, and the two sides had conflict in words. The two young masters are still in the case, Quite is quite no polite. "

When I heard the old, the shark gallbladder almost didn't feel faint. It's really unfortunate, and there is such a unfilial son. Also think about letting him go to the Chinese mainland to exercise, now it seems to be helped.

Zheng Jia's name is lost, no wonder Huo Yingdong will say this. It turned out that the report on Xiangjiang Media was also involved in Huaxia. This is not a clear, confirming that the report of Xiangjiang is Zheng Jiakai!

Zheng Yu said with angry: "Are you a dead! Will not stop him, don't know if you report to me!"

At this time, the old man didn't dare to pick up, it is self-found. Zheng Er Shao is a boss, he is just a working, how can you persuade. Zheng Jia can talk more than a son, and the small report will involve more problems, but these don't dare to say to the sharks.

When I see the old man, Zheng Yong also knows that it can't be full. So said: "Well, I don't blame you. Just tell you not to think too much, don't have so much concern. I am still alive, your boss is my Zheng Yu."

When I went down, I thought it was. But the last boss said, but scared him enough, the boss is now rich now. Just think about the successor problem, is this not looking forward to death!

Zheng Yurong called home, and learned that Zheng Er is not at home. If you use the toe, you will know where you are definitely going. If you don't give this child a lesson, you may have a lot of trouble.

Zheng Er will have a lot of places, mainly with a great relationship with the Xiangjiang entertainment venues in this year. The shark is very easy to find someone in Xiangjiang, and this person has not specially hidden.

In fact, Zheng Yurong knows that directly asking the boss may faster. This is the pain of the giants, and the usual people will never have these dogs.

Zheng Erwei is in Shanghai, but it is a stomach, and Huaxia has indeed been free of fragrance. I have been in Shanghai for so long, and I will return to Xiangjiang. I don't let go.

Although it is day, it is not a problem for Zheng Er Shao. As long as you have money, the bar must be open.

Zheng Yu came to a bar and saw a few young people who were drinking. There are a few girls in the white, the old two is in it.

I don't go to the company during the day, and I am coming here. Zheng Jia is how many family members are not lost enough, really unfortunately, son actually so inspector.

Zheng Erwei saw his dad, and the wine was awake. If it is usually the company named the company or the driver came to find him, the old man is still the first time. And look at the expression of the old man, I know that his old man is very angry.

Hurry up the girl next to the girl, stand up: "Dad, how come you."

Zheng Yu said with black face: "Go home with me."

Then leave directly, Zheng Er Shadow just wants to follow. However, a girl behind said: "Two less, I haven't paid it yet!"

When you hear this shark's face, it becomes more black, and a gesture driver quickly passed the checkout.

In the same sentence on the car, Zheng Yuli also knew that the father was in the air, and he could only go home for his mother.

Zheng Yu is not only brought back to Zheng Xiao, and all members of the family will meet home.

At this time, Mrs. Zheng did not know what is going on. Because since marry the shark, he never saw him officially held a family meeting. Although it is developed by the mother's home, it is also known that this thing cannot be mentioned. Most of the current family is Zheng Yu's ability to achieve, I want to marry for a long time, I can't think of others.

So so many years, have been retreating behind. Do you have enough faces and space outside the man, or you have to scatter your morning and evening.

After seeing people, Zheng Yu said: "Calling everyone, I want to tell you a few. I have given me a low-key in the last period of time. Now the situation is very disadvantaged, Zheng Jiaxiang is actually I don't know if I contact the media reporter, I'm reporting the investment of the Black Cloud Group and also involves issues such as Pudong New Area and Huaxia's Investment Policy. "

"At this moment, all Chinese businessmen are very dissatisfied. The Bunxuan, the Black Cloud Group is, is there, hate, I can't let Zheng's home bankrupt."

"The second to Shanghai is also playing a series of problems such as the germanity of the child, the main staff, the deception, and the words are not bad. After returning to Xiangjiang, go to the bar to drink alcohol during the day. Zheng Jia is handed over to this person, it is going to be lost in the morning and evening."

"From the next month, I broke the source of the Elder. I made an apprentice in the factory. Things were so decided. Who didn't use it. If you still don't know, don't blame me for your home."

"And you have to go to the company to find a thing, don't think about eating and drinking. To make money by your own, so on how many home products can be obtained in the future, you must see your usual performance."

After that, Zheng Yu said that Zheng Erho said in Shanghai, and the just behavior said in detail. The family has begun to understand, it is unfortunately so angry, it is the same.

Zheng Yu handed his wife to the book, and then said directly: "Mother is more defeated, don't take the old two. I let him go to the factory to make an apprentice is the tempering child, otherwise it may have problems next time. When he couldn't help the family, he couldn't get the trouble. This time he must listen to me. "

"There are still a few children to hit more, can't be hosted by sex; it is a unfortunate home."

Zheng Feng listened to her husband, did not say more. First make an education for a while, don't say it! She is also very headache for several children, and there is no good way between it.

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