After the Bao Zixuan arranged in Shanghai, the original plan was prepared to go back to Xiangjiang. As for the sharks and boat kings, it is still not worth it; it is still young, and it will be a chance to pack them. And there is no reason for the whole policy, it can't make people, after all, where is the strength of the two.

However, a invitation from Xiangjiang transferred made him have to change the itinerary, and Pan Xiaofei is about marriage. Panasonic is fortunate to invite him to participate in the past, this face cannot be given.

For Panasonic Snow, Bao Zixuan has never known how to face it. Bunzi Xuan is the richest river, and the Chinese flag. Trading foreign women will bring a lot of trouble, and will become an attack object in the future.

Have your identity and status, will definitely be unhappy in other ways. It can be said that there are so many women, the character of Songmei Snow is best, can only be said that there is no one.

The boat king is going to Huaxia Kyoto, and Baozi Xuan just knows. It seems that the other party is also a smart person, then now let them be happy for a while, waiting to have a chance to pack them.

As for the shark, you can't be so polite, no matter whether there is anything in this matter. The provokes of three times before, if you don't give him some color, you really bullied!

Baozi Xuan has also joined the Rosenian family to enter the Xiangjiang jewelry market. At present, the source of diamonds has begun to limit Zhou Dafu. Warm boiled frogs, and slowly take Zheng's businesses to die.

On September 12, 1983, Bunzi Xuan sent from Huaxia to Shanghai, and took a special plane to Tokyo to Japan. At this point, there is 2 days from the Matsushita Snow. The head of the package also wants to take the opportunity to understand the operation of the Japanese branch and the Black Stone Fund.

Black Cloud 919 passenger aircraft first order comes from Bao Zixuan himself, there is no special luxury decoration. The overall inside is very simple, which is very in line with the life taste and standard of the engineering man.

After coming to Tokyo, there are a lot of people who have seen it. Many people are in order to participate in the wedding. I know that Songshi Snow is married to Sanjing Sanjing Fengwen. The three well family has great influence in Japan and even the whole world, and this time, it is still a granddaughter who is lucky to help the Panasonic, of course, it is to be heavy.

Chen Yue, deputy general manager of the Japanese Branch of the Black Cloud Group, came to the airport to meet Bunzi Xuan, which is specially required. Miyazaki is very busy, and it is also a small use of a martial art master to do the driver.

Chen Yue is smiling and said: "The boss has worked hard, you haven't come over to Japan for a long time. It has changed in recent years, and the company's development is also very rapid. This time, you can have more time, many new employees, I said that I didn't see the legendary boss. "

The company's development is too fast, and it is still a good thing. At present, Black Cloud Group's profit can also support it.

It can be a loss of the branch, and the problem will be very serious, and even a chain reaction. Bao Zixuan has been playing the foundation, all office buildings, shops, factory, and operating places are all black clouds. It is also worried that the future situation has changed, and at least the house is not worried. It is also to leave some industries to future people, and encounter a crisis that can be supported for a while.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I am very relieved to have you and Miyazaki Master."

When I heard the buns, Chen Yue was very happy. Although he is the deputy general manager of the Japanese Branch, Chan Palace Bijun is more famous, basically not. The old man also likes to engage in art, and is not very keen on the company's management. Therefore, in the Japanese branch, operations and management is basically responsible for Chen Yue.

Now the boss ranks in front, then prove that he is in Bunzi Xuanxin.

Chen Yousheng: "Mainly the company's products, and the talents of Miyazaki Master, and the Group's huge capital investment. I can't do it, the most is an executive."

Chen Yue is basically able to see his position, which makes Bao Zixuan very pleased. If you don't have a point, the last loss is still the company.

The rifle is a private plane, although you can take up to 36 people. The head is still a low-key travel, and only 4 people are generally, even if it is not 8 bodyguards to Japan.

Three cars start from Japan Tokyo Airport, recent airport staff, passengers, and Japanese police officers have habit. Sanjing and Panasonic two families marriage have made many people in the world who have been in Tokyo to participate in the wedding. Almost every day, private aircraft landed, the team of three cars is normal, so there is nothing strange, and there will be no more people.

Come to the Headquarters of Tokyo Black Cloud Branch, and see Miyazaki is guiding animation engineers to modify the pattern.

In all the branches of the Black Cloud Group, only Japanese branches are most strange. In addition to Chen Yue, and outside the financial and administrative personnel, no one has an independent office, including Miyazaki. Very sensible, this is really high, but this is really high. What is the new idea, what different opinions, negation, some production, can communicate in the first time. The new horse new project can be expanded in the first time, almost seamlessly.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan, Miyazaki put down the work in his hand, smiled and said: "Since we move into the new office, you still come over. Just talk to Chen, a lot of new Employees don't know you. I want to know that you are a young employee's idol, I will give you two sentences. "

I haven't waited for Bao Xuan to talk, Miyazaki said to everyone: "Everyone puts the work in the hand, don't you always say that our President has not come over! Today, the Director of the Black Cloud Group is also It is our boss's bunxuan to come to Japan. I went to visit everyone in the first time, let us welcome Mr. Bunxuan with warm applause. "

I heard the boss, many people immediately put down their hands. I want to see the legendary people today, and I finally have the opportunity to see live people today.

Bao Zixuan did not expect Miyazaki to come to this, it is estimated that the art is different from the ordinary people's idea. It is already pushed to the stage, then it can't be turned.

Bao Zixuan sorted out a tie and knew that it would come over the company inspection. Specially replaced a suit on aircraft, and it is not too high for the wearing. Laughing with the staff of the Japanese branch: "Everyone is good, I am Bao Zi Xuan. That is, the boss you have never seen, saying that the truth hasn't come over, I haven't been very embarrassed."

"Not worried about the company's operational situation, because there is Miyazaki Master, I believe there will be no problem in Japan branch. I haven't come over to Japan for a long time, indicating that I am not concerned about Japanese branch staff. Black Cloud Group is a people-oriented company Always put the employee first. This is from the creed starting from my creation, it will not change, and the future will not change. "

"I hope that every employee of the Black Cloud Group should not worry about small money. It is my biggest sorrow. Japan's life standard is very high. Many young people are not intentional. This time, there is no gift for everyone. Then everyone issues 100,000 yen as a meeting. I will hit the pay card today, pay attention to check. "

"Japanese rent is high, the group must protect the staff 's accommodation. This matter is responsible by Chen, you can consider buying property nearby, then give employees for free."

"The employee wants to buy a house, and the company can provide financial support. Lenon management is organized a set of plans. In short, we can't suffer our employees."

After Bao Zi Xuan was finished, the scene was immediately boiling. It is said that the boss is cool, for people. It seems that it seems non-virtual, such a boss is really hard.

In fact, Bao Zi Xuan also has his own consideration, that is, buying people. You must know the core staff of the Japanese Branch, basically all the hometown of Miyazaki personally recruited, although the old man is still very enjoyable. Who can grasp the quasi in the heart of the artist, and the first rich is not staring in Japan every day. In all the branches of the Black Cloud, only anime company has other shares, many things have to be prevented.

If you don't have a franchise, you must prepare in advance, it is also planned to prepare.

Of course, the idea of ​​the bag is unknown, only feel that this boss is really atmospheric. With such a boss, it will never suffer, and future prospects can be diluted.

At present, buying property is very cost-effective, waiting for 5 years later; it is estimated to turn several times. As for employees to buy real estate, there must be conditions; and it will be very harsh, saying that it is just to make employees. Of course, someone satisfies the conditions, then there is nothing to say, resolutely support. Can't lose your heart because of small loss.

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