At night, Miyazaki and Chen Yuezheng and several executives, accompanying Bunxuan to eat a dinner. At the same time, the Japanese branch is simply reported, mainly about issues such as product development, project project. You didn't accept it before Miyazaki, but since Bao Xuan gave him his own ideas, it was a little worship for this boss.

It is important to know that people are science and engineering, how can they be so familiar with animation, and even many times more proficient than him, this has to be suspected, and finally, the conclusion is only one, genius and mortal is still very Big gap.

Early the next morning, Bunzu Xuan just got up. Just received a call, but also an acquaintance phone. Although I don't know what the other is asking for myself, I have arrived in Japan. I have to see the same side in love, after all, many projects have cooperation.

Shengtian Zhao, has not met the same bag. The two are just occasionally call. After all, the bags in recent years have not participated in any electronic technology exhibition; the Black Cloud Group system is too large, but also gives some opportunities for managers. Not only the electronic exhibition, even the car exhibition Bunxuan has not participated. Recently, the exhibition is also the Paris Air Show. After all, the Black Cloud Group will participate for the first time, and I have to give some faces to the host committee.

For Bunzu Xuan's competitors, Tamada Zhav is very recognized. The Black Cloud Group has achieved great success in any field, as if there is no short board in the high-tech field. Previously, Sony won by scale and volume, and now it has been opened a big distance by black cloud.

However, since it can't be completely viewed, it is also possible to cooperate in many fields. Although the Herbion Group is very sound, it is impossible to occupy the market; and even if there is this matter, it doesn't dare to do it. To know that the Americans have begun to launch an anti-monopoly survey to the Black Cloud part of the product, this is a dangerous signal. As long as it is Bao Zi Xuan enough and smart, it will definitely cultivate competitors.

Sony is a good choice, first of all, Americans, Americans must also prevent. Second Sony has technical advantages in the electronic field, and will not be controlled by the Black Cloud Group; mainly Americans do not believe that black clouds can control Sony.

Cultivate competitors, not to set up a subsidiary. So the choice is very critical, and the Tiantian Zhaof is thinking of these, and it is decided to come to find Baoxuan to talk.

With the character of Tama Zhaff, this is dismissed. It is now not satisfactory, and it is more appropriate to describe more appropriate.

With the rise of the black cloud, the glory of the Japanese company is not appeared. Of course, the scale of black cloud is limited, and Japanese companies still occupy most share in the market. However, the profits are not high, Sony is in the hands of the company because of the portable projects, making it a poor half of the first day.

In order to catch up with the footsteps of the black cloud, Sony puts a lot of funds for research. And the most intimate is the product of each R & D will be taken in the evening or a shot.

Investment and output are not proportional, resulting in Sony's capital conditions very unsatisfactory.

It can be said that Shengtian Zhao, has been invested, then there is only one way to authorize a road. When you accumulate certain funds, you think about other way out.

Baozi Xuan came over to Japan, so that Tamada Zhav saw hope. As long as Bao Zi Xuan is not stupid, he must know how to do it.

Although some cases of Sony know, it also understands that the thin camel is bigger than the horse. And there is a god of this operation, just give the opportunity Sony soon will rise.

This time, I came over, I was still very sincere, I was selected in Sushi Store in Silver Sites. Many people in this store are not familiar, but another one is familiar but familiar.

The god of Sushi is the name of the Japanese to Xiaoyong Erlang, although it has not reached such a height. However, the Sushi store of the Xiaoyan family has been very famous in Japan. Even after the Tiantian Zhaofe is paying a certain price and money, the seat will be taken.

The front world bag is very curious, and the sushi of this Yichiro is doing it. This time, this time, the light of Tamada Zhao, just tastes.

Xiaoyan Geng is a sushi shop in the basement of the Ginza Office Building: Numbers of the House Qiao Shan Lang is famous. Many of the people from all over the world come, only for the "Sushi's first person" over decades of Sushi Kung Fu. It seems simplicity from the appearance, even a bit cold. After the wooden fence, there are only ten seats, although only ten seats in their restaurant, the toilet is even outside, although it is necessary to reserve in advance, 15 minutes a meal, per capita consumption of hundreds of dollars, people who have eaten I am sigh, this is "sushi worth waiting for".

Xiaoyong Erlang bought fish from the best fish, from the best shrimp, buy rice from the best rice traders. From the temperature of the vinegar, the time is long, the length of the fish, and the strength of the massage nautical fish, and the Xiaoyi Sirlan still personally supervised. He will carefully arrange the seat according to the gender of the customer, and you will carefully arrange your seat, and you will pay attention to the dining situation of the guests.

A movie in the past is pushed into the status of the god of Sushi, but the old man can do a good sushi for several decades.

Come to Xiaoyuo Sushi store, Titian Zhao Fu smiled and said: "Bao Sang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Recently, you can be about your news, you are envious."

In fact, there is a congratulation component, but it also has a bitter meaning in it. Although there is a need for Bao Zi Xuan, it is also to let the other person know. This is a kind of win-win, will not give up the principles and personality, and the family will not be low, after all, I haven't arrived at that time.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Mr. Shengtian is still in the style; compared to me, your day is much more happy."

Talking is only half, in fact, two people are very tired. You can't want to shoot first, after all, it means passive.

After sitting down, start the food. This sushi shop is different from other places, you can't order yourself. What is the chef do, what to eat.

Shengtian Zhaov: "Bao Sang did not look at this store, but the taste here is definitely one. It is not that they have no funds to expand the scale, but people don't want it. The owner of the shopkeeper and the famous family Xiaoyong Erlang, focusing sushi already 40 years, it is definitely a master character. "

In fact, Bun Zi Xuan knows this, but it has not been there before. And often come over, Japan, don't know anything at this time. Otherwise the stuffing is not good, at least will make people suspect.

Bunzi Xuan: "There are many places in Japan to learn, the focus of work is really admired. Everyone says that they want to love their work, but there are several people who can really do."

"Sony is the same as the electronic product, the black cloud is the same. Now I look at the world's first, but I still have not met perfect. I have never stopped. Everyone wants to continue to climb jobs and research, trying to climb to the peak But no one knows where the peak is. "

"The Black Cloud Group is also the same, this time, a small sushi shop makes me feel deep. It seems that every industry has the potential of the master, I can see that we can stick to it."

Bao Zi Xuan's words, Tita Zhao, listened to a semi-solving, but Xiaoyong Erlang was very pleasant. Isn't this the most authentic idea? It seems that there is still a well-known sound in the world, but it has not been encountered before.

Zhen Tian Zhao, "This time, I wanted to find the black cloud group to cooperate. I hope that Black Cloud will authorize some products to Sony production. I just surveyed by the US business department, I think you should understand what it means."

It seems that the old kid is ready to come, the industry surveyed by the US business department means that the monopoly is monopoly, and the black cloud wants to enter the US market. It is not easy.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "This is the benefit of the Black Cloud Group. We are all merchants, lose money, and to cultivate talents to competitors, killing will not do it."

Shengtian Zhav: "Sony needs these orders to maintain enterprise operation, and black clouds can get rid of anti-monopoly investigation."

It can be said that this is very reasonable to analyze the old kid analysis, and the Black Cloud Group does intentionally cultivate competitors. A phone, Bill Gain, a phone, Bill Gates, gave Apple, is worried about Apple's days, and it will not be better.

It can be said that this is a balance, but also a double-edged sword, just see how to make a trick.

The first rich of bags has basically agreed that this problem has been considered before, after all. The rest of the thing needs to negotiate, and must not be cheap.

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