Bunzi Xuan and Shengtian Zhaif were in the young banyeo Sushi shop, enjoy a delicious lunch. Under the prestigious, the sushi taste is indeed a level. When I left, Bunzi Xuan was called by Xiaoyi 2nd, and the two sides had a few words.

This makes Tamada Zhaof feel incredible, knowing that Xiaoyi 2ndo has always been arrogant. How many officials have not expensive to enter his leg, Bunzu Xuan is the magic. Actually, I was treated with the old man, I know that this meal or he please.

In fact, Bun Zixuan did not think that Xiaoyong Hiro will call him, and also gave him a privilege. The next time you come over, you can call the other party in advance, you will give him a seat. I want to know that the old man is very principled, so the treatment can't imagine.

After the two left, the staff did not understand that Xiaoyi Liu Lang smiled and said: "Our work looks boring, but you want to become a master must hold any / if there is no strength and determination, then don't engage in this job. Even The most work is just a chef, it is not a master. "

"Bun Zixuan is one of the world's most well-known people, but he didn't look for anyone. On the contrary, he respects everyone who has succeeded in his respective positions, and it is very recognized that the spirit of the craftsman. Of course, it may be related to it, the merit is still Maintaining an initial heart, this is very rare. "

"I have a lot of people who really like to eat the food we have made, not to respect and admire. Let a person recognize very difficult, especially the other party is noble, but also the first time I see you."

Employees have seen it is also known, at least now. It may be approved by the customer, then it is enough.

Two people came to the Black Cloud Group in Ginza's specialty store, which is one of the largest stores in Ginza Mall. The Black Cloud Group spends huge money to buy, and the decoration makes the store very science.

Seeing the black cloud store, thinking that the Sony store is not far away. Shengtian Zhaov is very embarrassed, here is Japan, and there is still no foreign household in the store. Not only Sony store, other Japanese brands don't have such a cool store, it seems that Japanese companies should reflect.

I know the boss, many female employees are very curious. It is good to have the basic professionalism, or if it is not a mess.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The store here is too expensive, and no one next to the store is transferred. Still not big enough, you can't show all the products of the Black Cloud Group."

I heard that there is no diamond in the past, and the entire Ginza will be your black cloud group store. Is this not talking about wind? But now in the form, Sony is still very long.

Tita Zhaofu said with a smile: "If the bag, it is not satisfied with the store,

Then we have these local entrepreneurs really want to hit the wall. It is necessary to know that the black cloud store is the largest, the best location, the best location, the most abundant product. If this can not make the bag Sang satisfaction, then I really don't know what to say. "

In fact, Bun Zixuan just wants to explore the true thoughts of Shengtian Zhao, after all, it is still very interested. It can also be very worried at the same time, knowing that Sony strength is not weak. If you get the latest technology in Black Cloud, the future will inevitably become a big enemy.

The US Department of Commerce has not stopped against the anti-monopoly investigation of the Black Cloud. After all, the US Department of Commerce is dare to do even if IBM has, let alone a Xiangjiang company.

It is estimated that Shengtian Zhaof is to see this, so you can have no terrorism. The black cloud wants to get rid of anti-monopoly investigation, and there are not many companies that can cooperate. Sony is undoubtedly a good option, strength, scale, nationality, etc. are very suitable.

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Shengtian said, I want to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group. Xiao Sushi shopper is more miscellaneous, not a conversation place. Now is on his own site, what ideas can be discussed to each other. Black Cloud The group also intends to increase investment in Japan, and also intends to cooperate with Japanese companies. "

"A person in this world, a company cannot finish all business. In the last unlucky definitely it is yourself, saying that I am not a food."

Shengtian Zhaofe thought that your kid is not a person who eats eating food; then there is no one in the world. However, since it is interested in cooperation, then you have to leave a face.

Shengtian Zhaov: "Bao Sang said very reasonable, cooperation can get more success. Although the Technical advantage is obvious, it is now the mainstream market in the world. To know that Americans are not good, especially the US business sector is more Six people don't recognize it. IBM is very bad, or there will be no existence of other computer companies. "

"At present, Black Cloud Computer Corporation, Black Cloud Toys, Black Cloud Anime Company, Black Cloud Game Company, etc. are involved in monopoly. To know that these customers are the most profitable branch of the Black Cloud Group, and the US market is the world's largest Market. Time is long for the Black Cloud Group, it is not a good thing. If you want to break this deadlock, find someone to cooperate is the best choice. "

"The Black Cloud Group authorizes the products of Sony to produce these branches, as well as IPs of these companies. This will give the Black Cloud Group a lot of pressure, but also get a considerable license fee."

This is also a way that is not a way, four branch products have been greatly affected in the United States. In fact, there are also American companies to negotiate, but only size and strength. At present, only children's treasures have been authorized by some products, but there is no scale.

There is no advantage of American companies in electronic products, even if there is no effect on authorized production. Although Apple has started to produce laptops, it is limited in production; it is not very good to control the quality of process quality, and there is no market in the black cloud.

Baozi Xuan: "Why is Sony, you have to know that Sony is a powerful opponent. And Mr. Shengtian is not an entrepreneur under the people. It will develop more advanced products in the morning and evening. At that time, I am in cultivating competitors, right The future development of the Black Cloud Group is very unfavorable. "

Of course, Shengtian, certainly knows that Bunxuan will not consent, even if the company can choose from work. Single Japan has Sony, Panasonic, Hitachi, Toshiba and other companies; Sony has not been able to do with these companies.

However, Sony also has the advantages of other companies, and Shengtian Zhaov is still very confident.

Shengtian Zhaov: "Baosang is only 24 or 5 years old, and I am already a 60-year-old man. Is it worried that I am so nervous? Even if you don't want to be caught, you are old. It is impossible to support the company again to grow, so just want to leave a foundation for the successor. "

"Panasonic is because of the reasons of Sanmei Snow, it is not very convenient to cooperate with black clouds. The three-well family is the top three families in Japan, and the Panasonic company will take into account the face of the three wells."

"Hitachi is limited, and the advantage is in the field of home appliances. Even if the black clouds are supported, it is difficult to develop. Toshiba official background is too strong, involving the interests of the side, and a single balance interest requires waste. Doing business, I like to simply, Toshiba's doing style, you can't see it. "

"Comprehensive analysis, only Sony is the most appropriate. And Baisang has an answer, or it is impossible to talk to me for so long."

The god of the operation, there is no white call, single analysis ability and eloquence is not an opponent. And it is very reasonable, it seems to strengthen your own learning.

However, Bao Zi Xuan also has its own ideas, and the profit must be black and clouds. At the same time, it is necessary to speed up the development of new technologies, and it is necessary to maintain advantage technology.

Bao Zixuan: "I don't object to it, but the brothers also have to count the account. The Black Cloud Group has more choices, and Sony has no space. The sales amount is 12% as a patented fee, and it is also for Sony to reduce the burden. "

I heard such a high distribution ratio, and the Shengtian Zhav thought this was also a burden for Sony. If you agree, Sony is the most black cloud in the future.

Shengtian Zhaov: "This ratio is too high, not Sony, I think any company in the world will not accept it."

"We are acquaintances, and the bags are very high. 6% is the biggest sincerity of Sony, we must know that our products are not expensive than black cloud sales."

Finally, after bargaining, an agreement is achieved with 8% sales. That is to say, Sony is sold for 100 USD black cloud authorized products, paid to Black Cloud 8 US dollars as a technical and patented usage fee.

Bao Zi Xuan knows that it may raise the tiger. There is no good way to currently, and American anti-monopoly investigations are not joking. Only the risk is transferred to maximize the benefits.

Black cloud town requires too much funds, and the US market cannot achieve the expected results. Then it will involve the entire black cloud system, and there is no way to authorize Sony production.

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