Shengtian Zhaov leaving the black cloud store with satisfactory results, and the rest requires engineers, professional teams, lawyers, accounting and other staff. As a boss, just determine the big direction, if you participate, it is not exhausted.

After checking the layout, sales of the store, Bao Zixuan left the Ginza Mall. Satisfied with the overall operation of the store, and also commended excellent employees.

As the staff of the Japanese Branch of the Black Cloud Group, the salesperson of the Ginza Mall also received a reward of 100,000 yen. Almost the salary of them half a month, even if the Japanese economy is developed, this is also a non-small fund. The boss is so atmospheric, how can I not satisfy people.

Bunzi Xuan's satisfaction with the Japanese Ginza Mall Black Cloud Store is very normal. After all, here is one of the most profitable stores in the world. Since the late 1960s, the Japanese economy has developed rapidly. Make consumption efforts to improve, Ginza Mall is the favorite place in Japanese people, and the business is willing to be poor.

As long as the product remains stable and new replacement, until 90 years, the business here should not be able to go there.

September 14, 1983, Tokyo, Japan, Sanjing Manor.

Bao Zi Xuan came to this legendary family, of course, this time is attended as a female guest.

The predecessor of the three wells is a three well. The founder Sanjing Badlang soldiers Gao Li opened a satin village in Tokyo in 1673. Afterwards and Nursing Village. Since the 18th Century, it has opened a three-shaft exchange store mainly based on running money exchange business, and became commercial capital to increase the money, and Funding feudal princes, the replacement of the deck of the house, as a royal privilege businessman, becomes rich business giant.

When the Meiji Restoration, the three well family turned to the court, funded the new king and changing government to dispatch the military and military, developing a governance business, and got the care of the Meiji government, holding the national financial industry. On this basis, in 1876, the first private bank Sanjing Bank in Japan has created a three-well property. In 1910, a total holding company was established, which basically formed a modern three well-raising valve.

After the First World War, the Sanjing Curve Valve became the largest monopoly capital group. At the end of the Second World War, the Sanjing Care Valves were directly between 273, with their subsidiaries. The Sanjing Caver Valve has been disbanded later.

In the early 1950s, the Month will be established by the Mixi Bank, followed by the purpose of promoting the merger of Sanjing Producing Company, and the five-day meeting of the general manager first level, 1960 is renamed as two wood, gradually become the coordinating leadership of the three wells mechanism. At the end of the 1950s, the original three wellsuits were directly in the end of the year, and the bypass company resumed into a big consortium with the new form of enterprise group. Three well-consistent managers and their subsidiaries and stranders have more than 150 more than 150.

This kind of rich family,

This piece is absolutely nothing to say. Japan in World War II as a defeated country, did not let the three wells disappeared, and the family's judgment of the family. It can be said that the three wells have almost included almost all areas; even if they are not directly entangled, they will also participate. This is the strength of people, but also inheriting the creed of eggs that cannot be placed in a basket.

Panasonic is also a Japanese company, but only 65 years of establishment. The company has also developed in Panasonic's fortunate assistant, and this piece is serious. In the eyes of ordinary people, Panasonic is a giant tyrant. You can just a slightly larger company in front of a powerful three wells.

There are many children of the three wells, and the three wells is just one of the many successors. Can Songmu Snow is a happy and grandchildren who are fortunate to help, so there is no high cluster, or the next statement.

Panasonic is coming nearly 90 years old, but because of his favorite granddaughter married. Still outside the guests, this makes many people feel fare. After all, this can be a living legend, has not publicly opened a road.

Although many people have come to the wedding, there is no shortage of stars. But the appearance of Bunzu Xuan still caught a sensation. You know that this is not easy. Moreover, the gossip media has also reported that Xiangjiang's first rich bunxuan is a bit related to Panasonic Snow.

Is it not like it? Just bring a few people, I don't dare to attack the Sanjing Manor, then there is no difference between and find death.

Ok, no matter whether it is a reporter, or other person, it is still very in an amount. After all, this is in the three well family, but also the days of people. If you can't afford this responsibility if you can't afford this responsibility.

Pan Xia Meixue is wearing Japanese traditional costumes today, can't see, happiness is still painful. However, this is the matter of people, and I have nothing to do with myself. In addition to participating in wedding, this time, in addition to participating in the wedding, it is mainly to inspect the company, and the formation of a smart group.

This Bun Zixuan wants to ask a person to serve as a group consultant, I don't know if I can say each other.

Seeing Bun Zixuan came over, Panasonic Snow is rare to show a little smile. But I am afraid that the husband's misunderstanding is not too obvious.

Baozi Xuan's trading with Africans is exchanged to a lot of diamonds. This time the Songshi Snow Married deliberately identifies a good one, so that I have already cut it before, or I really don't know what gift.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I wish two new wedding, early birth."

Seeing the gift of such heavy, I am not familiar with it. Sanjing Fengwen is embarrassed, when it is embarrassing. Panasonic Snow said: "Thank you for your blessing, thank you very much for you can come over to participate in our wedding. This is my husband Sanjing Fengwen."

At the same time, I said to Sanjing Fengwen: "This is the grandfather's forgotten year, Mr. Bao Zixuan, Chairman of Xiangjiang Black Cloud Group."

Although Sanjing Fengwen has seen a photo of the bag before, it is not placed on the heart. Similar to them, marriage is definitely can't be the Lord. He has also exchanged girlfriends when he is studying university, but in order to heach; and the interests of the family, I have to give up this feeling.

Most of the media report is a rumor, more is catching the wind, and I believe that it is not enough to eat flying vinegar every day!

Moreover, the introduction of Matsushita Snow, he is also very satisfied, grandfather's forgotten year. Then prove that the two do not have too deep relationships, and it is also a self-evidence.

In addition to the call yourself for the husband, you can explain a lot of questions. The most important thing is to find a doctor before the family has checked. Panasonic is absolutely a woman, this is the most direct evidence of doubts.

Sanjing Fengwen stretched out: "Thank you for your wedding, you can take the wedding of my snow, if you have any guests, please take a lot of guests."

Bao Zi Xuan reached out and holding the other party. "Mr. Sansi is polite, can come to the three well estate is my honor. Mr. Matsuka is not just a partner, or very good friends."

"You can't bully your snow after getting married, say that I can come over with Huaxia's words."

The bag must not want to cause unnecessary trouble because of the previous things, it is not good. But if you are not looking for, he is not a good bully.

As a new person is definitely very busy today, Bao Zixuan does not want to take up too long. It will make people feel that he is reluctant to marry the beautiful snow!

Seeing Bun Zi Xuan, Panasonic is fortunate to help and say: "Thank you for your kid to come over, it seems that you are still a person who is worth sex. If you have never been good, if you are not happy, you can come over to Japan. If there is no business, Panasonic can be given to you some orders. "

Po Huizhou didn't expect to come to the old man to come up, and the mouth is unlike people who are 90 years old.

It is mainly the crowy before the Black Cloud Bank is not only in the Xiangjiang, and the world has reported this. After all, it is a company of Bao Zixuan, and it is very high.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The previous media reports say you can't come, think about it is a competitor, or friends, you are worthy of respect, this is not worried about your last side. Now it seems Japanese media reports are not reliable. I feel that you are more tough than me. In this way, the report is not a common disease in the world. "

Everyone didn't expect that the two had just met, one said that the other company quickly closed, one said that the other party can't do. As two super rich, it is estimated that no one is. In fact, Bao Zixuan didn't want to say this, after all, it is a day of people. But there is okay to find things, and you can't let this old boy.

In fact, Panasonic is helping to say the issue of the Black Cloud Group, he understands the character of Bunxuan. It is absolutely not to suffer, so that this kid counterattack is also suspected to give granddaughter. The three well family is very eye-catching face, the media reports that Babo Xuan and Songshi Snow. And the two people do have some relationships. There will be some separation in the Sanjing family, and now this feeling is very good.

It is also to make the world's media to shut up the wedding. Xiangjiang bag is rich and there is no relationship between San Xiaofei, but Fortunately, Fortunately, it is helpful for forgetting the year. This is already enough, at least will not say other.

It is not so simple to marry into the giants. As a grandfather can only help here, you will look at the granddaughter's own control and ability.

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