Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 793, big coffee, a gathering

The wedding is completely Japanese style, with the traditional wedding of the Chinese summer; just have some changes. Because there are too many guests to participate in the wedding, they can only be entertaining in the form of Chinese round table.

As a top family, people who are invited to participate in the wedding are not rich. Baozi Xuan as the rivers of Xiangjiang, the world's famous rich; can be arranged to the third table, and it is also a premium. To know that the first table is a family, the second table is basically polite. Arrange to the third table, you can see the achievements of the head of the bag, and the accreditation of the three wells.

I saw a young man with a young man. Everyone feels incredible, but after understanding the identity of young people, it feels very normal. Xiangjiang bag is rich to come over and participate in the wedding, and it is also to give footer.

The whole table also only knows two people, and Tamada Zhaof saw Bunzi Xuan sitting down. Laughing and said: "Hello, you are, it seems that we are really fate, I didn't expect it to meet so quickly."

Mitsubishi Heavy Industry's Hiraki also said: "Just listened to Mr. Shengtian mentioned you, thinking that you can't easily come over, Japan. I have to go to the landlord, what meets, I have a meal!"

I didn't get familiar with Bao Zi Xuan, I heard two are so good to say hello, and analyze it in combination. In front of you, this young man should be that Xiangjiang Black Cloud Group is very sensible, or not, these two old guys will not perform this.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Can you see two, but I am honored, I still think about when Mr. Isohi is talking about something."

I heard the Bunzi Xuan asked himself, and the Yokoi Hong Yuli was now interested. Laughing and talking: "Okay! If you have time to go to Mitsubishi today, I sincerely invite you to guide you."

Bao Zixuan is not a non-targeted person, and business is a certain scale, and time is not so abundant. Will not send an invitation to no reason, is there any major project cooperation.

However, this involves commercial confidentiality, it is good to say that it is not convenient to disclose. Titian Zhav also wants to know what is the purpose of Bunzu, but he does not ask him if he doesn't want him to know.

At this time, a middle-aged man said: "Several don't pay yourself, don't give us a introduction."

People listening to the words, Tita Zhao, laughed: "It's my fault, I will introduce you. This is the chairman of Xiangjiang Black Cloud Group, although I don't know, but I have to hear his name. "

Then, the Bun Zixuan said: "This is Mr. Yiming, the Doogeni of the Duwu, the largest real estate of Japan, I have to hear this name!"

Dike Mingzheng was May 29, 1934,

It is the child born in the outbreak of the Kim Shanlang, in 1964, the brother who has received his father's main property in 1964, and he did not change his father's policy in 10 years, and then bought one-sixth of Japan. The land business real estate, when his Xiwu Group has 100,000 employees, the holiday hotel is located in Japan, property is up to $ 165 billion.

I heard the name, Bao Zi Xuan finally knew who the other party is. It is important to say that the embankment is a legendary person, and the peak period has done a world richest.

Panasonic Fortunately, it is praised: "The Embankment is the second generation of entrepreneurship and defending, and the quality of the emperor who is unique to him. If it is in ancient times, it is the ancestors of ZTE!"

Sony's founder Tamada Zhaof has also said: "There are no many people in Japanese young entrepreneurs, there are courages, talents and decisiveness like Yiming," "He also sighs:" He is born: "" " My biggest unfortunate is that I am born with the embankment. "

However, with the Japanese economic bubble, the Japanese economy is falling into a sluggish, and the embankment has also begun to gradually fall from the glory of the world's richest. By 2004, his wealth has shrunk from 165 billion US dollars to $ 3 billion, the Forbes World Regal ranking The first bit dropped to 159 bits. Wealth is gradually faded, and the embankment is gradually fade out of people's vision.

At this time, the absolute embankment is the time when it is a spring breeze. As the largest landlord in Japan, the Xiwu Group is more powerful than three wells in the Japanese real estate industry. In the Japanese real estate industry, no one will compete with it.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I have heard that the name of Mr. Zhiti, just have not been able to see it. I can see you today, it is the honor. I heard that Xiwu Group is mainly engaged in real estate development, I think there should be Many aspects can cooperate in two companies. "

Ni Ming did not want to be a good time, this is the low key of people, and he is not a person who does not face his face. So smiling: "Bao Hulu is not to stay in Japan for a while! How do I say that I am a host, see when I have time to come to lunch. As long as I have time, I will adjust the time. "

The embankment is the power of the illegitimate child, no wrist and courage, his two brothers will not lose to him. Xiwu Group seems to have unlimited scenery, but there is a great shortage.

Japanese local companies are relatively closed, and the arrival of the Black Cloud Group Bunxuan let him see hope. I want the company to transform, it is a chance to be a thousand.

Therefore, it will be so causing to invite Bunxuan to talk about, but it can't be expressed. Everyone is a smart person, and it is good to point.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Thanks to Mr. Wiki, I will go to Mitsubishi Company tomorrow; I will visit you after tomorrow, I don't know if it is convenient."

I heard the Bun Zixuan so much, the embankment of the embankment will not refuse, hurry to: "10:00 am, I wanted to welcome the arrival of the package."

Titian said to the people next to the embankment: "This is a bell-carved, currently the president of Suzuki Co., Ltd.

Suzuki Co., Ltd. was established in 1920 and is a Japanese car manufacturing enterprise. In 1952, a motorcycle began production, and cars began production in 1955 to produce mini-cars. If the history has not changed, Suzuki will provide technical to the Huaxia market next year, and one of the first Japanese auto companies entering the Huaxia market.

This is also a rich second generation in front of you, and the same glory is also a very capable rich second generation. Suzuki is absolutely the world's first existence in motorcycles, especially women's motorcycle manufacturing. At present, there are mainly small cars and motorcycles, Bunzi Xuan's interest in Suzuki cars is not very big.

However, he is not interested in Suzuki, does not mean that people have no idea to him.

Suzuki: "Bao Sang can not be thick so thin, go to Mitsubishi Group tomorrow, and then go to Xiwu Group after tomorrow, the third day is not to go to Suzuki Co., Ltd. As the world's largest car manufacturer, you will not I can't see our Suzuki Co., Ltd.! "

I have already said this, if it is not to give the face without past. In the future, everyone will definitely can't do friends, and it can be difficult again.

The company is looking for cooperation in Japan, but you don't want to be free from enemies. Xiangjiang already has Zheng Yumi, Shen Wei, Bao Shi, etc., if you come to Japan, establish so many enemies. The Black Cloud Group is powerful and cannot afford this consumption.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. Suzuki said where to say, as the world's most well-known vehicle production enterprise. That person did not dare to Xiaoshi Co.,, Mr. Suzuki is not disappointing, I will visit my visit."

"I heard that Suzuki is very built on a female motorcycle, and I will not deliberately deliberately deliberately."

Suzuki tried to Bao Zi Xuan agreed to come, and I was very happy. The sales of black clouds in Japan is not high, and the reason is mainly because they are not Japanese local brands. This is absolutely praised by the Japanese, and it is advisable to support national brands.

Black cloud cars have a significant technical advantage. Suzuki wants to break the cofferdam of traditional mutual companies, can only be embarrassed. It doesn't matter if you don't get the technology, you can't manage it!

Black Cloud Auto has already entered the bell-carved sight, and there is no chance. At this time, I encountered the Chairman of the Black Cloud Group, such a good chance can't let go.

Suzuki is trustworthy, as long as it is authorized by Black Cloud Automotive Technology, combined with Suzuki existing technical advantages. It must be able to break the traditional heroism, when people mention Suzuki, it is definitely not the first time to associate with motorcycles.

The more developed countries, the greater the car ownership. It is difficult to become a great manufacturing enterprise in a single motorcycle, and it is inevitable to choose in the automotive field. As a bell car repairing higher education, of course, it is known that the car is the mainstream of future development!

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