Bao Zixuan agreed to the invitation of the bell, so that the two men sitting next to them were very unhappy. In case the black cloud car Tongzui Co., Ltd. reached a cooperation agreement, then two of them are absolutely severe challenges.

At present, it is no longer a black cloud car opponent in the international market, relying on domestic sales support. If Suzuki introduces the black cloud model and technology, then the patriotic feelings cannot be used, and the sales decline is inevitable.

The past Japan can be said to be a scenery, car, home appliances, electronics, games, entertainment and other column products and IPs are hanging around the world. Other economists will not predict into the new century, Japan GDP can fully transcend the United States and become the world's first.

The emergence of the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan made the Japanese did not reach the peak in many fields. Even the annual economic growth is still very scary, making Americans realize threats. However, the crisis of marine civilization means fermentation; all companies in Japan think that it is necessary to surpass the black cloud in their own field.

It is very likely that there is a traitor inside, which is very difficult. To know that the fortress is easier to break within, there is a car manufacturer in Japan to cooperate with the black cloud, and then even the domestic market is lost.

Two people look at each other, and the purpose is self-evident. Be sure to stop this happening, you can't let Suzuki come together with the black clouds. If it is a Japanese car manufacturer, it may not be that dangerous. Suzuki has been suppressed, and the appearance of Bunxuan is a life-saving straw. If they caught them, they may bring devastating strikes to local car sales.

Shengtian Zhaov continued: "This is Mr. Toyota, Toyota, Toyota."

Toyota Yingqi, is currently the president of Toyota Motor Company. He is in charge of the company's 15 years, is the high-speed development of the Japanese economy. During the splendid history of the Japanese economy, the company itself has also achieved great development: 1968 export special ship "first Toyota Pill" exported to the United States Mark Toyota Motor officially entered the market of the USA in the United States; the same year, achieving the goal of the annual output of 1 million cars; in 1969, the goal of selling 1 million cars in Japan in Japan; 1972 achieved cumulative production The goal of 10 million vehicles; in 1973, it achieved the goal of selling 10 million cars in Japan, in 1973; 1980 established a system of 3 million cars in 1980 ...

Although it is also a rich second generation, it is different from the first two. Toyota Ying Second is the scorpion of Toyota, Toyota Group. It can be accessed by this identity, which is not common in the world.

However, this old man is relatively hard, and there is no hand to the son after retirement. And in the hands of the Duzi Toyota Chapter, I have to admire the openness of their hearts.

It is because there is such a high wind and bright move.

And the contribution to the automotive industry. Toyota is a vice president of the Japanese Automobile Industry President and Economic Group Federation. In 1990, he was awarded a Japanese chapter of Ruyi Sun, and was selected as a US car celebration in 1994.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. Toyota, hello! I have heard your name, just have been there. Toyota is the world's largest car manufacturing company. There are still many places to study with Toyota. "

Male members of the Toyota family in Japan have a commonality, basically all the science and engineering graduates. Most professional backgrounds with mechanical manufacturing and automotive industries are very identifiable.

Most of the other entrepreneurs in Xiangjiang is the grassroots, even if he is basically the economy of economic management. When I met with Xiangjiang entrepreneur, there was basically no common topic.

Toyota II: "Bao Sang Dynasty Prize, Toyota is now only a leader in sales. But compared with the black cloud car than the advantage, so I want to please Baotang to Toyota, just guide the work."

Although the Japanese respect the strong, it will not send an invitation to himself. And I promised the few families, if you don't go to Toyota definitely not give your face, you will not be possible in the future.

Toyota has a pivotal position in the automotive industry, and many patented technology bags hope to get. It is now able to visit Toyota Headquarters and is not a chance.

Bao Zi Xuan: "There is no problem, on the 18th, I went to Toyota Headquarters to visit you."

The head of the bag is finished, and the bell is unhappy. Toyota Ying must definitely, what is discovered, so it is to come to Suzuki Company, and the initiative is in his own hands.

Shengtian Zhaov then said: "This is Mr. Honda Lang, Honda Co., Ltd.."

Honda Zong Yiro, was born on November 17, 1906, was born in Yantian County, Shizheng County, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Japanese industrialists, world famous entrepreneurs. Japan Honda Automobile founder, founder of Honda Technology Industrial Co., Ltd., Honda brand founder.

Honda Zong Yiro is followed by Henry - Ford, the second world in the world won the car engineer of the Hollyli medal issued by the US Mechanist Society. In 1989, it became the first Japanese to enter the American Car Hall.

Honda Zong Lang has 470 inventions and more than 150 patents. With the Panasonic Company Panasonic Fortunately, Sony Shengtian Zhaofeng, Jing Porcelain Company Rice Hall, and became Japan to operate four Sheng. Another world is called "Ford of Japan".

It's different from others, this old man is a generation. The most important is that there is no university training, completely relying on self-study. Not only a top engineer, but also a Japanese entrepreneur with Holy Affairs.

Moreover, Honda Zongyi has a little national engineer very recognized, and of course, it also includes the head of the head. The secret of Honda Zongyi Lang is that it is never imitating others, always determined to create high quality products from others, is this unremitting effort, and embarked on the peak of the automotive industry.

And this is still a public and private, which is worthy of the world. The old man has never used the company's money, although he is the company's president. Not only that, he also prohibits the company's senior people from using public for reception. Use borrowing to do business, it is the least error-free approach.

Honda Zongyi Lang abolished the company's bus, and did not let senior staff took office of the company. He is also a private car to work, and even the gasoline is also bought with your own money. The old man considers fake publica protection, and it is not available.

Baozi Xuan quickly stood up to Honda Zonglang's side, reach out: "Hello, Honda predecessors. In the university, you have read your work and deeds, the Massachusetts Institute of Science and Technology is introduced with a big chapter. Patents and techniques have benefited a lot. If there is no entrepreneur, the first thing I want to go is Honda Motor. "

Baozi Xuan's move made others unbelievable, knowing to see the Yumi Ming, Viosaki, which is a super big crocodile, Baozi Xuan is like a normal person. But I saw that the wealth is not as good as the two of them, but the psychology of the science and engineering don't understand.

When the bag is complete, everyone will understand. The original Honda is his idol in the university era. Sometimes it is better than their cattle.

Honda Gong Lang did not expect Bunzi Xuan to evaluate it high, and can be selected into the textbooks of the first institution of world science. But things that are not glorious are, it is also a long-term experience.

Honda Zongyio: "Baosang must not say this, I hope you have not started. That Honda can have the top engineer in this world, can only say that the fate is not."

"About the Massachusetts Textbook, I know some. I don't know if Japan has those engineers or entrepreneurs."

The selected textbook is a big event, and it must communicate with the parties. Otherwise there can be infringement, this kind of thing is not afraid in developed countries.

Japan's four major management holy, only Honda Zong Yiro has not received college education. Many Japanese believe that he may not meet the strength of the business, often suffering from unsuspective.

Now, even the world's first science and engineering government collect his technology, patents to the tutorial, which is a recognition.

Baozi Xuan: "The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is very strict, and mainly is mainly based on science and engineering. Therefore, most of the teaching materials are top-level engineers and well-known professors, very few entrepreneurs."

At present, there are only you to choose from, of course, I refer to the automotive industry and machinery manufacturing. The situation of other department is not very well understood, so it is not very clear that there are several Japanese people selected.

The answer to the head is very happy to let Honda Zong Yiro is very happy. Even the world's first national universities recognize that this man who has not accepted university, you still have any questions.

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