Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 796 Diversified Wedding

Afterwards, Shengtian Zhaof introduced other people, and their tables were famous entrepreneurs. To say that the most money of the wedding banquet is the third table, everyone's price is 1 billion start, and still dollars. However, after all, the Sanjing family heir married the princess of the Panasonic Group. There were many policies to present, but they did not dare to be cold, this is the reason why the super rich is sitting on the third table.

At 11 am, the wedding officially started. Because there are too many international guests to come over, the two negotiations cannot be held in accordance with the Japanese traditional wedding. To integrate some international elements, it is also another kind of advancement.

Zhongdao Meixue has a gorgeous dress appears in the center of the stage. After all, this is the most international star, host. There is a high reputation in the world, and even just rumors hover for half a Chinese music. Although some exaggerated, it is also very powerful.

When I started the economic company to inform her to come and serve as the host, the Sino-Sky Island is incredible. After all, I have never taken a wedding host. I have no big relationship with women in Japan. But when I heard it was a wedding, even the wedding of the two major families of Japan. Zhongdao Snow did not dare to postpone, know that she is just an executive person. There is no ability to reject this work at all, that is, the economic company can't count on the two families.

At the same time, this is also a good opportunity to increase the popularity, and people who come and participate in the wedding are not rich. It can be unveiled in this part of it, it means that she is still the first star. In addition, the price given by the owner is very considerable, and it really can't find any reason to refuse.

Although only 160 cm of height, the gas field of Snow, China is not weak. She is a smart woman. This occasion will not win sympathy, but it will make people look. And it is not a man in the Snow of Mid Island, but the face of the three families of the three families.

Sino-Sino-Snow said that the audience below: "Welcome to the guests to Mr. Sanjing Fengwen and the wedding scene of Miss Snow Snow, I am the Snow of China."

"I am very happy to host the wedding of this world in Japan. The name is beautiful, why didn't I marry myself, it seems to be because of last name.

This should not be said in this occasion, but sometimes it can play unexpected effects. Sure enough, many guests were laughed. This is the effect that I want to achieve, the same style is different from other hosts. And it is also a strong and praise, and there is a good meaning.

China island Snow is talking: "Let's use warm applause, welcome two newcomers to debut."

The voice just fell, and the three wells was wearing a white suit, and the Sanxiao wearing a holy wedding dress appeared on the other. Two people slowly move toward the center of the stage, making people didn't think of it, while also playing a wedding.

This is completely violated by the traditional Japanese wedding, and the two don't want to do. Many people don't understand, even if two young people are rebellious, family elders should not agree with them.

It is the fact that it is in front of you, which makes many people don't understand. The two families are all large Japanese, and the three wells are ranked first in Japan. If they all take the lead, they can not follow the tradition, and they can also desire to maintain tradition.

In fact, this is the result after two family discussions, and the tree is strict. If it is still in accordance with the traditional, it will be unhappy, and of course, there is also a meaning of the United States. Try to weina, two have a lot of investment in Europe and the United States. Also through a wedding, let the Americans look at their two still agree with American culture. Although it will be discussed, you can't take much more.

This is involved in too many interests, if you can't let the Americans are satisfied, you will be more troublesome.

Although Americans protect Japan on behalf of the name, they can also be beware of them. Japan's economic growth is so fast, if it is not controlled, it has been. Just do articles from traditionally, if you don't even follow the tradition, then the ordinary people will not be in their hearts. Through cultural penetration to master a national lifeblood, it is a kind of money saving and labor-saving.

Of course, it is also related to a pair of newcomers to study overseas, and they don't like Japanese traditional wedding in their depths.

Comprehensively, the wedding is so good to have the style of China, Japan, and the United States.

Fortunately, I don't ask the priest, or the Japanese will definitely have more comments.

Sino-Sky is said to a new person: "Ask the groom bride to read the marriage vows."

Sanjing Feng said to the Song Xia Sai: "I am Wen Feng Wen, I am willing to marry my wife. I am willing to be to you, starting today, whether it is a breeze, a poor, health or Disease, I will always love you, cherish you until the old days, I promise will always be loyal. "

Panasonic Snow said: "I am Song Xia Xue, I am willing to marry Sanjing Fengwen to be my husband. I am willing to get to you, starting today, whether it is a situation or adversity, rich or poverty, health or disease, I will Love you forever, cherish you until the old days, I promise will always be loyal. "

After the marriage vows announced, the two newcomers have exchanged wedding rings. Next, there must be a large person to marry two newcomers, and the ceremony is not completed.

On the invitation of the marriage, two still have a big relationship. Zeng Kanghong appeared in the center of the two newcomers, and knowing the Japanese prime minister. It has been visible to the wedding, but I have never heard of the current prime minister to marry the newcomer. Because that means this wedding is recognized by the state, this is not a very common thing.

Zeng Huang Hong Kong did not want to take a marriage, if anyone elsewen, the position, may be a honor. But he is the current prime minister, and the businessman's family marriage is always awkward. However, the two families have sent him an invitation, and they do not give faces.

Panasonic is an emerging power, and the three wells is the old family. What is the combination of two means, no one can imagine. After careful consideration or decision to serve the marriage, capital reaches a certain extent, and anyone has to bow.

Zeng Huang Hong: "Dear guests, friends, ladies, gentlemen, everyone is good!"

"Today, I am the entrustment of groom, bride and family, served as Mr. Sanjing Fengwen and Miss Songmei, Miss Snow, can be combined with this pair of beads, and I am very honored, I am very honored. At the same time, I am very happy. In sacred Also solemn wedding ceremony, I have witnessed and celebrated this aesthetic moment. "

After the completion of the acquiring of the Kang Hong Kong, he returned to the seat. The two families invited some international politics and staff members to come over, even if they are expensive, the Japanese prime minister also wants to minimize as low as possible.

After the divorce is completed, the wedding begins to go down according to the Japanese style process. It is even more unknown, but since there is too much to tangle it. After all, it is not married, and there is no need to eat radish.

Sudata said: "It seems that their two marriage resistance is very great, the Japanese business community must enter a new era."

This seems to be self-speaking, it is also like it to listen to others. However, in many people, Tamada Zhaov hys most wants to hear Bunxuan, because it is said to him, and two people are together. People from far away can hear, the heads of the bag are the youngest people, the listening should have no problem.

Even if you know that you say it, you can't take this time. After all, this is in Japan, the Black Cloud Group is powerful, but also a strong dragon, what is nothing to do with these terrestrokes. Here is Japan, and any foreign product sales will show the fell of the cliff, unless produced by Japanese manufacturers or fail to reach the required products.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan did not pick up, everyone began to discuss the topic of Shengtian Zhaofu. When you say, I have a word, and these people are chatting with the official, and even if you use dripping water, you don't want to pass it. Bunxuan will fall asleep.

Until the newcomer with family and friends to see the topic. There is no more words, and now the identity has changed. She is the wife of the Sanjing family, she must abide by the family rules after marry.

At the end of this diversified wedding, Bao Zi Xuan gave Wu Baifu, which was a heart, and it was a heart.

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