The wedding will hold 3 days, of course, the bag is rich, but there is not so much time. In fact, it is not only the head of the bag. Other tycons will not waste so much time in a wedding, and they are not married by themselves or children.

The wedding banquet is generally three days; the first day of the banquet is very important guest, the next day is a general guest, the third day is mainly the family is gathering. The more luxury wedding, the more people and the family are getting tired. This is also a helplessness of the giants. It is not necessarily a good thing.

Wu Baifu is very interested in the invitation of Bao Zixuan, but there is different views on the name. After all, the change name is for a long time, and now I have been mentioned in some face. In fact, this is the most normal in Japan. Many well-known entrepreneurs are in the door-to-door son-in-law, and even when they connect to Toyota.

There is still some reception in the depths of the Chinese in the heart, especially when another Chinese also calls your original name. Huaxia marsh name change is a lot, and the female crown is very common; but if the man is a female name, it is really not much. Where is Bao Zixuan's identity, it is not good to call people to change mouth, after all, there is no wrong.

Wu Baifu came to a cafe with Bao Zixuan, he was a frequent visitor here. After a few words, the waiter came to a single room with two. The environment is very elegant, and people feel comfortable.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Wu always will enjoy it, you can find it so clean."

Always call yourself Wu Baifu, and here is Japan, if the mother is not good. I didn't dare to say that Bao Zi Xuan said that these will not only look, but even affect cooperation.

The first rich also see the embarrassment of the other party, it seems that this old boy has been Japanese. You can't use your own criteria to judge others. After all, everyone is different, and the way to pursue ideals is also different.

Wu Baifu said with a smile: "According to Huaxia speaking, I will be a few years older than you. Don't always call Wu is so polite, call the Fuge, this is kind. I will not be polite with you, I will call you the brother in the future. ,what do you think!"

In fact, this is also a way to have a way, always called Wu always looks very much. Now, this is both kind, and the other party also doesn't pick anything.

Bao Zixuan really admires this old man, in order to avoid embarrassing this way. I know that Wu Baifu is a born in 1910. This year is 73 years old, it is nearly 50 years older than himself. It is a grandpatist, and now I am actually called brothers, it is estimated that it is nothing.

But this is good, or do you really don't know how to call him. Let the bag of the first rich name of the Japanese name, and it is really no mouth.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "If the bride is not discarded, I will say this later. Don't say that I will occupy you.

We belong to the hand of the gentleman. "

As long as it is not called the previous name, it doesn't matter.

Wu Baifu said with a smile: "Not anyone can become the big brother of Xiangjiang bag, this is my honor. I don't know if I have anything about me this time. I know that the Qing Corporation has not entered the electronic, car, machinery. In the field of manufacturing, it seems that there is no business overlap with your brother's company. "

Wu Baifu knows that Bao Zixuan must have a project to seek cooperation, but it is really not guess between the other party. The only advantageous project of the Ski Qing Company is instant noodles, and Bao Zixuan does not open department store supermarket. Although the black cloud staff, it is not necessarily eating instant every day. Even if you buy instant noodles, you don't need his boss to go to the horse.

Bao Zixuan: "Indeed, there is a project to cooperate with the same day, Huaxia places Pudong New Area in Shanghai, I don't know if my brother has heard of this news."

Shanghai Pudong New Area, but it is a lot of money, but not only many of the businessmen in Xiangjiang know this news. In Japan, it has also caused a small response, but most companies in Japan are building science and technology towns around Fukushima and Osaka, and there is no time and effort to invest outside.

Science and Technology Town makes most companies in developed countries do not dare to invest abroad, which prevents enterprise expansion to some extent, and can also make the developing country have no opportunities to get the most advanced technology and factory settles. Baozi Xuan didn't know that this is a good thing or a bad thing. At present, it is only a hard reason. There is no powerful strength, everything is white.

Therefore, when China announced the establishment of Shanghai Pudong New Area, Japanese companies did not come over. Mainly, there is no one in technology and industrial enterprises to take the sky. After all, it is a decision of the government. Even if the strength is powerful, it is necessary to look at the body enough.

Although food companies do not have to invest in technology towns, food companies are basically available in place. At present, the living standards in China's mainland are very difficult, and the consumption capacity is not enough. It is not very mature in building food processing companies.

Baozi Xuan suddenly mentioned the Pudong New Area. Is it invited to invest in Shanghai in Shanghai. It is very possible, but the current economic strength and policy of China, it is not suitable for past investment, which can be unclear.

Wu Baifu: "The younger brother's meaning is to invite me to invest in China, where is it suitable for building a food processing plant! I can compare the old brother's wealth, and if the investment failure may affect the overall operation of the company."

The first factory in China Day in China is in the industrial park in Beibei Town, Shunde District, South Guangdong Province, covers an area of ​​50,000 square meters. Mr. Andada Fudang, the Entrepreneurian, Niki Food Co., Ltd., continued to the United States, Brazil, Singapore Another investment base after the plant is located in India, but that is 94 years, mainly producing instant noodles.

In the following year, in 1995, in Shanghai, China was officially put into production in 1996. Nearly 60,000 square meters covering area. With the world's advanced instant noodle production line, the products launched in the past years have been well received by consumers with their unique market positioning and excellent quality.

The head is in the first 10 years in advance, it is indeed a number of adventures. However, in the population base of Huaxia, the instant noodles must have a broad market. If you can't introduce youqing food, the Bay bus will enter in advance. I still don't want to be very good with the Bay Bay, I have to look at others to make money.

Investing in the food factory does not have much money, and you can also enrich the industrial composition of Pudong New Area; this can be a matter of one fell swoop.

Baozi Xuan said: "Huaxia mainland has more than 1 billion people, even if every ten people, eat a convenient place every year is 100 million bags. And Huaxia has implemented reform and opening up, and the northern people go to the south coastal city work. These people return Don't eat anything in the family, a convenience is the most appropriate choice. Economic affordable, storage and convenient use, can be the advantage of instant noodles. "

"We can set up a joint venture. If the Foofess is invested, you can give me production; or the land is purchased by the Black Cloud Group, and then the building is required to build a factory. We can sign a long-term lease, and the day Clear can withdraw without compensation of the disease. "

"Niki will provide technical requirements for the provision of technical patents and management teams. All equipment is available. The Qiao Group's processing capabilities, even if I don't say that Favoro should know."

This condition is really too rich, it can be said that he can't bear to refuse. If you really say in Bunxuan; you can get a factory without capital.

Wu Baifu: "The brother is really sincere, all said that it is very comfortable with you, today I have seen it."

"Since the younger brother has already done, I also say what I have said. There is no problem with the technical patent and management team, and the black cloud group has an equipment. However, there must be 51% of the company, and I hope you can understand your brother."

I heard that this old kid didn't persist in the factory, Bao Zixuan was very happy.

Baozi Xuan: "These have no problems, I want to cooperate with my brother to make money, and I don't want to control the company. The Black Cloud Group will purchase the land, according to the requirements of the Qing Dynasty, and then rents the joint venture factory."

"Niki may not bypass the black cloud investment food factory in the Chinese mainland, this hopes hope that the Fuge can understand."

Wu Baifu: "I all account for 51%, what else is not satisfied. Please please feel free, basic business standard will definitely."

In this way, the largest instant noodle processing enterprises in the future in China have been established in 10 years earlier. Although there is a lot of money after the convenience of the factory; but the future generation of Wu Baifu is not happy. The factory land is a black cloud group, and they have not received any actual benefits when relocating. The money earned so many years, it is more than a more compensation than the factory demolition.

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