Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 798 3 Ling's Strength

Baozi Xuan and Wu Baifu have already determined the large direction, and the people left to the following people can be followed. Moreover, the head is only a simple investment; as long as it is working properly, make money is not a problem. It is mainly to get a factory, although it is necessary to come to the cloud. But compared with the benefits, it is not worth it.

On 10 o'clock the next day, Baozi Xuan came to the office of Mitsubishi Group, Mitsubishi Group. Japan's Mitsubishi, South Korea's Samsung, can speak equal number. Although Samsung is more important to South Korea, it is not because Samsung is strong than Mitsubishi. But because Japan's economic scale and scientific strength are stronger, Mitsubishi seems to have no superior position in Samsung in Korea.

Only a few SUV models in the China market, so for Huaxia consumers, Mitsubishi's existence has not been able to speaking with the same day ago. Coupled with Nissan's reporting fuel consumption and horses, and then by Renault-Nissan's low-cost acquisition, the Mitsubishi Motor who used to be passionate and black technology has also been gradually moving. Seeing this scene, it is estimated that most people think that Mitsubishi brand is already dying, and it is about to be closed.

That is because I don't understand what the real Mitsubishi has the strength, Mitsubishi Milk is only the most uncommon existence in Missed Branch of Mitsubishi, saying that the lowest status is not very thick. In fact, Mitsubishi Group has not only used Mitsubishi, but also specializes in the production of trucks, businesses, and special vehicles. Although it is acquired by Daimler Group, it is still necessary to use Mitsubishi lackers in Japan to attract consumers.

To say Mitsubishi's most important company is Mitsubishi Heavy Industry; that is, Mitsubishi Group's "national treasure" enterprise. In the automotive industry, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry In addition to the production of car parts such as car turbocharger and air conditioning compressor, Machine Tool and vehicle tire production machine, etc., and even judge whether or not to detonate the balloon when it is even collision. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries can be produced by themselves.

These are just appetizing for Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, except for logistics and environmental protection business, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries also has a tree in many fields. It is worth mentioning that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is also the first large military enterprise in Japan.

The big name fighter during the Second World War is from Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, and it is still providing a military aircraft for the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. In the civil aviation field, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry can produce up to 35% of components as Boeing 747, including the highest scientific content of Boeing 747.

In addition, in space, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry also has a small construction tree, which can produce two carriers involved in the International Space Station in Japan H2A and H2B.

The shipbuilding business of Mitsubishi, which is the most interested in the head is the most interested, Mitsubishi Group's origin of the ship, and the ship is more likely to be. In this, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry from the tanker, container ships, to the passenger period, and then the special use boat responsible for ocean research is involved. In addition, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries also produces low-carbon emissions of marine gas turbines, reducing ship transportation on global climate.

In addition, most warships and submarines from the Navy are also from Mitsubishi Heavy Industry.

It can be seen that its strength and achievements in the shipbuilding areas.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industry also has elevator, tank, subway, forklift, air conditioning, telescopic roof, eccentric ferrous wheel, wind and solar power, high-rise building shockproof and other technologies; coverage is quite wide.

Nikon cameras are also Holdings of Mitsubishi Group, as one of the members of Mitsubishi Group. This is the top three optical hegemony in the world, and the achievements of Mitsubishi in optical and chip areas are absolutely low.

Japanese shipping companies are also an important member of Mitsubishi Group. The company has the world's largest rolling transportation boat, and 660,000 transport vehicles, directly occupying 17% of automobile transportation in the world. At the same time, Japanese shipping companies are now entering the air transportation industry and the real estate industry.

Like the Black Cloud Group, Mitsubishi Group has found a special university in 1949. The university is located in Tokyo, Japan, plus its unique relationship with Mitsubishi, which is also a child of Japanese aristocrats or businessmen.

In addition, Mitsubishi Group also has insurance companies, Mitsubishi Bank, Mitsubishi Iron, Mitsubishi Materials Science, Mitsubishi Electric Company, Mitsubishi Chemical. In short, the tools and materials used in the world, very few Mitsubishi Groups cannot be produced.

Among them, Mitsubishi Chemical has Mitsubishi Pharmaceutical, Mitsubishi Manufacturing Fiber, and a semiconductor storage company, as well as production and chemical-related automotive parts, such as plastic decorative panels in the car, car lithium ion power cells, and carbon fiber composites.

In material science is definitely the existence of the world, it can be said that it is a well-deserved giant. Absolute strategic level enterprise, a company that is comparable to it can be said to be a happiness.

Although the Black Cloud Group is also developing toward Mitsubishi Group, Bunzi Xuan knows. Now the strength of the two companies is far from the same point, and it is not at the same weight level.

Mitsubishi Group has developed more than 100 years and has already completed the original accumulation. Whether it is the cultivation of family members, or the construction of talents, it has been worked.

It is said that there is only one thing in Bao Zixuan to decide everything, and the entrepreneur is very strong and it is not easy to have a major error. Suddenly, there is no ability to do, this is the rich and rich in the Chinese.

The Black Cloud Group looks quickly, but there are too many hidden dangers. Baozi Xuan wants to change, but it is difficult to have a big breakthrough by one person.

After the introduction of each branch of Mitsubishi Group said: "The strength of Mitsubishi Group is in the world, and if now let me exchange it, I will have not hesitated."

Everyone knows this is a joke, even if they agree, the Japanese government and the Hong Kong and British government will not agree. Bunzi Xuan named Mitsubishi also did not use much, and the following people will not necessarily listen to you. The same thing in Viosaki, the manager and engineer of the black cloud may not necessarily give the face.

: "I am no problem, but Mitsubishi's things say it is not enough. Unlike Bao Sang Jun Group, only your shareholder, Mitsubishi has developed so many years, the equity structure is quite complex."

Although I know that Bun Zixuan said more compliment, it is very comfortable to listen very well. Although two companies are impossible to exchange, but they can't tell them directly. Focusing each other, is the minimum courtesy of business negotiations.

Bao Zi Xuan: "It is very regrettable. This time, the main purpose of Japan is to work with Mitsubishi Group. At present, many parts of Boeing are produced by Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, and some parts of the black cloud 919 passenger plane can also be handedate over. Mitsubishi production. "

"At the same time, I know that Mitsubishi has always had a dream of manufacturing big aircraft. The Black Cloud Group has reached an agreement with McDe. It is responsible for the overall design, black cloud responsible for over-control system, aerospace engine and other core components design and production, still lack A supplier with a perfective aircraft manufacturing system. If Mitsubishi is interested, we can form a joint venture company to produce super-large civilian passenger planes. "

Baozi Xuan's proposal Viosaki is very interested, if there is no US company to join. He is really afraid, after all, where the strength of the Boeing is put. Americans have always been a Japanese company and does not allow them to produce large passenger aircings. Otherwise, it is really difficult to produce large civilian passenger planes with Japanese technology.

The threat of Boeing has the top of the wheat, then the success rate of the project will be very high. If it is just a black cloud and Mitsubishi, it is really not necessarily to do things. Super large civilian passenger aircraft, involving too many political factors, not rich, technology can make the plane God.

Baozi Xuan This kid did not even suffer, and now it is a black cloud 919 passenger plane order, and it is a common joint venture to produce super large passenger aircraft. This can be made with Mitsubishi, and it can enhance the comprehensive strength of Mitsubishi.

There is no free lunch in the world, this kid is definitely seeking. Everyone is a smart person, it will not easily compete for competitors.

: "Who will be aimed at the condition of Baulong, and it seems to be a generality for Mitsmei, and we have a cooperative relationship. At the same time, there is no competition in the world, there is no business that helped competitors without returning. If you have any conditions, please ask the pavilions, at least let me have a few in my heart. "

The bait given by Baozi Xuan is not small, even if it is strong, such as Mitsubishi Group will be as moving. Now, what conditions is now looking at the bag, Mitsubishi can unaffected.

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