Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 799 of the richest ambition

Just as Hikashi Hi, this is indeed a seven inches of Mitsubishi. During the Second World War, the United States made the Japanese losses were not the atomic bomb. Nuclear weapons are more damage, and after the power is learned, the country does not dare to use it easily.

It is really a strategic bombing that is the most damaging in Japan, which is the mostestimate existence.

In the late World War, in order to destroy Japanese economic strength and the military heart of Japan, the United States stepped up the strategic bombing of Japan. From the US Strategic Air Force 20th Air Force from the Mariana Islands, the B-29 heavy bomber formation attacked the Japanese military airport and other objectives in the southern part of Kyushu. At the end of the war, the United States made a total of 81 million times on Japan, which was 180,000 tons, thus accelerating the collapse of Japan's ****.

Want to strategically bombard a place, you must have a super large aircraft. There is no relevant technical reserve before Mitsubishi, and the aeroeiri technology is not advanced.

If you can take this opportunity to eat wheat and black clouds, then an emergency occurred in the future. Mitsubishi Heavy Industry can produce large aircraft in the first time, which is related to national strategy, and Viji, Kazaki, will of course be a heart.

Mitsubishi is a more special existence in numerous surgical groups in Japan. The entire country has strong support, has not improved, and even the people will say they waste national resources.

Now there is a good opportunity to put in your eyes, and it is very in line with Mitsubishi's national strategy. Must be caught in your hand, you can't let the opportunity slip away. Even if you know that Bunxuan is a pit to give him, you must also jump.

: "Bao Sang said that it is indeed very interested. Mitsubishi Group is also very interested. There is no free lunch in the world. Everyone is a businessman. Bao Sang wants to say, as long as it is the condition suitable Mitsubishi will take advantage of the sincerity "

The time is limited, and the initiative is still in the other party. Even if you know that it is working with Mai Tao, Mitsubishi is not likely to go through the black cloud directly to contact others. Do not say that the two have a cooperation agreement, and actively go to the door if the wheat is refused, and the Boeing will be unreasonable.

Moreover, the possibility of the McDenders is very large, not before the investigation is clear. McDene will definitely think this is a trial of Boeing. Of course, it is impossible to have too deep contact, and I will not talk about trust.

Mitsubishi has been deeply put on the Boeing label, and the aircraft manufacturers will take into account this before cooperation.

Esaki, Hongyi has already challenged the words, and Baozi Xuan knows that it can't be hidden.

Bao Zixuan: "I want to get the shipbuilding technology of Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, of course, is the most advanced. At the same time, the Black Cloud Group dispatched 1,000 technical workers to learn, hoping that Mitsubishi can cooperate.

Mitsubishi shipbuilding industry is not only the most advanced Japan, but also one of the most advanced shipbuilding enterprises worldwide.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industry is responsible for shipbuilding is the ship's maritime business, a total of four shipyards.

Nagasaki producers; "Wuzhou" giant battleship has been built during World War II, and it is also the most powerful shipbuilding base today. It is mainly to provide a large water sash with the self-defense team.

Subordinate (225,000 tons of ship station, 300,000 tons of dock, one 95,000 ton dock), fragrant burning (1 million tons of shipwock one. One of the 9 million tons of car boat), Kyun, early four plants, the first two It is shipbuilding, the third is the shipping equipment, the last one is the overall factory, and some parts are generally installed. The annual production capacity is: shipbarbase is 19 million tons, and the ship is 5.5 million tons. Almost can produce all kinds of ships outside the aircraft carrier.

Kobe Shipyard; the submarine has been produced during World War II. It is also the main submarine manufacturing base in Japan. It is also the main nuclear facility production base in Japan.

Ship shipyard; this plant is small, mainly producing small ships. There is 33,000 tons of boat, a 600-ton special shipbag. 40000, 17000, 4000, 1000 tons of docks.

Yokohama production office. Mainly produced shipping machinery, sometimes repairs some ships. The only factory in the subordinates is this animal husbandry, there are 2 repair docks; this factory has nothing to do with military production.

Just take a sound in the world, it is the most precious wealth of Mitsubishi Group. In the introduction of industrial computers, Mitsubishi once exchanged with Black Clouds.

Now this requirement is definitely that civil shipbuilding technology can no longer meet this young person. This is to build a warship, and now it seems to be basically determined.

This boy is too big, Mitsubishi has developed to have been used in such a year for more than 100 years. It is still less than 6 years, and the Xiangjiang building is still within 6 years, and there is a new district in Shanghai Pudong; these can be the act of burning money. Now I have to enter the field of warships; don't you worry about your steps, it is easy to pull.

: "I understand that Ms. Meaning, but Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Technology involves the national secret. We can sell or exchange without courage, that is, the treason behavior."

"The technology of civilian vessel can now be the Lord, and it can be in the Sang Wan. It can be involved in the warship, which can be said that there is no room for discussing."

The bag is rich and why don't know that Ignite will definitely refuse, this is more a test. Mitsubishi shipbuilding can not be a Mitsubishi Group, there must be a government shadow.

Bao Zixuan: "I haven't thought about the production of warships. It is currently capable of producing civilian vessels. However, the black cloud group has no experience. The shipbuilding technology that is exchanged last time is still there. Engineering and technical personnel It hasn't been exhausted yet, everyone says that the ship is more difficult to make a plane. I didn't believe it before, it is really good. "

"Black Cloud engineering technicians must go to Mitsubishi Shipyard Internship to learn this matter. Lie on their own exploration, the black clouds will want to go to the water to say how long."

Bao Zi Xuan said that it means that it is clear and wants to join the big aircraft manufacturing. It is necessary to open the shipbuilding technology for the black cloud, but also without reservation.

This needs to be equilibrium, for the technology of super large passenger aircraft; cultivate a shipbox, it is not worth it.

The Black Cloud Group learned to be shipbuilding in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. There may be some differences with Japan; overall performance is absolutely not bad. The world can design and manufacture ultra-large passenger aircraft only have three. Airbus is the entire European product, which is impossible to agree to let Japanese companies join. And the distance is still far away, and finally don't learn anything. Almost still the same as Boeing, do a component supplier, what is the meaning.

Boeing simply can't afford Japanese companies, of course, Mitsubishi. As long as you do a good job in the work of the supplier, don't think more.

At present, this is the only chance to lose this opportunity; Mitsubishi Heavy Industry wants to have a super-large aircraft manufacturing technology, may have to wait for many years.

Bunzi Xuan dispatched 1,000 technical workers, and its purpose is certainly not manufactured by civilian vessels. As long as it is to prevent the warship technology, it is estimated that there is a wind wave.

This kid ambition is very big, even in order to achieve some things. However, Mitsubishi is not a good bullying, and it is not a big shot.

: "I agree on this program. The last result should also be reported to the board of directors. Although it is the person in charge of Mitsubishi, many things can't be the master. But I think the problem is not big, after all, this is a win-win thing. "

Baozi Xuan knows this incident, and Viosaki, Hiki, dared to express this. Just prove that he is grasped, the identity is a certain level, it will not be easily intended.

The purpose of the bag is of course not just a civilian vessel, and the Mitsubishi Warrios is the technology he most wants. That is, through these 1,000 engineers and technicians, there is a lot of technical information during the exchange of Mitsubishi Shipyard. In combination with the simulation analysis of large industrial computers; Black Cloud Group eats all the warships produced by Mitsubishi, making many warships produced by Mitsubishi at all in front of black clouds.

Military facilities have no secrets, and the same live target is similar, the military has to ask all major shipyards from new design. A warship's service is generally more than 20 years, and Japan has pioneered the first river. Basically, the vast majority of ships were replaced in five years; all of them was to get super-large passenger plane technology.

Mi Yoki is not dug, it is the shortness of his eyes and too self-confidence, so that Mitsubishi heavy worry is so heavy.

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