On the evening, Yokosaki, Yunyi, please Bun Zi Xuan, a Japanese, and the two drank a little wine. The head of the head is open in the world. It can make the Soviet, the first wine gods, and the monks, the sound of Viosaki, I can't dare to drink it easily, so everyone is just a point.

Xiwu Group is a company that is famous and huge in Japan. There are more than 170 large enterprises under the group, with more than 100,000 employees, and business, business involves railways, transportation, department stores, real estate, diet, schools, research institutes and other industries. It can be said that this is currently the largest real estate business in Japan, and is also one of the largest rich people.

Baozi Xuan was invited to the office of the embankment to see the man of the two-way mountain righteous world. The founder of Xiwu Group, that is, the father of the embankment, the father of the Dike, and the children are in groups.

Yingming is not a big room, according to the traditional Chinese tradition belongs. It is possible to have the ability to have a family industry in two brothers. This is a more embarrassing person than a lot of creation, is the evaluation of the king of the embankment.

After the arrival of Bao Zixuan, he quickly stood up and said: "Welcome to Baishan to Xiwu Co., Ltd., your arrival is really letting Bi Humang."

Bike Kang Sai Lang is a Japanese political firm that is a master of Huaxia's ancient sacred sages. He may also find a valuable revelation from the harsh of Xunzi, so he can inherit the son of the family in his eyes, and follow Xunzi to do people. Xunzi once said that knowing that silence is not intentionally displaying himself, he has explained the true meaning in the words before he speaks. The expression of the embankment is ordinary. It is a quiet and silent attitude, on the one hand, self-cultivation, and cautious his words, leve of the exposure to weakness.

Before the bag is rich, it has been investigated. The embankment of the embankment is very affected, and this kid is definitely very understanding of the Chinese culture. Otherwise, the idiom cannot be so free to have.

For this Huaxian, Bao Zi Xuan still doesn't really know what to say. Fortunately, the Boi invited him to come over, the best way is to see the move.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. Water is polite, you can come to Xiwu Group is my honor. Although we have no business contacts, everyone can be a business person. Now he is familiar with each other, believe in cooperation is a morning and evening."

At the moment, Xuwu Group mainly is mainly based on real estate, and it is incorporated in addition to department stores. Although the product of the Black Cloud Group is sold in Xiwu Department Store, it is the Japanese agent; the current black cloud and Xiwu have not directly business.

Baozi Xuan said that the embankment is very happy, it seems that this kid is not a traditional scientific man. I know how to leave the way, a simple sciencer man may make business so big.

Di Ming: "My thoughts are the same,

As long as you recognize each other, cooperation is a morning and evening. "

"Inviting you to come over, mainly to listen to your views on the Japanese real estate market, know that this is some kind of taking the liberty. The bystander is clear, the authority is fascinated. Now that the Wushu Group is pressed in the real estate market, I am very worried."

Bao Zixuan did not expect this old boy asking him about the view of the Japanese real estate market, knowing that the other party is an expert. The Black Cloud Group is mainly engaged in technology manufacturing and electronic products, why should he ask him this line.

In fact, many people can understand that Baozi Xuan is very optimistic about the Japanese real estate market. Otherwise, it is impossible to exchange patents every time, do not choose cash, but choose the property in Tokyo.

In addition to the name of the Blackstone Fund to buy a property in Japan, if the Xiangjiang bag is not optimistic about the Japanese real estate, the ghost will not believe.

Baozi Xuan said: "Mr. Yu Yi is an expert in real estate. If you say that it is said that the mechanical manufacturing and aviation power I may give you a puzzle. Now I don't know how to answer it. "

If your kid is not optimistic, you can buy so many properties. However, these phones will not say that this is really that this is said that there is no way to continue.

The embankment is laughing and said: "Do business is a Ruantong, Bai Ling. Although there is no real estate business, many factories have been built in the world, and we have built a lot of property buildings. We do not involve professional topics today, and regulate Economy and other issues. These are things that the government needs to consider, we only talk about business, more important, how to make money. "

At this time, Baixuan knows that it is really not good now.

Because the embankment once said: "I read a lot of Chinese ancient sages, Xunzi's article reads the most, from his thoughts, my opinion, is the nature of Mencius. Yes, people and people , You trust each other, you can get the trust of each other. This trust is a good description. "

People are looking for you as a friend, this trust is rare, at least the surface is like this.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Since Mr. Yuedi wants to know that my view of the Japanese real estate market, I can only say that there is very investment value."

"The world knows that Japan's country has a small area. It is a lot of companies. The most important these companies can earn a lot of foreign exchange."

"The first thing after making money is definitely improving the quality of life, and the property can reflect the value of a man."

"The core area is so land, it is not enough. The things are sure to expensive, land prices, will definitely be an inevitable trend. The price of land is rising, and real estate must also improve accordingly."

Sure enough, I have almost the same, but what items have a price. The price is too high, no one can consume, this kid is definitely half interception, but must pull him up.

: "It seems that the bags and my thoughts are consistent, we build a house with a ceiling. The price of real estate will inevitably have a ceiling, I have been thinking about where this ceiling is."

Baozi Xuan did not expect the embankment to say this; after all, the embankment of the embankment, the nature of the son, did not make friends, no talent. After the Japanese economy foam crashes, his business is full, I also imprisoned for falsification of financial information.

Today, it is also to treat himself as a friend, and it is also a ceiling that may exist in the Japanese real estate market. Is there any secret that you don't know during the Japanese real estate bubble crash.

In fact, this is a big relationship with the Japanese local forces. This generation of the Embankment is a lot of the Japanese, and the old family is laughing: "The local businessmen have passed, and the grass is not long."

In addition, the embankment itself does not like to make friends, so when he wants to sell the property. No enterprise picks, this is the most deadly. That is, everyone is jointly and siege group.

Bunzi Xuan: "The real estate market policy intervention is too strong, and the Black Cloud Group is a foreign enterprise. And most of the industrial office buildings, the rent is a stable source of economic."

I have a proposal that we have jointly established a joint venture company to develop Japanese real estate. "

This proposal makes the heads of the head and don't worry. After all, I should not cooperate with him. What does this mean, some can't understand.

Bao Zixuan: "Sorry, if Mr. Wiki wants to sell the property, the Black Cloud Group is still interesting. Cooperation is still, I don't like the same person to work. Mainly, I've been too angry, I can't manage according to my own concept. The company has led to a lot of decisions. For business that cannot be fully controlled, it is better. "

Of course, the embankment knows that Bunzi Xuan will refuse, just just a test. If it is best to cooperate, it is best not to eat.

The Dike: "It is a pity that the Xiwu Group has not yet the material for sale. If there is a priority to consider the bag, there is a Chinese restaurant, I invite a small restaurant."

Did not talk to cooperation, Bao Zi Xuan left after lunch.

Bao Zi Xuan believes that the embankment is worried about working with others, and cannot be fully controlled; However, the Japanese real estate water is too deep, and the fried dots are no problem; if you dare to move, the consequences are never affordable.

After Baozi Xuan, the embankment is specially intended to explain the secretary. Let her arrange people to observe the sale of the Black Cloud Group and the Blackstone Fund property and report it to the first time.

It was this one of the people who were not eye-catching, saved the Xiwu Group and the Dike. 5 years later, the Black Cloud Group began to sell the property, the Yingming of the embankment began to sell. The time of selling is more than a year in advance than the highest peak, many international tourists have not evacuated. Nearly half of the property and land of Xiwu Group, successfully made the embankment of the Dike spent the real estate bubble crisis.

Whenever I think of this matter, I will feel emotion. Inviting the package of the first rich and the West Wu Group, is his most correct decision in this life.

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