Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 801 High Speed ​​Rail

On the way to Suzuki Headquarters, the first rich found a good project. Xinshun is a high-speed railway system in Japan. It is also the world's first high-speed railway system that invests in commercial operations. It adopts 1435 mm standard orbital, all lines are pure passenger services.

The new trunk is designed with simultaneous use of rapid and large amounts of transportation, and its construction and operation technology are different from traditional railways, such as comprehensive power distributed trains, and the track is fully adopted with three-dimensional intersections, train automatic control systems, etc., minimum 3 minutes The pedal is running. In addition to the mini new trunk line, the maximum vehicle speed of the train can reach 240 to 320 kilometers per hour, but in the speed test, the highest record of 443 kilometers per hour.

You know that this can be the predecessor of the high-speed rail, the future, the future, the world's highest-speed mileage. It can be launched in advance, at least the relevant technical reserve.

It takes 6 hours from Tokyo to Suzuki Headquarters. It can be reached by just two hours by using a new trunk.

I know that Xiangjiang's first Bao Zixuan should take a new truck train, and the chairman of the Japanese Railway Company is now coming over. Bao Zixuan came over Japan to know that for this super rich, most Japanese still hold a welcome attitude.

Although the Black Cloud Group is a competitor, many employees have employed in Japan, providing a lot of employment opportunities. Japanese young women don't want to see it. This legendary world's first diamond king is long. In addition to the genius engineers, all Japanese people have interested in this Xiangjiang man.

Shortun Xuan did soon, the flight attendant came over and said: "Sorry, bother you, Mr. Zhongcun, the chairman of the Japanese Railway Company, knew that you are sitting in this train, thinking over with you. Say, don't know if it can. "

The head of the bag did not expect to eat milk, the child's mother came. I want my family, my child is coming. It's really thinking about it, it seems that it is very smooth in recent time.

In fact, Sino-Village is standing to know that Bunzi Xuan rides this train to temporarily change the itinerary. Its purpose is to see the same part of the contract, where the ability and strength of Baozi Xuan, which is very good to have a lot of relations with many countries in the world. The new trunk wants to promote it, he must have a way.

I can't be too obvious, and Zhongcun is still called a wife and daughter. It is not so utilitarian in the name of a holiday.

The head is rich, I don't know the mind of Zhongcun, but I know that it doesn't matter. Business is talking to everyone, why bother to meet the process.

Under the leadership of the flight attendant, the Shengheng family of Zhongcun came to the seat where Bunzi Xuan is located.

What happens again is also a big company's head, there is still something to have.

Baozi Xuan stood up and he tried his way: "Hello, Mr. Zhongcun."

China Village is only 50 years old this year, and it is still a strong existence in the company's chairman. Of course, the heads of the same bag are still too big, but the world's large company's head is still not a lot, and China Village is constant. Young existence.

Zhongcun Liheng: "Thank you for your choice of new trust, this is trust and recognition for our company. You are not only super rich, but also a top expert in the industrial sector, what opinions can not be retained. Operation and service If you have any dissatisfaction, you must be mentioned, you will thank you. "

This series of moves is sinking, and the Japanese is not good. Etiquet is too strong, just come over, it is really uncomfortable.

Bunzi Xuan: "Don't be so politely, I am not so embarrassed. You should sit down and talk."

In the whole process, the daughter of Zhongcun Liheng has been watching Bunxuan, and see what this young man is different. Originally, Dad wants to cooperate with the play, it can be opposed, and when you know that it is a scene that encounters Xiangjiang Baozi Xuan. Rapida change ideas and fully cooperate.

This makes Zhongcun Liheng no mind, is it that the daughter has an idea of ​​Xiangjiang Bunxuan. Very like this, your daughter is also studying in the United States before, knowing or seeing Bunxuan is normal.

It is not convenient to ask now, or wait until I have seen it. And the other party can't agree with the meeting, it is difficult to say that in the heart of Zhongcun, there is no grasp.

In fact, he thinks some complicated, although Miss Sino Miss is also reading in the United States. However, in California, it is necessary to cross the entire US to reach Boston. The two did not have any intersections at all, and Miss China Village was purely curious.

Zhongcun Liheng: "Bao Sang feels how our new trunk line."

In fact, there is a set of ingredients here. It is necessary to know that the new trunk run has been running for 20 years. I received a lot of international politics, the Queen of the British, and the highest level of Huaxia took a new trunk and had a high evaluation. Bao Zixuan is in its own, it is impossible to be self-purple.

Moreover, people do are really good, at least in accordance with the eyes of the current people, there is no problem.

Baozi Xuan: "This new trunk is very good, and it can be convenient for people. Distance at 300-700 km, with absolute advantages with the aircraft. 700-1200 kilometers can fight with the aircraft; more than 1500 kilometers Loss. But nor is it no role, at least for some special customers, such as old weak diseases, and uncomfortable special crowds, there is a great advantage. "

Zhongcun is constantly thinking about the bunxuan; I didn't expect their carefully investigated, and did the data analyzed by 10,000 people's questionnaire. This young man took only a new truck and said directly.

If it is not a company, it is terrible. The company is almost impossible, because the data is only a few people know. I have doubted the talents of people. It seems that there is a genius in the world.

Zhongcun Liheng: "Bao Sang is a top expert in the industrial, seeing the problem, it is a needle. I don't know if I don't know if it is interested in the new trunk line. I know that you have a lot of investment in China and the Middle East."

To ensure the safety of high-speed operation per hour, new trip involves multi-faceted technology. Metallurgical, mechanical manufacturing, electronics, civil, and related service industries must be guaranteed to ensure that new trunks of genuine operation.

The Black Cloud Group has a technical foundation that if you can get relevant technical patents, you will inevitably let the new trunk go into the Middle East and Huaxia Market.

I also considered before Sino-Village, and the Japanese Railway Company went to discuss cooperation. But it is found that there are too many problems to be solved, and the single funds cannot be guaranteed. And this is China, or the Middle East. Before it is, there is no foundation, and the past negotiators will not care about you.

The Huaxia economy is behind, and it has not been considering considering the construction of high-speed railway network. The Middle East is too complicated, and Japanese companies will not play. To say that the world is the best relationship with the Middle East, of course, this man is in front of him. As long as he wants to put the railway from Israel to Jordan, it is possible to repair Iraq.

The Japanese don't be optimistic about these two markets, but I want to expand out, of course, I have to find a big head. But no one has strength and ability to act as this big head, the Black Cloud Group Bunxuan is a man with this strength and ability.

Zhongcun Liheng is to let the Black Cloud Group expand the market. Once the time is mature, you can enter Europe and America. Mid East and China are more experiments, but still do not want to spend the experiment. The Japanese goal is the US market, in their hearts, there is a broad prospect.

Bunzi Xuan: "The Chinese economy is not enough to support new trunk projects, the relationship between the Middle East is too complicated. In the past, the infrastructure of the investment railway may have been blown up."

Of course, I know what is going on, or if you don't look for you. But the words can't say this, or you don't walk the popularity.

Zhongcun Liheng: "The economy can grow slowly. After World War II, the Japanese economy is not good, but it is only for less than 20 years. We are the world's second largest economy."

"Although the Middle East has often burst warfare, you can find some stable national operations. Prerequisite does not have to invest more, just to open the market."

Bunzi Xuan: Since the Sino-Village President is considering so comprehensive, meticulous. I can negotiate the project in the past, I still want to be cheaper!

There is no free lunch in the world, not to mention the two companies have not yet arrived.

Zhongcun Liheng: "I also considered yourself to invest construction. You may have no right opportunities in China or the Middle East. The Black Cloud Group has a lot of investment in two places, with a good cooperation basis. But the Japanese railway company is from The beginning of zero, not to mention the company's strength, there is a big problem in single funds. "

Bao Zixuan: "I don't know how to cooperate with the Sino-Village President. I haven't considered this thing before, so I can't give you a clear answer now. However, the new trip is definitely a good project. I am very recognized."

As long as I agree, I will give the prepared planning book to Bun Zixuan.

Seeing this situation is stupid. Today is absolutely not an encounter, this old kid is definitely a long time.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The professionalism of the Sino-Village President is really admiring, and you will take a plan. I feel that I am a work mad, I didn't expect to be very far more than that of the middle village president."

I know what to express, it can achieve the effect, as for what means to use, it is personal ability and behavior. The two smiles, and they alleviate the awkward atmosphere.

At the time of leaving, the daughter of Sino-Village suddenly said: "We can quickly meet again, I am very interested in you now, Zi Xuanjun."

Zhongcun Liheng hurried out to explain: "Sorry, let the bags laugh."

Although I don't understand what my daughter wants to express, it is really rude to talk; or explain it to it.

I haven't waited for Bao Zixuan to react, the train has come to the destination of this trip; Japan Industrial Heavy Town - Hamama.

Bedding house

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