After watching the contract, pick up the name of the sign in no hesitation. How is it be considered, who makes people have this ability. Relative future benefits, this is what this is seen in the heart.

Suzukun didn't expect Bun Zixuan so refreshing, similar to this contract involving a few billion dollars. Actually signing directly, is it too big. It seems that my thoughts are really old, and they have the rhythm of this young man.

25% of the listed company, must be reported to the Securities Regulatory Commission. Good in Suzuki Group does not involve military equipment production, otherwise the head is rich, it is impossible to make it share.

Suzuko: "It is said that the bags have been in good faith. Today I really know."

In fact, Bun Zixuan has an urgent, even many processes that do not meet the company's charter; after all, John Chambers is the president of Black Cloud. Such a big project does not inform him, it is obviously not polite, the most important thing is not enough to others. It seems that some things can't be worried, and the acquisition of companies cannot decide on one shot.

I can only explain with John - Quebus, so that two people have been simply communicated before Japan.

Bunzi Xuan: "Suzuki President is ready, I can't say it. I believe that under the leader of Suzuki President, Suzuki Group will definitely go to greater glory. The future income of this investment may be hundreds of times, thousand Double, I only hope that the pool is not distressed. "

Suzukian trim is a guest's words until the city value of Suzuki Group exceeds a hundred million US dollars. Suddenly I thought that Bao Zi Xuan said, it has always been an accounting for people.

Suzuki laughed and said: "Then, it will borrow the package Sang Ji, and believe that the Suzuki Group will become the most powerful car manufacturer in Japan."

Bunzi Xuan: "Does Suzuki President know that Huaxia has established Pudong New Area in Shanghai."

Although I don't understand what Bao Zixuan means, but about China's related information Japanese companies still pay much attention. The distance between the two countries is so close, and what the wind blows will get a message in the first time. What's more, Pudong New Area is not small, and most countries around the world may know such a thing.

Suzuki: "So big things, of course, I heard that Baosang invests more than $ 5 billion in Pudong New Area. It has caused a sensation, so it seems to be a sacred force."

Bao Zixuan is not a person who is unless, since it mentioned Pudong New Area. Is definitely there is a project to invest in Suzuki, or it will not be mentioned.

Still waiting for this small child to open first, no matter whether it is to retreat. Suzuki will be more, and it will not tell me.

Bunzi Xuan: "Suzuki is a motorcycle to start,

This technical reserve should belong to the world's top level! "

When I heard this, Suzuku was despised. Suzuki is in the field of motorcycles, absolutely top three in the world, can be ranked second in Japan. And as a company that starts to R & D, production of motorcycles from 1952, technical reserves are definitely no problem; otherwise it is impossible to do business.

Suzuko said very formally: "I don't dare to say anything in other areas, but in the field of motorcycles. Suzuki motorcycles will never lose to other companies, not afraid of any opponent competition."

In fact, there is no extraordinary Hondarek, Yamaha, Harley, Suzuki, etc., other companies, other companies, or other companies are not on motorcycles.

At present, Honda is in full development of cars, Yamaha is a synonym of diversified production. Only Harley focuses on motorcycles R & D and production, but Harley mainly produces high-end motorcycles with limited yield.

Suzuki first main business is a motorcycle production, followed by a speedboat, and finally a small car.

Although Suzuku is a little exaggerated, it is still within reasonable scope. Because who is the first, who is the second, there is no clear definition.

Is Bunzi Xuan wants to let Suzuki Group go to Pudong New Area to invest in a motorcycle factory, and the people's people's economic strength can consume, this is a big question mark.

Motorcycles are more like a transitional product, and the purchase capacity of developing countries is limited. People in developed countries buy motorcycles, more is the nature of play. The status is quite embarrassing, which is why all production motorcycles want to transform except for Harley.

Suzuki: "Bao Sang means to let Suzuki go to Pudong New Area to invest in motorcycle factory, IMHO, with Huaxia's consumption ability they can buy the ring wood motorcycle."

Although the Chinese population exceeds 1 billion, it is currently still in the world that has not developed. The instinum will be considered limited by the consumption capacity until the GDP growth has shocked the world, and other countries began to face this issue.

Baozi Xuan: "Huaxia has more than 1 billion people, but the road is not very good. Some places are not so strong about car demand, the motorcycle is the best transportation tool."

"And women's pursuit of beauty is not too big in the economic conditions. Suzuki is in the field of female motorcycle. As long as it produces a motorcycle that can checked the goods in Huaxia, plus a cool motorcycle suitable for women. And sales don't have to worry about it. "

"Mr. Suzuki should have not been to Huaxia, but it has seen some situations from the information. These years of economic development in China is rapid, and the people 's purchase capacity is increased."

"And, in the production cost of China, Suzuki can take a part of the Southeast Asian market. No matter how it works, there will be no loss."

Baozi Xuan's analysis is very reasonable, and there is a black cloud group invested $ 5 billion. Suzuki will not suffer from the past, and the most important motorcycle is not needed.

Bao Zixuan continued: "After introducing the black cloud model, the Suzuki Motorcycle production line will be eliminated. It can be trimmed, then the new motorcycle factory is established in Pudong."

I heard it can be very interested with the second-hand production line. The land price of China is cheap. The construction factories don't need to invest too much. The front is a production equipment, but Bao Zi Xuan's proposal has made him a new idea. Suzuki Motorcycle production equipment has always been very good, that is, it is not a problem for 10 years.

In fact, this is also the reason why Bao Zi Xuan dare to put the second-hand equipment to Shanghai. Although it does not want to admit that Japanese industrial enterprises, in equipment maintenance and maintenance, there is indeed unique.

Suzuki: "It is still thoughtful in Baulu, currently in Japan's domestic motorcycle sales is very poor. The sales growth of Southeast Asia will grow quickly, and these equipment can be transported to China. From the new plant, let them continue to play more heat."

Japan's domestic housing prices are not suitable for construction factories, if the government has no subsidies. Single Take the expense is an astronomical figure, how to coordinate the production line after the introduction of the black cloud model before. It turned out that this young man has long been considered, it is no wonder that the Black Cloud Group has developed so quickly. There is such a step, watching the helm people in three steps, can enterprises fail!

Bao Zixuan: "I mean this, the current land price of Japan and Xiangjiang is not suitable for building large plants. We are all engaged in manufacturing companies, if you can't prepare, you will be very sad."

"Although the local manufacturing industry is very important, so many companies in Japan; if you don't go out, you will be piled in Japan, and the last result is only a dead road."

Bao Zi Xuan said that let Suzuki feels the same. High housing prices brought by high land prices have a certain extent of domestic manufacturing development, not every product has a high profit.

Suzuki: "Bao Sang wants a lot of motorcycle plants in Suzuki investment."

Bao Zi Xuan is very big, and what is going to do it best. Suzuki can not afford to toss, but there is no coarseness of the black cloud group.

Bao Zixuan: "We can build three phases of the project. The first phase of the project withdraws the equipment with the Suzuki Japanese factory to Pudong factory."

I heard the initiative in my hand, the bell is finally a bit of a certain gas. Suzuki also has a production line of newly built black cloud models, and it is really not from the heart.

Suzuki: "At present, the capital conditions of Suzuki are not ideal, and the early stage should meet the construction of the black cloud authorized model production line. Other aspects may be delayed, so I hope that the bags will give a certain support."

As long as it is Suzuki who wants to go, this is also an advertising effect. Lie on a industrial company in Black Cloud Group, wants to make Pudong's economic expressway soaring very difficult.

Finally, the result is that the black cloud and Suzuki account for half of the shares; how much is the rosemount. After all, the second-hand production line, technical patent, etc. offset a large part of the funds.

Bedding house

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