The three choices of Suzuki trim have various advantages and disadvantages. If the model is licensed to Suzuki, it will add a stable source of income to Black Cloud. After all, the Japanese market itself is not high, and there is a possibility that the Black Cloud Motor Company is within the inside.

Authorization can not only get a license fee, not only a fixed dividend. The most important thing is that Black Cloud cars do not need to pay, as long as Suzuki cars can only sell in local sales, the fundamental impact does not sell the sales of black clouds.

The second solution can be a win-win, and the establishment of a joint venture factory can obtain voice; the profits may be higher. However, the product does not promote the risk of losses, after all, the black cloud car is also a large shareholder of the factory.

The third solution is relatively investigated, and the Suzuki Group has a 60-year history and the heritage is deep. At this point, it is only a good car, but other aspects must be not bad. In particular, motorcycles and speedboats can be ranked second in Japan.

The city value of Suzuki Group is about 2 billion US dollars, and 25% of the shares take $ 500 million. Even if Black Cloud cars can take some models, it is estimated that $ 3-4 billion in funds. Less not only is a Suzuki Group, it is universal car.

Before Bao Zixuan also did some investigations, GM's future development of Suzuki cars was not optimistic. The same year is also because there is no small displacement car under the general flag, which is completed by the completion of the whole car supplement.

However, after investing, it did not achieve the expected results. In addition to the days of gathering, it is not good, even with the lowest possible valley, it is not over.

At this time, the Japanese car company has formed a comprehensive impact on the US auto industry, and the entire US automotive industry is playing without a power.

The low-end car is not the opponent of Japanese car companies, and high-end cars are less than European car companies. Although generic is the largest car company in the United States, it also means that the operating cost is the highest. In addition to the strong rise of the black cloud car, General Motors are worse than the past life.

General Motors have long wanted to sell some non-core business returning funds, of which Suzuki cars are already listed. This is also the Suzuki Gun to promise Bunxuan, which can purchase Suzuki Car Shares from General Hands.

However, the Suzuki family did not have too much fund repurchase shares, and the introduction of strategic investment was imminent.

As long as you get the license of the Black Cloud, there are many funds and banks to provide loans to Suzuki. Then Suzuki family can raise funds to repurchase shares, everything can be solved.

From another perspective, persuading Bunzi Xuan to buy Suzuki Group Shares. It is equivalent to introducing a general-purpose car that year, it is an insurance to buy a family.

Baozi Xuan: "There is no problem with the three programs given by Suzuki President.

I personally tend to be the third. However, GM knows that it is black cloud to buy Suzuki shares, horror to open up. "

At this point in the US market, the market share of General Motors is very powerful in black clouds. If it is other foreign car brands, it can also be mandated through administrative means. But the black cloud car itself is the native brand of the United States, and there is no complete monopoly on the automotive industry.

The market share is much different from the general purpose of the peak period. Moreover, Black Cloud Auto is a large number of US employees and taxes, even if the business sector is not too much interference.

Is it necessary to negotiate the anti-monopoly lawsuit of Black Cloud, there is no such thing. Moreover, the previous business department has been investigated against other subsidiaries of Black Cloud, which has caused strong dissatisfaction in other departments. It is necessary to know that the Black Cloud Group is the most ruled company in the United States; after the business sector, the sales have fallen seriously. The tax department is of course not satisfied; other company growth has not had to pay too much without the black cloud group.

GM has a great opinion to the black cloud, but nowhere is now ventilated. Now he heard the black cloud car wants to acquire Suzuki Car Shares, of course, will not let go easily. You must know that Bunzi Xuan's acquisition of enterprises in the international market, always is a synonym with a silly money. Such a good opportunity, don't knock the first rich, you are sorry yourself.

Suzukin's heart thinks that the kid really wants the shares, although he is reluctant, but also knows that the introduction of the black cloud car is beneficial to the future. As for the shares held by General Motors, he has already thought about it.

Suzuki: "The 10% shares held by General Motors don't need to be worried, because you are buying a shares from the Suzuki family. The Suzuki family will return to the shares from the universal hand. Buy terms. "

Baozi Xuanxin thought that Suzuki is not a lawyer. This is, I have to count everything, wait for myself!

However, he is not angry, you must know that Suzuki is a top 500 enterprise. Now I have the opportunity to get a shares, how can I not suffer.

Baozi Xuan: "Sure Suzuki President is thinking about it, I am relieved in this sentence."

"I don't know how much you have valued by Suzuki Group, and at the same time, it is also a geometry for several best-selling models of the black cloud."

It is said that Bun Zixuan made a very cool business, I like to rush the theme, and now I seem to be inevitable.

In how the Suzuki Group is also a big company, the market value needs to be calculated. Now, I don't look at it, let myself quote. He is confident, or a silly money.

However, Suzuki has chosen the former. If you start working together, you will deliberately raise your worth, then trust will become very low.

Suzuki: "As of yesterday, the total market value of Suzuki Group is $ 2.2 billion. We will calculate the valuation of Suzuki in accordance with this market value, do not know if Baisang is satisfied."

A general company, as long as there is a business to buy. Basically, it is necessary to premium, Suzuki repair this newspaper very thick and reasonable.

Bao Zi Xuan: "This price, black cloud cars can receive, then it is bullying. Suzuki has a deep heritage, and more than 60 years of brand sedimentation. Suzuki president does not premium, the sincerity of cooperation I have completely feel."

In fact, Bunzu Xuan also knows that Suzuki Trims want to sell the shares after sell; there is no other choice. If you can't reach a cooperation intent with the Black Cloud Motor, then who will support the shares of Suzuki, and the money repurchase shares.

However, he can't take the risk of people. It is estimated that Suzuko is also seen, and it dares to brighten the card.

Suzuki: "As for the best-selling model of Black Cloud, each price is $ 10 million, the price is a low price. I know that after the black cloud car has become a big shareholder of Suzuki, it will bring some positive impact. Otherwise, I have not explained other shareholders. "

This is very real, Suzuki has not yet arrived at the mountains. Inadvertently to abandon the transformation, the sales of motorcycles and motorboats can also guarantee the profitability of the company. If the black cloud can't bring significant changes and practical benefits to Suzuki, there is no need to introduce the black cloud capital entry.

Bao Zixuan: "Suzuki President has said this, I don't have anything else, according to what you said."

"The Black Cloud Group will pay $ 550 million to acquire 25% shares of Suzuki Group; as for how much models, Suzuki can list the list. As long as it is a model of Black Cloud Auto, you can authorize Suzuki Auto production, premise is only Can be sold in Japan. "

Suzuko has not been over-demand, acquired 25% of the world's 500 companies in the world with $ 550 million; no matter how this sale is not lost. It is also necessary to order a nail in the Japanese car company, which has a big role in the future layout of the automotive industry.

Suzuko has prepared a lot of languages ​​to persuading Bunxuan, but it is found to be used. It seems that it is still a good cooperation with young people, and I will change my idea in the future.

Suzuki is a happy, and now it is difficult to get into the bag. It is not easy to accumulate some funds and take it out. It seems that the investment in Mongolia should slow down, or the fund is still subject to the article.

It promised $ 4 billion to invest in the Mongolia, but did not say when. Now I can only play a difference, who makes yourself impulsive!

Suzuki is ready to be prepared, and it will give a call to the United States, while taking the contract to Bunxuan. Seeing this situation, the fool knows what is going on. It turns out that this has long been designed, just waiting for him.

The head of the head is full of contract, and the Suzuki is still a quite specification that the lawyer is born. After I saw: "There is no problem, I am not very satisfied with the terms of the repurchase."

Suzuki Movie has long thought of, and also took out a contract with no repurchase terms.

Bao Zi Xuanxin thought, it turned out that all of this is in people's accounting, and it is really necessary to stay with this part of it.

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