Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 812 Blue Luminous 2 Pole 3

For a professor who is destined to obtain the Nobel Physical Award, Bao Zi Xuan is also a bit awkward. After all, he has seen the top card of the other party, and the other party is not just the top card, it is unclear. It can be said that the gambling is very unfair, but in order to get talents, it can only have this policy.

Angiquan is also thinking about Bunxuan's support, Nobel's physics award will not refuse, it is worthy of dreaming of life.

If there is no award, you can get a million dollars, no matter how it is very cost-effective. If this is not agree, it is not a face. Nagoya University is increasing treatment and cannot promise such a condition.

Angiquashe: "President has issued a condition that people can't reject, there is no reason to do not agree to join Yulin Institute of Technology."

This condition is open, it is someone who knows how to choose. With this professor, the blue light-emitting diode project can be officially launched.

Baozi Xuan reached out and said: "Welcome to the Yulin Institute of Technology, everything in Nagoya University will have a professional legal consultant. At the same time, you can list it, and the school will have a special person responsible for docking. "

It's so good to do this, you have to know that Bun Zi Xuan is the big boss. It is impossible to do what is done, and the explanation is so detailed to see the extent to himself.

Tianyehao does not need Bun Zixuan to personally go to horses, and the mentor of Angiquas, this mentor has agreed to join the Yulin Institute of Technology, and he did not have the right to refuse. Otherwise, you can only change the door, but there are many jobs to delay, and it is a waste of time.

In addition to the Life subsidy of the Yulin Institute of Technology, the reasons for rejection is found.

Until a few years, Angiquan's professor was really after the Nobel Prize, the bet is only exposed. Many people admire Bao Zi Xuan's far-sightedness, as if this man is pre-rolling the future.

Anti-Qi Yong is professing himself, although it is a pity that no $ 100 million. However, in the Yulin Institute of Technology, the Yulin Institute of Technology is already enough to offset this regret. And you can get the Nobel Prize, which makes his reputation and status to improve, and it is not a loss.

Since I have already given a professor of Angiquas, then the other will not let go.

Sino Village repaired two, May 22, 1954, was born in Ishi-cho, Eyuan County, Japan, graduated from the University of Decao, Japan; currently working in the Japanese Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

At present, I haven't got to study in the University of the University of Florida, and the second-year-old Middle Village is still a senior engineer.

It was originally not available to Bunxuan personally, but the other party was also the future Note winner. In addition to the bag, it is in Japan; it is not very good to invite it from person.

In order to get talents, Bao Zixuan came to Naha South City. This area has more than 200 square kilometers, and the population is less than 70,000 small towns.

In the future, the famous Japaneseian chemical headquarters is built here.

In 1956, the industrialist Xiaochuan Xinxionc found a Japaneseian chemical industry in Artan City, Demugao County. The initial production of cathode ray tubes, fluorescent lamps, etc. The company is based on "Japan" in Japan; "Asia", "Asia", the "Asia", and the United States, and the partner of Japan, with the partner of the four seas. "

However, the scale of the Japanese chemical industry is still not very large. It is mainly the company's most important product blue light-emitting diode has not been successfully developed. It can only be considered a traditional chemical enterprise.

This gives Bunzu Xuan very confident, and the second cars is not stupid, and it must know how to choose.

Back home on Friday night and received an invitation. When I learned that the Chairman Baozi Xuan, the Chairman of the Black Cloud Group invited him to take lunch, the whole person was covered.

Although the age is still a few years older than Bunxuan; but in the wealth, academic achievements, the visibility is not at all levels. Xiangjiang's richest will actually invite him, is it today is April Fool's Day. After repeated confirmation, I know this thing is true.

Some of Sino villages have not calm down, and the bag must be invited to have a purpose. The money is not missing, the most important him is not. It must be a favorite of the boss of the Black Cloud Group. Is his popularity have passed to Xiangjiang, and I don't know if I don't know.

However, if you get the favor of Bao Zixuan, it is a good thing. The wife also supports him in the past, the company's welfare treatment for employees, is absolutely nothing to say, the most important thing to work inside the black cloud, is very ordinary.

This is also the case where the shopping guide in Japan is, Zhao Tingting, the personnel department responsible for Zhao Ting Ting, has never been forbidden. Make those female employees in other sectors go there, so the families of the black cloud engineer team are very harmonious.

Sino-Village repaired two can be seen by Bao Zixuan, and his ability is certainly nothing. In addition, her husband itself is a genius, and his wife, of course, I hope to go to some companies that can't see beauty. This is not the distrust of the husband, mainly to prevent it.

The next morning, my wife began to dress up for her husband. After all, I went to see Xiangjiang Rich, the Chairman of the Black Cloud Group; if he was too casual, it was a serious rude, but also her wife's dereliction of duty.

Sino-Village repaired two even wedding the suit from the new, visible to the extent of the meeting.

In order to keep the secret, Bun Zixuan chooses to be in a very hidden cuisine banquet. This is also a kind of protection against the other party, but also don't want to save the country.

Until I saw the real person, the second day of the middle village was noticeed to be a Bao Zixuan invited him. After all, this thing is really incredible, and it is too dreamy.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Hello, Mr. Zhongcun. This time, the destination is to see you, before someone recommended you to you. Few people can get his so high evaluation, thinking about curiosity, think Come and see. "

In fact, there is no need to recommend it, just find one by the head. I can't say that you will be able to get the Nobel Prize in the future, before you dig you to join the Black Cloud Group. That is, people don't blame you as a fool, or you are neuropathy.

However, in the middle of the middle village, it is another one, but the black cloud group is so large, there is a universal department. However, it is actually investigated this small city in Aun, and this chemistry is not a very famous company. It can be seen that its intelligence ability is strong, no wonder the company will develop so fast.

Zhongcun repair two: "Thank you for your recognition, but also thanks to the recommendation. No matter how it is, you can see the package of the package is my honor."

In fact, who is recommended, the Second National Village has been very curious. But until you die, there is no answer, it is also a unaware of unclear regret.

Bao Zi Xuan: "We are all learning science and engineering, talking directly. And I like this person, I don't want to waste time in the time of R & D products."

"This trip is very simple, and the Black Cloud Group is preparing to enter the field of chemical industry. There is still a president, thinking that you are more appropriate. I am trying to invite you to join the Black Cloud Group, I will also see the clues."

Non-Village did not expect Bunzi Xuan so direct, but I thought about what identified. It has been visible to the face, but there is no time to waste.

It's the president of the black cloud chemical industry, this position is too shocking. Now he is just a senior engineer. It may have a distance from the general engineer, which will be upgraded so far, will lead to problems due to insufficient ability. It is very disadvantageous for the future work, and even affects careers.

Zhongcun Repair 2: "The positions given by the package may not be competent in the ability. In case, because of the ability to issue, I can't afford it."

Bao Zi Xuan did not expect this kid to be quite modest, but the black cloud chemical is more scorpion. Inviting him, mainly for blue light-emitting diodes. As for anything else, it is important to dig more than anything.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. Zhongcun is less than 30 years old. It is a yellow near the age. Black cloud chemical is currently only one employee, that is, everything depends on you."

"I give you $ 100 million start-up funds, $ 600,000 in basic annual salary. The personnel department and finance department will work with you, and the rest is your own ownership. It is equivalent to giving you a business, although this is not Accurate. In addition to being boss, other things are almost. "

"I don't worry, you still have something worried so much."

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