Baozi Xuan has opened a condition that China Village is unable to refuse, which has a fatal temptation for young people. Ability to experience the entrepreneurial process is the dream of each young man. Now just promise, you can immediately realize it. Not only is the company being responsible by yourself, but the annual salary is still more than ten times.

Zhongcun Repair 2: "Thank you for the appreciation of the boss, I will do my best to work, I will not let you down."

Bao Zixuan has been so straightforward, but he can't be sloppy, so it is. That way, it will be counterproductive, and finally, even if you join the Black Cloud Group, it will also produce some separation.

My wife is very supported by him in the past, if you don't agree. Then go home, it is not good, after all, from marriage until the wife is not very good.

It can be said that the purpose of this trip has been completed, and Bao Zixuan has not stopped. Prepare to return to the Headquarters of Tokyo, then fly directly to Xiangjiang, after all, this time is too long.

After Bao Zi Xuan returned to Tokyo, followed by a reporter finally leaked a satisfactory smile. Although it is very tired in recent days, it is worth it.

In 1876, Japanese Economic News Society was founded as "China and foreign prices". In this past more than 100 years, Japanese economic news attracted a large number of readers at home and abroad, and has been paying attention to the political, economic, academia and research departments, especially as high-level The need to read the newspapers and magazines, and it is increasingly played an important reference role.

Japan's Economic News Society has a professional knowledge and well-trained reporter team, which covers political, economic, scientific, education, culture, sports, diplomacy, military, especially in macro and micro-economy, and high technology. For the long aspects of financial securities, commodity circulation.

Sakamoto is an internship reporter who has just graduated from the university. It has not been very valued in Japan's economic news agency. I haven't reported anything about what is existed before it has been reported. It is more difference in this intern.

There is a spirit of uncomfortable, and I want to report a major news. It's not to be famous, but more want to prove yourself in your father.

She has an idea after seeing Bunzi Xuan after seeing Bun Zixuan. If you can interview this Xiangjiang richest, you will definitely make everyone a look.

With this purpose, Sakamoto started to track Bunxuan. This is also the superior family, you must know that Bunzi Xuan's stay is the highest-ended existence. Ordinary small reporters can support economic strength. It is good to have a lot of Japan, and there is no plane, or it must be can't keep up.

With deep understanding and tracking reports,

Sakamoto has some admirings of this super rich with their own grades.

These days seem to be like a toolman, never seeing Bunxuan stopped working. It's really a sentence, others are smart than you, wealthier than you; then work harder than you. This is really not allowed to stay in another person. Most young people are can't slam.

Sakamoto is reported in detail in Japan in Japan with the title of "a effort", so that no one will be successful for the first time.

Japan's economic news community has used a lot of relationships, and it has summed up the journey of Bunxuan over Japan. Plus Sakamoto's tracking unannounced visits, it finally had a basic master. Report the resume of Bunxuan with a layout, as well as in Japan. In fact, the purpose of doing this is not to report Bao Zi Xuan, mainly the people who meet the riches of these quarters, all of which are very news value.

Bunzi Xuan, male, 25 years old, Xiangjiang people; graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chairman of Xiangjiang Black Cloud Group is known as the richest river.

As a well-known super rich world, it is also an important partner of the Panasonic Corporation. I heard that the year is still a lot of money, and will come over and participate in the wedding of Miss Panasonic. After all, Japan's two major giants marriage, but invited a lot of international government and business names.

Bao Zixuan arrived in Japan on 12 September 1983, and then went directly to the Japanese headquarters of the Black Cloud Group. A speech was published in the office and also issued a bonus to every employee working in Japan.

The next day was invited by Sony Shengtian, during the period, the two were lunch with the Yusi Sushi store, and then I talked for a while in the Ginza Black Cloud Store. Although the specific content is unknown, two big communications have been communicated so long. It is definitely an important thing to negotiate, and it is impact that there is any important cooperation.

On September 14, Bao Zixuan came over to participate in the wedding, and the wedding scene Tamada Zhaof introduced many business people. This makes it a lot of business elites, and it is more talking about it.

On the evening of the wedding, I saw the Socialist Houseman of Niki Food Co., Ltd. in a cafe near the Sanjing Manor. The two have reached a cooperation intention, and the Black Cloud Group and the Niki Food will invest in a convenient facial plant in Shanghai Pudong New Area.

Under normal circumstances, there is no two or three months, and the project is difficult to talk. The head of the bag is only used in one night. I don't know if it is much money, or the work efficiency is it better than others.

However, in the comment, it also pointed out that the living conditions of Huaxia mainland are very difficult. There are some worries to Japan's investment in China.

Another faction is a completely different ideas, thinks that the economic development of Huaxia is rapid. Niki Food has made a very cost-effective trading, and future income will not be estimated.

However, whether it is the kind of comment, it is not that the investment makes the failure, the impact on the black cloud group and the sundial food is not great. Investment is the big head of the Black Cloud Group, and the factory is also built in the Buildings of the Black Cloud Group. Niqing food is more use of formula and patent stock, even if it fails.

And this investment is nothing more about the black cloud group and Bunzi Xuan, which is rough, and Bunxuan, so everyone does not have to worry too much.

On September 15, Baozi Xuan came to the office of Mitsubishi Headquarters. This is the third meeting of the two, the first time is at the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition. At that time, it was introduced by Tambi Zhav, Mitsubishi Group's technical patents in the black cloud industrial computer by patent interchange and property.

The second time is a wedding scene on the day before, there are not many opportunities for the two people.

Before Bao Zi Xuan came over Japan, he greeted him with Yokosaki, or not, it could not visit the other office next day.

In fact, the reporter thought that it was very normal. After all, Dr. Viosaki is not in Japan who wants to see people. Even the prime minister, it is estimated that he will say hello in advance.

In the conversation of the same Bao Xuan, Mitsubishi received some parts of the black cloud 919 passenger plane. At the same time, Black Cloud Group has a unique closure of Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Technology, before the way of patent interchange, the right to use Mitsubishi ship type technology and patent use rights. The two sides may cooperate more in depth, both parties will also mutual engineers and senior technicians to the other party, which is also a usual way to make a long-term supply between large companies.

The Japanese media will never doubt to Mitsubishi's shipbuilding capabilities. I only hope that Don't let the black cloud group take advantage of it.

And also reported that both sides seem to have reached other major project cooperation, but currently in the confidential phase, outsiders are unknown.

With the size and strength of the two groups, two head people personally negotiate. The project will definitely not be small, and then let everyone wait and see.

Although the Japanese Economic News Agency is a well-known domestic media, you can also know that you can't sin. Mitsubishi is one of them. If you dare to disclose Mitsubishi's confidentiality, Mitsubishi is delayed. They can bear the anger of Mitsubishi, and if they are serious, they will bring the newspaper to the newspaper.

Therefore, it is reported that Mitsubishi is a large company, it can only point. The freedom of press is relatively, more time is a dish of the dish.

This Black Cloud Group still can't do it. After all, Xiangjiang belongs to the British jurisdiction. I have been advertising the freedom of the news, and it is reported that the Black Cloud Group and the black material of his own man have a British background. If you want to suppress, you can only pass the economic means, the administrative pressure is almost no.

Mitsubishi does not have these problems, and the newspaper is dare to report not only economic losses. Other aspects don't use Mitsubishi to shoot, the government will definitely be the head of Mitsubishi. This is the decision of the company's strategic status in China, no one is envious.

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