Shen Wei said that it is reasonable to mortgage and it is reasonable. After all, HSBC is not open by him. Even if you are a person, you must also work according to the rules and regulations. For this Lee Superman understands that companies should operate so in line with the process, and they don't have to feel that they owe each other.

Li Chao said with a smile: "Shen Batan said that I still hold 6% of the shares in Hualuang Bank; I don't know if I can use it."

I heard the shares of Huangpu Okay, and I would understand what Li Chao people mean. Not long before the Huang Whao, will not be divided into the next three years. The stock price has always been very stable, after all, the circulation stocks on the market are not a lot. Black cloud employee holds a high shareholding share, high to others, it is difficult to buy a stock.

Until the Japanese media reported that Bao Zi Xuan's professionalism, he made a new round of a new round of Hutchison Shares. Moreover, it is now seen that Xiangjiang shareholders are very optimistic about Huang Whao, and the stock price will still have a certain increase in a short time.

At this time, Li Chao took the shares of Huangpu Ocean line, which is a good coming to HSBC. The last time I sold the shares to the shark, Bun Zixuan failed to have comments on him. Then HSBC is his relying on his own business, in fact, it is not just in Xiangjiang, the whole world is the same. As long as you want to make your business, there is no bank support, it is not realistic. Especially real estate companies, you can say that you don't rely on the bank's existence.

Xiangjiang's largest bank is a limited economic strength of HSBC and Black Cloud, and other banks. Because of the previous things, Li Chao has died of black clouds. Baozi Xuan is impossible to give him a large-scale loan. HSBC is his only choice.

There are many companies in Li Chao people to be mortgage, why choose to remember Huangpu. Just want to indicate the attitude, tell yourself with this. He is a businessman, as long as it is enough, it will not care other.

In fact, Shen Wei did not think that Li Chao will lack money, and he seems to the crowd of Black Cloud Bank for some time. The biggest beneficiary of Xiangjiang is Li Chao, but his income is really in place.

If you know that Li Chao wants to invest in the Japanese real estate market, it is estimated that I don't know what to do.

I didn't hesitate to say: "Hutchison Huangpu is a hundred years of enterprises, and the stock price has risen quickly in the last period of time. As long as it is Li Sanghe, HSBC has no problem. I don't know how much Li Sheng wants to mortgage, how much."

I know that Shen Yizhen will definitely agree that it is not hesitant to ask if he is sitting in his position. Everyone knows that Huangpu has become a company in Baozi Xuan, except for Bunzi Xuan and Black Cloud employees, the circulation stocks are very small.

Mortgage to HSBC's shares, although it is not HSBC. However, in a critical moment, it is still possible to play a certain restriction, which is equivalent to Li Chao people to vote for HSBC, but Li Chao people will pay the right to HSBC. Although people do not interfere with normal business operations,

You can say hello to you before doing decisions and vote.

Li Chao: "At present, I hold 6% of the shares in Huangpu Ocean, and the loan is 2 billion Hong Kong dollars."

This valuation is reasonable, equivalent to the share price of 30% off, in line with the bank's operational process.

Shen Wei: "Of course, there is no problem, if Li Sheng feels enough, HSBC can loose some give you some loans. Who let us be a friend, and you are also taking care of HSBC business."

Li Chao people did not dare to play too much, and they can use 2 billion Hong Kong coins, which is enough for him to buy a lot of property in Japan. Investment can't be too excited, or if there is a natural disaster manus, it is no longer connected.

In this way, Li Chao used the 6% shares of Huangpu Company, from HSBC bank loans from HSBC. It is equivalent to a betrayal, but it is not accurate. After all, he and Bao Zixuan did not affiliated to affiliated relationship. Li Chao was not under the head of the head, and did not have any of the feelings.

In fact, he prompted him to do this, mainly because of the report of the Japanese Economic News Agency. I don't know if the bag is rich and knows, and it is estimated that it is also a helpless.

Huaxia Kyoto can also see the report of the Japanese Economic News, is not an empty talk to internationally. After the bolden bodies came over from Huaxia Jingdu, he did not leave.

It was very gratified after seeing the report, said to the granddaughter Wu Guangzheng: "A Zheng, Japanese media about Bao Zi Xuan report, have you seen it!"

Although I know that the old man is more concerned about Bunxuan's trend, but I didn't expect that there was also a concern that Japanese media reported. It seems that many of the grandfather don't understand, maybe it is not enough.

Wu Guangzheng: "I have seen it. I didn't expect Bao Zi Xuan to Japan a few days to know so many commercial tycons. It seems that the strength of the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan will invest more than 20 billion US dollars in Japan. Little wind did not miss it. "

At this time, the grandchildren are thinking that the wealth of Baozi Xuan may be much more than the imagination. However, this little child is relatively low, wealth has grown too fast, and he doesn't feel it.

The father of the package: "Wealth is only on the one hand, you have a bad relationship with Bao Xuan. Do you still can't see anything in combination with Japanese reports!"

The father said this, Wu Guangzheng felt. Dedication, Baozi Xuan's dedication is far from being.

In fact, so many days, Wu Guangzheng in Kyoto also has seen some people. But there is no like Box Xuan, and every day, the work arrangement is very full. In Huaxia Kyoto seems to just come over to prepare Ningcheng University, other things are not big.

In combination with Bunxuan in Japan, it can be said that it is highly judged.

Wu Guangzheng: "I know is wrong, grandpa will never have a similar thing in the future, will save the work, accumulate people."

Hearing here, the father is gratified. At present, there are only four ambition of the package, and only he is a good talent. The other three are foreigners, and the father can't accept it.

Family of Bao: "Bunzu Xuan wants to be a few times more than you young, wealth is even more than one of the entire package. But what do you see what he does or conscientious, do not dare to slack off."

"His people have seen people in the past, even if they are in the world, they are well-known characters. It can be rated as four major management holy, it is not simple. With such people, I can learn some business, I can learn some business. And manage the business. "

"The embankment will take a buddy, and it is still two brothers. It can say that there is no ability to say that his two brothers are also cultivated from small priorities."

"Viosaki family, Toyota family naturally does not have to say, the same family cooperate, it is difficult to make money."

"This is also one of the reasons why I oppose the harm of the same buns, this young man has been full of wings in Xiangjiang. In the world, it is impossible to huge in the world.

"Maybe it's not paying attention to it, it takes a moment. Waiting for people to come, can you revenue you!"

"Why did the Black Cloud Group recruited so many veterans as security guards, they are all prepared for preventing it. In fact, Bunzu Xuan is ready, but maybe people think that the time is still not yet."

"Go back to Xiangjiang or try to alleviate the relationship. It is really not to find Huo Yingdong and Dong Hao Yun. In short, it can't easily get the battle. The last result must be a heavy loss."

Wu Guangzheng is also trying to know the meaning of his father, but a lot of things have been done. If you don't stop fighting, you will not stop, Bun Zixuan can not talk so much.

Huo Yingdong's face is not small, but it is impossible to protect the house for a lifetime.

The father seems to see Wu Guangzheng's idea, laughing and saying: "I may have a little more, after returning to Xiangjiang. Invitation Bunxuan to see the side, I think this face will still give it."

Although I don't know what the old man mean, but can say this, it must be the bottom of my heart. At present, there is no good way to die, you can only die.

Master Bao said: "How is the procedure of Ningcheng University, we have to speed up the speed. Recently I feel that the body is not very good, if there is no result, it may wait until the university is found."

Although the body of the old man is not good, it can be supported. This is just that it is not satisfied with his work efficiency, although it is caused by a variety of reasons, you can do not carefully do it. It seems to pay attention to efficiency, otherwise it will be reduced in the future.

Wu Guangzheng: "There are still two departments without coordination, but up to two days, you can finish all procedures."

The father didn't say anything, and I returned to the room. Wu Guangzheng knows that this is dissatisfied with his work. Tomorrow is still hard, I have finished doing things soon, try to do my grandfather satisfaction.

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