Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 819 reports after three

The Japanese media reports about Bao Zi Xuan, not only to see the talents who have paid attention. Others have also seen it, after all, this is the most detailed report in recent years, and there is no one.

The shark is one of them. Since I have seen the report, my heart is not a taste. The dedication of Baozi Xuan is really or false, so many days have never been wrong. It is known that these people can be the most elite group in Japan, even if he does not necessarily have this face.

That is to say, he wants to see people, you must make an appointment in advance, may not give the face. At present, the number of Zheng family is the most passive in Xiangjiang. Everyone is waiting to see jokes!

Although let the media report Bunxuan invest in Shanghai will fail to fail, it is not what he is, but who will believe. At the end, it will be on Zhengjiatou, and the Chinese mainland will have great opinions on Zheng's family. In the case of the old two, the past is a good impression, you can have a good impression.

Baozi Xuan returned to Xiangjiang's most important thing to do, definitely returned to Zheng family, or no one would put him in the eyes. In fact, it has already begun, and it can be seen from Zhou Dafu's sales. In order to be able to work with peace of mind, Black Cloud Group has no intersection. Before the relationship between men and women, the relationship is also beginning to alienate, and even many have been broken up.

Otherwise, it is a woman who is separated, no one dares to be a wife who is looking for Zhou Dafu Jewelry. Last company was expelled from so many people, but it played a lot of deterrent.

The marriage is free, but it can't be delayed because of marriage. The big husband has a wife, just say herself in the Black Cloud Group. I will find the door to go to the door, and there are still few relatives.

These are not the problem that Zheng Yu with a headache, is still a good thing. Any product has a rolling cycle, and sales is not very normal.

Now let him feel that there is no hope that the children in the family, the boss is still unchanged, and the star is dating, Hong Kong sister. The second is that the mud is not in the wall, and the education is still better. However, it is a master that I don't want to do, and I have been launched in the past few times. Almost every day is getting drunk, and I am not daring to report any hope.

Although the daughter is still obedient, there is no difference between these messy things. It can also be very tasteful, his words can't hear.

If you close your eyes, it is estimated that you don't have to find your door. Several children can lose their families, although some alarmists are listening, but they don't make sense.

On the side, it is the opponent of the army and the strength of the strength; one side is the young master, lady who has lived on the drunken blizzast; can be said to be strong and weak, and the highest is judged.

The sharpener knows that a family meeting must be held and at least prepare at least in advance. When it is impossible to wait for Bao Xuan to revenge, there is no place.

Zheng Diren is still a matter of reason, what is the person of his husband?

She is clear than anyone. Because in her memory, I have never seen Zheng Yu with so urgent and urgent.

At this point, the children are already in the living room, only their couple are in the study. Zheng said: "The master, what is so anxious, but before, I have never seen you so lost today."

The husband and wife are still a more understanding, Zheng Affiliated and sharks have been married for more than 30 years. I have never seen my husband is like today, it seems that Zheng Jia wants to face life and death.

The shark is mainly from the lady, although there is a big relationship with your own ability. But sometimes you still have to listen to the opinions of the lady, although I don't want to admit it, I can't do anything.

Zheng Yusong: "For a while, we should know what exactly Bunxuan. In order to save the Black Cloud Bank, Bunzi Xuan even uses the land-only aircraft from foreign transportation funds back to Xiangjiang."

"If the fund is so easy, unless you pay the huge price; the kid doesn't want to hate us Zheng Jiazi."

"About him in Japan should do something to understand, our son is his opponent. Bao Zi Xuan is in Japan for half a month, what people see; even I personally passed, people don't necessarily Sell ​​your face. "

"Not anyone can get the invitation of the Japanese Prime Minister, the current family can't do it. In a country, it has invested 20 billion US dollars; before Zheng Jia has never thought, but people have done."

"Now I seem to have a laughter and the king of the boat, when we are still fighting for one acre of the Xiangjiang. People have already opened the situation abroad, and they have not cared at the Xiangjiang."

Zheng Feng, of course, knowing her husband, because her sales data on Zhou Dafu is a clear.

When she was aimed at Bunxuan, she said different opinions. No matter what you lose, Zheng Jia will not get benefits, it is true that it is true.

Zheng Feng: "The master is worried about the retaliation of Bunxuan, and our children can't resist."

In fact, it is not necessary to say, this is a thing that is clear. If the head is rich, it is estimated that the strength of Zheng's family is really beaten.

Zheng Yu: "You also saw it, Bunzu is doing every day, what is our children do every day."

"Once the family is handed over to them, it can be the opponent of Bao Zixuan. It is estimated that all people know how to choose, even if I don't necessarily have a whole body in the kid."

There is no good solution to the two sides, but the family is still going to continue.

The couple came to the living room, Zheng Yu said to the children: "What are you doing, everyone knows. Everyone knows. Now I am not good, but now the family faces what crisis, you are clear. I don't want to be What to say, because the opponent is already preparing. "

Zheng Ergongzi was last called back by his old man, and it was indeed a long time. After a bitter day, it was also released in recent days.

I heard the old man today, this is not to let myself live a good day.

Zheng Erchong: "Dad, there is a problem with your big brother, now I still enjoy life, this is more important than anything."

I heard it, Zheng Yu almost didn't have a breath. Although I knew that the old two didn't live, I didn't expect to be this. Does Zheng's family really hope that there is no hope, he is really unwilling.

Zheng Yurong said very atmosphere: "What do you do before? I don't want to manage. Now, I hope you can figure it out. Zheng's family is not better than before, and the enemy can find it to the door. You still have to fight for yourself. I don't want to say more, find some of the same age people, you will grow some. "

Zheng Yurong is also speechless, relying on children with the same boy, and there is no dream. Now I can only go to my two couples, it is possible to persist, I can only see God.

Bao Zixuan did not know that he reported that Zheng Jia Chickens flew up. If you know, you must do something like this. Because it also predicts that Zheng's family is prepared, it does not meet the effects.

Revenge Zheng Jiahe Zheng Yu, this point will never change. It is impossible to make people can't stand it, not just Bao Zixuan, the following people can't stand it. But now is not very mature, and the bag is still waiting.

Reporting is not smooth, can see, as people who are most concerned about Bunxuan in the world. Li Yulin will certainly pay attention to the information of the son, there is a Japanese media report, of course, can not be missed.

It is said that the son is the best person in the world, which makes her very pleased. Bao Zi Xuan's professionalism, as a mother, will definitely be proud. But sometimes your son is too dry, it is not all good things, such as now.

So many days have never been ejected alone, it may be a high stroke. However, in the eyes of the mother, it is a huge irony.

Li Yulin's traditional concept is very heavy, and it is used to make so much money. Now there is no girlfriend around you, I feel that Zhang Tiran can be, now I still have to add a fire. Otherwise, this thing is difficult, at least the son will not take the initiative to move forward.

Maybe this is the difference between birth and giving women. At this time, Li Yulin is worried than anyone. And the more reported that Bun Zi Xuan earned how much money, the more worrying. The more assets are, the more dangerous, especially without future people.

This time, you can't listen to your son, wait until Xiangjiang must do things. If you don't get married, you must not let him leave, this is Li Yulin's true idea.

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